Sounds very familiar.there's rather a lackluster shroud where it comes to the current crank in office.
Sounds very familiar.there's rather a lackluster shroud where it comes to the current crank in office.
So... somehow it's my fault now? Priceless....
Liberals are infected with selective memory.
And look how you turned out.
What, to let me grope them? Not my thing regardless Tam but very telling that this is what you're reduced to.
Good job!What, to let me grope them? Not my thing regardless Tam but very telling that this is what you're reduced to.
Nobody but you is talking about the bunk you come up with cartoon boy.
Trump "deplorables" should be asking themselves as to why instead of acting "presidential" by uplifting and unifying a divided nation, he is deliberately doing everything in his power to further divide us!
Why aren't we discussing the relative merits of healthcare, tax reform and infrastructure - despite having GOP majorities in the House and the Senate, this President continues to alienate the very members in his own Party that he needs to provide him with a "WIN," while "burning all his bridges" with the Democrats that could provide him with bipartisan support!
The world leaders that "The Donald" most closely identifies with are not our NATO allies or from other liberal democracies - its Vladimir Putin and , both ruthless authoritarian dictators!
haha!More ladylike. each:
Of course we believe everything you say, Artie. You're always so honest and straight forward.
Cartoon boy wants to talk about acting presidential.
Trump "deplorables" should be asking themselves as to why instead of acting "presidential" by uplifting and unifying a divided nation, he is deliberately doing everything in his power to further divide us!
Why aren't we discussing the relative merits of healthcare, tax reform and infrastructure - despite having GOP majorities in the House and the Senate, this President continues to alienate the very members in his own Party that he needs to provide him with a "WIN," while "burning all his bridges" with the Democrats that could provide him with bipartisan support!
The world leaders that "The Donald" most closely identifies with are not our NATO allies or even from other liberal democracies - its Vladimir Putin and , both ruthless authoritarian dictators!
Oh, maybe I'd be better if I used some sleazy innuendo and lies about folk instead then? After your concessions about the horrible things you'd been through I'd have thought you'd have had more about you than this crap Tam. I was nothing but supportive where it came to the vile crap spewed by SOD and the like in regards to that but you just have it.
Oh, maybe I'd be better if I used some sleazy innuendo and lies about folk instead then? After your concessions about the horrible things you'd been through I'd have thought you'd have had more about you than this crap Tam. I was nothing but supportive where it came to the vile crap spewed by SOD and the like in regards to that but you just have it.
Cool.I prefer calling a spade a spade
What do you call a vagina?
Thanks, try to be. That's why I call far right cranks on their extremism where it comes to executing homosexuals or sending nukes into the Middle East etc. I prefer calling a spade a spade as oppose to a snowflake...
Now that's a classy Christian woman for you...
What do you call a vagina?
Good job!
Just not quite good enough for me to fall for.
Oh, I could never match your efforts here tonight. You've outdone yourself.
Nah.Oh, maybe I'd be better if I used some sleazy innuendo