No, but it's as clever a justification for criticizing public charity as I've seen.
The men who posed the question to Christ were attempting to either trap him into a charge of fomenting rebellion by suggesting people shouldn't pay the tax due to Roman authority, or to turn the people against him by lending his authority to Rome in directing that they pay it (Rome not being particularly popular). Jesus avoided the trap by saying we owe Caesar back his coin and God back what is God's, which isn't a different division of money, but our souls and selves. Christ wasn't really commenting on where and how you spend your money at all.
A thought, T H...
Actually, that whole thing regarding what was Caesar's and what was God's was a Dispensational issue back then - it has nothing to do with North America some two thousand years later.
Dispensationalism being the issue of economies, or administrations; and their administrations, or stewardships, who such concerns, as to what, under what, when, until when, and so on.
Luke 12:42 And the Lord said, Who then is that faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season?
Back then, Israel was under a course or series of punishments from God, for her continued disobedience of Him under Moses, see Daniel's prayer, in Daniel 9, and it was that astounding, vast Roman Empire's turn at bat, for Israel to have to live under, as a foreign power able to dictate their lives on Rome's terms.
Eventually, God ALLOWED Jerusalem's destruction in by Rome in 70AD, when Israel's continued rebellion against God culminated in their rebellion against Rome.
They were supposed to take their courses of punishment per their Covenants with Him at like it; until He said otherwise, again, see Daniel 9.
How long is Israel under said course of punishment?
"Until seventy times seventy" - Matt. 18:22.
Or 490 years, Dan. 9:24.
Which, according to the Apostle Paul; was...temporarily interrupted, Rom. 11:25-29.
That "render to Ceasar" principle has nothing to do with the U.S.