Individuals can help people much better than the government can. Government programs for the poor help bureaucrats and social service workers more than they help the poor.
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Must be why even charity organizations are ever in need of some sort a government overseer.
Must be why government had to step begin with.
Your lolipop world would still have all those thousands of child sweatshops that once populated our nation - but for a government FORCED by the FEW to HAVE TO force those lining Politician's pockets into the fact that enough was enough...
Again, you prove yourself beyond inept in your understanding of the basic "heart" of far too many.
Run a business servicing other businesses - a good 80-85% or more are for ever pulling all sorts of nonsense against both their just as many slimy vendors, as well as against their unsuspecting clients.
And just as in "Religious" bigotry - in all its' corrupt forms - God help the "trouble making" whistle blower the Government is often then has to be FORCED to step in to protect.
Because, in your lolipop world, people are ever o so concerned for their fellow man.
Ask Hitler's millions of slaughtered victims about the kind hearts of the many, under your Populist self-delusion.
Wake up already, bro - the far spent.