Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!


Formerly Shimei!
Zakath said:
About one out of four pregnancies ends in spontaneous abortion. Sure sounds like the deity's not really bent out of shape about killing the innocent or else he'd step in and rectify the situation...

... of course he could have stepped in to rectify the situation in the Schaivo case to...

... but nothing happened... :think:

We live in a fallen and cruel world. Sin has done extensive damage as you can see.
Zakath said:
Generally, I would not argue that point. There are cases, I believe, in which that is not the proper course of action.
In what cases should we not try and save heart attack victims?
BTW, are you pro-death penatly?


Resident Atheist
Shimei said:
We live in a fallen and cruel world. Sin has done extensive damage as you can see.
And your allegedly omnipotent deity refuses to intervene to preserve the lives of the innocent... imagine that. :think:

In what cases should we not try and save heart attack victims?
When they have expressly asked us not to... my own father and both my inlaws, for instance.

BTW, are you pro-death penatly?
If by "pro-death penalty" you mean do I believe that the death penalty is appropriate under some circumstances then, yes. If you mean something else, I'll ask you to explain your meaning...


Formerly Shimei!
granite1010 said:
Oh, bull. Jehovah killed infants and women on the regular, and encouraged his followers to commit atrocities and genocide. The Israelites weren't held accountable for their murder, rape, and vandalism. What makes you think anything has changed? His character is pretty capricious.

In any event if we believe you, he allowed a beautiful woman in her prime to be cut down with a heart attack, let her brain fill with spinal fluid, and eventually let her starve and dehydrate to death, despite the prayers of her devout parents.

We are officially in the twilight zone.

So now you believe in God? Only when it is convenient as to spite Him, huh?

Like I already said, we live in a fallen and cruel world.

God can take His creation up to Heaven whenever He wants, we do NOT have the right to kill innocent people.

God did not tell anyone to murder, rape or vandalize anyone.

BTW, God did not starve Terri to death, liberals did! The twilight zone indeed.


Resident Atheist
Shimei said:
BTW, God did not starve Terri to death, liberals did!
And, like usual with your absentee landlord of a deity, not a single indication that he was willing to intervene was evident. All I saw and heard were a bunch of humans fighting each other for the spotlight, telling us what "God" wanted in the situation.


Formerly Shimei!
Zakath said:
And your allegedly omnipotent deity refuses to intervene to preserve the lives of the innocent... imagine that. :think:

God gave man authority to govern the land. There is no reason that the innocent should be killed, it is man's fault (bad government) if they are.

God's followers tried to intervene in this case and they were arrested.

Zakath said:
When they have expressly asked us not to... my own father and both my inlaws, for instance.

There is nothing wrong with dying, but it is wrong to purposely kill the innocent.


Well-known member
Today is the day we as a nation CROSSED the line. Just like Isreal did when Paul was preaching, they kept on refusing Gods council and now America has finally went over the cliff as Isreal did. Will humans ever learn from the past?


Resident Atheist
Shimei said:
God gave man authority to govern the land. There is no reason that the innocent should be killed, it is man's fault (bad government) if they are.
We are talking about the same deity who allegedly killed every human on the planet except for eight persons in a flood, right?

We are talking about the same deity who ordered Moses and Joshua to slaughter every man, woman, and child in half a dozen cities, right?

God's followers tried to intervene in this case and they were arrested.
And you expect me to believe that the creator of the universe wasn't saavy enough to find a way to work around a handful of Floridian police?

There is nothing wrong with dying, but it is wrong to purposely kill the innocent.
In general, I would agree with you. There are circumstances, though, in which the innocent are purposely killed.


Resident Atheist
drbrumley said:
Today is the day we as a nation CROSSED the line.
Yeah, yeah, yeah... so what's your deity going to do about it?

You've already said he's not going to give us a sign... :chuckle:

Just like Isreal did when Paul was preaching, they kept on refusing Gods council and now America has finally went over the cliff as Isreal did.
And that means, what, exactly? :think:

Will humans ever learn from the past?
Based on historical precedent, not usually.


Resident Atheist
drbrumley said:
What makes you think you DESERVE a sign from God?
What's "deserving" got to do with it? I'm not a believer, I don't deserve anything.

Certainly his own followers deserve a sign...

Certainly the innocent deserve a sign...

But, as you have correctly stated, THERE IS NO SIGN that your deity either cares or even exists... :ha:
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New member
drbrumley said:
What makes you think you DESERVE a sign from God?

None of us deserves one but I won't be surprised if Zakath gets one. Sometimes God gives signs to the very people you least expect him to give one to, precisely because such a person becomes an effective voice for him later. I just hope Zak won't reject it when it comes.


Well-known member
Zakath said:
What's "deserving" got to do with it?

Certainly his own followers deserve a sign...

Certainly the innocent deserve a sign...

But, as you have correctly stated, THERE IS NO SIGN that your deity either cares or even exists... :ha:

Oh really?

His own followers deserve a sign? Hardly!

The innocent deserve a sign? Hardly!

So everyone deserves a sign?

Now I guess the question becomes why do they deserve a sign?


Resident Atheist
Chileice said:
None of us deserves one but I won't be surprised if Zakath gets one. Sometimes God gives signs to the very people you least expect him to give one to, precisely because such a person becomes an effective voice for him later. I just hope Zak won't reject it when it comes.
Don't worry too much. If any deity provided a clear, unambiguous sign, I'd be the last person to reject it...

Thus far, though, clear, unambiguous signs have been nonexistent... :(