No, the anti-abortion argument being used here is not an "argument from ignorance"...You cannot "do this" because there is no difference save "location". The only justification for such thinking (that there is a difference on opposite ends of the birth canal) are all pretty much centered on appeals to tradition.
Well, that would appear to be a very 'blinkered' argument, it seems to me, since there is a great deal of difference between a fertilized human embryonic cell and an actual human person. (see my pervious post)
The fact is that humans are in a state of constant development from the point of conception until death. More than just physical development takes place in the womb, as well as beyond.
Yes, and physical developments continue to take place after we are dead and placed in our graves. Yet, at some point we need to define a perceptual (and legal) beginning and ending of our lives. And since we are not omniscient, we have to do that according to our best reckoning. And it is that reckoning that is at issue, here.
To this date the only person who has ever made me give pause to my view that abortions are monstrous mistakes in the vast majority of instances was a person who used to post here (Haven't seen her around in awhile) that the development of "person-hood" did not actually begin until the development of the cerebral cortex (about 22-ish weeks)being as how this was the "seat" of human consciousness (for lack of a better term). I'm not sure I fully agree with the concept but it's an honest argument worthy of consideration. Further, when I proposed a moratorium on all abortions post the 22nd week she didn't balk, but was mostly concerned with the accuracy of the developmental assessment.
Very interesting, in that the 22nd - 24th week of development is the CURRENT cut-off point for a legal abortion. Although it is not based on cerebral cortex development, but on the fetus' ability to survive as an autonomous life form outside of the mother's body, if necessary, at that point in it's development.
I know what you mean by argument from ignorance. The problem is that your insistence in framing the question as such is that it turns the baby into some kind of bizarre Schrodinger's Cat experiment....And an intellectually dishonest one at that.
But that IS the reality of it. We humans do not possess the sophistication needed to determine at what exact point we become a living human being, nor at what exact point we cease to be a living human being, because there is NO EXACT POINT. And yet we need to be able to respond to these different states of being logically and reasonably.
So the question becomes who's reasoning is the more logical, who gets to determine this, and by what criteria? That's the heart and soul of the abortion debate (as well debates about euthanasia, suicide, and voluntary body disfigurement).
And this concept of "personhood" seems to be at the heart of all of these issues. How do we define it? When does it occur? When can we ignore it's right to self-expression? Who is going to decide this? And upon what basis does their authority rest?