And Jesus Said Unto Paul of Ryan ...


Well-known member
not generally, but i'm reading a bio of Rousseau at the moment
Your line of thinking makes sense for an anarchist. No one should be forced to do anything they don't agree with. No government - no one can be forced against their will, at least idealistically speaking.

So that doesn't work in a democracy. The will of the people, which is the majority, make decisions that some will not like but must follow or be penalized. The best for the most served is the idea. In the US the minority can and will be heard (1st amendment) so that is an advantage. And if they can make a convincing argument it might persuade the majority which is what we see all the time.

All the current "ugliness" is democracy at work. As long as we stick with our principles as found in the Constitution we will come out better. If our balance of power and media are beat into submission, then our grand 1776 journey may be ending and we will be like most other countries.

ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
and a government should be rooted in just decisions and just treatment of its citizens, regardless of whether they choose to be greedy


Well-known member
and a government should be rooted in just decisions and just treatment of its citizens, regardless of whether they choose to be greedy
Agreed, but unbridled greed must be checked. Today money in politics is distorting the picture. If someone is being greedy and kicking widows out of their home without regard is a place where citizens are not being justly treated. I know its a moral dilemma to want the greedy to get every penny they can and alternatively to have compassion for the needy, but in general I think Americans are more compassionate than greedy. They certainly exhibit it in many ways including wanting their taxes to help those in need. They do know But For The Grace Of God go they. Even heathen Samaritans know this.


New member
and a government should be rooted in just decisions and just treatment of its citizens, regardless of whether they choose to be greedy
Forcing healthcare down American throats was never about compassion. It was about control.

The middle class was suffering greatly and it will eventually die on its own merit, if not replaced.

Because of the failure of Obamacare.
The Lord's people knowing that charity never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:8 KJV
Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

Now whether any other bill they put in place will help, we can only look forward in prayer.

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Well-known member
Forcing healthcare down American throats was never about compassion. It was about control.

The middle class was suffering greatly and it will eventually die on its own merit, if not replaced.

Because of the failure of Obamacare.
The Lord's people knowing that charity never fails.

1 Corinthians 13:8 KJV
Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.

Now whether any other bill they put in place will help, we can only look forward in prayer.

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And funny how Obamacare has become far more popular. The lies about it are being unveiled.


New member
And funny how Obamacare has become far more popular. The lies about it are being unveiled.
Lies? I know what Obamacare put my family through, and that was no lie.
Believe whatever you wish, but the failure of it has proven there was no charity involved.

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Well-known member
I don't have to prove myself to you. Besides the story is so long.
You have already called the issues lies. Believe whatever you wish.

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I wasn't asking you to prove yourself. I was asking you what happened. Sorry, but now I doubt you.

I have heard real cases where Obamacare has helped people. Nothing is perfect. This is the world we live in. The best government can do is help as many people as possible and look to improve where it is failing. The current mind set is throw out the baby with the bath water and not realistically look at what is happening. A lot more people get hurt because of this mind set.


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New member
I wasn't asking you to prove yourself. I was asking you what happened. Sorry, but now I doubt you.

I have heard real cases where Obamacare has helped people. Nothing is perfect. This is the world we live in. The best government can do is help as many people as possible and look to improve where it is failing. The current mind set is throw out the baby with the bath water and not realistically look at what is happening. A lot more people get hurt because of this mind set.
You said the stories were lies. You doubted before a word was uttered.

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New member
A lot more people get hurt because of this mind set.

The mindset doesn't hurt anyone. The temporary hurt is caused by shutting off all assistance before the good system is fully in place. The good system is a strong family and strong work ethic and strong sense of community....not government but local. In the end , an over reliance on government along with a dismantling of family and western values hurts way more people in a long lasting and irretrievably damaging way.

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New member
(Quote -Can you name a single time you really helped someone where you can claim the government would have done a better job?)

Yes, when I cared for my aging aunt with cancer and dementia. It was when I realized how programs rip off. Hospice would come by about twice a week. Take her blood pressure and talk a while. Give out a little advice and help with a sponge bath.

I would see the summaries they sent to the insurance. Some weeks 1300-1400 dollars. That was back 14 years ago.

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New member
(Quote -Can you name a single time you really helped someone where you can claim the government would have done a better job?)

Yes, when I cared for my aging aunt with cancer and dementia. It was when I realized how programs rip off. Hospice would come by about twice a week. Take her blood pressure and talk a while. Give out a little advice and help with a sponge bath.

I would see the summaries they sent to the insurance. Some weeks 1300-1400 dollars. That was back 14 years ago.

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What would the government have done differently?

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New member
Sorry got that backwards.. probably nothing but maybe be a bit more distanced. They wouldn't be in a situation where it was 24/7. The dementia about drove me crazy..The cancer wasn't so bad.

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Arthur Brain

Well-known member
How much money is spent on programs for the poor? How much of that money goes to bureaucrats? How much of that money goes to social service workers?

Who knows? It'll be a substantial amount but then what would you expect. Not sure what you mean by 'social service workers' exactly.

How many of those people receiving government monies as their only means of subsistence have moved on and become productive citizens and are no longer living below the poverty line?


Can you think of ways family could have moved them out of poverty?

If that person has a family, or at least one that cares. Short of employing them in a family business or bailing them out with funds (if they have them) then what exactly would you suggest?

Can you imagine that if they were lifelong active members of a church, that same church would help them move out of poverty?

How? Work doesn't magically become available because you're part of a church and while charity may be available to those that are it would only go so far if that's all the aid that was available.


New member
Who knows? It'll be a substantial amount but then what would you expect. Not sure what you mean by 'social service workers' exactly.


It's a very substantial amount because government is an inefficient way of improving people's lot in life. It's a huge waste of money when compared to how little it really takes to improve ones lot in life.

The social worker is the one who visits the household to determine if all rules are being followed and to throw men out of the house and fine them.

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