Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!

On Fire

New member
No peace for the wicked:

Thursday morning, O' Donnell said that Schiavo was in her final hours of life, and police have prohibited her blood relatives from spending time with her.

O'Donnell, one of the family's spiritual advisers, said that her parents and siblings were "begging to be at her bedside...but are being denied."

Michael Schiavo was Terri's guardian and controlled who may visit her and when.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
It has been reported that Terri is dead. Hopefully, there will be no tranquility for the perpetrators of this crime.


New member
Schiavo, 41, died quietly in a Pinellas Park hospice 13 days after her feeding tube was removed despite extraordinary intervention by Florida lawmakers, Congress and President Bush - efforts that were rebuffed at every turn by the courts.

Her death was confirmed to The Associated Press by Michael Schiavo's attorney, George Felos, and announced to reporters outside her hospice by a family adviser.



Merely Christian
....extraordinary intervention ....


It doesn't take that much effort to feed someone who can't do it on their own.

This is the second blackest day for America since Roe v Wade.


New member
I'm very sorry it ended that way. It seems like a black eye on everyone. I guess PureX will be happy but the rest of us are feeling pretty sad.


New member
In most states the withdrawal of nutrition is legal but limited (supposedly), but legally hydration still has to be administered. I'm surprised that she lasted as long as she did without fluids. Fortunately there is still one judge who will pass judgement on this case. He has already agreed to hear the arguments, and his judgement cannot be appealed.


Nineveh said:
....extraordinary intervention ....


It doesn't take that much effort to feed someone who can't do it on their own.

This is the second blackest day for America since Roe v Wade.

Did you see the story about the *baby* that was taken off of life support in Texas despite the mother's wishes?


Resident Atheist
The sorrowful reaction of the religionists here is puzzling... :confused:

... don't you believe that Terri Schaivo is in the presence of your deity, i.e. "in heaven"?

If so, why aren't you rejoicing that she is free and whole once again instead of being shackled to a broken mortal shell?



Formerly Shimei!
Zakath said:
The sorrowful reaction of the religionists here is puzzling... :confused:

... don't you believe that Terri Schaivo is in the presence of your deity, i.e. "in heaven"?

If so, why aren't you rejoicing that she is free and whole once again instead of being shackled to a broken mortal shell?


Because we had NO right to kill her and she did not want to die.
If God wanted her in Heaven sooner, He would have taken her.