Some strange logic I see in your post. Your first sentence portrays me as saying God didn’t author the Bible, and then your closing sentence reopens the door and asks if I believe God was involved in the authorship of the Bible. Ya really ought to avoid declaring what my beliefs are, and then asking me what my beliefs are.You could have simply said, "No, I don't think God authored the Bible." and saved yourself a lot of time.
You have to understand that your post here, in the mind of most Christians, disqualifies you in any discussion that pertains to Christianity or the Christian worldview except as an outsider, an unbeliever, an effective atheist.
If God is not competent enough to maintain the integrity of the message of a book then why would anyone trust Him with their eternal soul?
And, while there are some who foolishly believe that the King James Bible is THE preserved word of God, I can assure you that Right Divider isn't one of them and so you sort of answered a question that wasn't asked. No one but a scant few believe that an English translation of the bible is perfect nor do they believe that it is necessary for it to be perfect.
So, I would ask you this...
Do you believe God had ANYTHING to do with the authorship of the bible and if so, to what extent?
And your first sentence is a pretty good example of a strawman argument, in which you misrepresent what my position is, probably because the extreme position of total disbelief in the Bible is much easier to attack than the very modest shortcomings I have focused on.
I challenge you to show anywhere I have declared the Bible to be purely man-made (aka “a fable”). I am aware that one of the prime governing rules at TOL is that calling the Bible as being devoid of divine content is grounds for being banned from this site.
My focus that I have assiduously tried to maintain is on just the first few sentences of Gen 1 (which is supposedly the chapter this thread was supposed to be looking at). Almost every book I have read I started on page 1, and read page after page to the end. But as this thread shows, doing that in the Bible has demonstrated that there are (sometimes acrimonious) differences even within the Christian community as to what is the meaning of just the first 90 words of the Bible.
I am most appreciative of you being willing to acknowledge that the English KJV is not a perfect representation of ideas contained in the original Biblical manuscripts.
You do have one other very salient point in your post. You reference people trusting God with their soul. In my case, after my death, if I am brought to the judgement bar, I will do so with unwavering conviction within myself that I have been true and faithful to what I believe is true. If God damns me to Hell for my beliefs, then so be it. For me to accept ideas, usually from hard-core Christians, that violate either my own spiritual convictions, or that run contrary to the laws of science that I have successfully depended on for years, would force me to become a filthy liar to myself. I will not stand before God and lie to him by pretending to beliefs that I do not honestly hold.