Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!


Resident Atheist
Greywolf said:
Not to be crude or insensitive, but does anyone know how it is that Terri is still alive? I thought that a person could only go for 3 or 4 days max without water.
Appears to be another old wives' tale or her inactive state is prolonging the inevitable.


Merely Christian
Her family is with her from what I understand. They have a spokes person.

Perhaps someone with more info will reply.


Resident Atheist
Speaking of spokespersons, I find it interesting that the Schindler's spokesperson has changed in recent days from a nurse, Cheryl Ford, to a professional demonstrator, Randall Terry.



Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
Last person I saw speaking for them was their "spitual advisor".
Is that anything like a "spiritual advisor"?

I'm assuming that you mean an RC priest, then.


New member
Hall of Fame
Randall Terry is an agent provocateur, nothing more, and his presence in this situation discredits the efforts of the protestors.

Staging events like dramatically walking towards the hospital with water in hand is a very, very cheap trick. If these people had any respect for Terri or her family they'd quit stealing the limelight and getting themselves arrested. They've turned this mess into even more of a circus than before.

Sad and cheap.

Art Deco

New member
granite1010 said:
Randall Terry is an agent provocateur, nothing more, and his presence in this situation discredits the efforts of the protestors.
One man's provocateur is another man's freedom fighter. Are you a member of the culture of death or the culture of life?

Staging events like dramatically walking towards the hospital with water in hand is a very, very cheap trick. If these people had any respect for Terri or her family they'd quit stealing the limelight and getting themselves arrested. They've turned this mess into even more of a circus than before.Sad and cheap.
Images are worth a thousand words. You knew that. America's soul is on trial here. Let them demonstrate. At least they're not burning the American flag...


Resident Atheist
Art Deco said:
One man's provocateur is another man's freedom fighter.
Yup. And one man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

Images are worth a thousand words. You know that.
And so, apparently, do media mongrels, hungry for national camera time and publicity.

Let them demonstrate.
Quietly and orderly, yes. For all their claims of respecting the family, they should respect the rights of the Shindlers in a difficult time, as well as their own desires.


New member
Hall of Fame
Art Deco said:
One man's provocateur is another man's freedom fighter. Are you a member of the culture of death or the culture of life?

Images are worth a thousand words. You knew that. America's soul is on trial here. Let them demonstrate. At least they're not burning the American flag...

Art, I am not going to repeat what I've said already. (Ah, screw it; I'm pro-life, I've said it repeatedly, you know it, and Christianity doesn't have the market cornered on the pro-life movement.)

"Images" are something if they're effectual. Girl burned with napalm in Vietnam. Zapruder film. Film footage at Dachau. The Fab Four on Ed Sullivan. An image is an icon and stays that way so long as it provokes for the right reason. Getting arrested pointlessly for ceremonially holding a glass of water is counterproductive, childish, foolish, and absolutely selfish.

The Schindlers want the madness to stop and now the crowd filling up this psycho circus is saying hell, no, we won't go. Exactly what's wrong with this picture here? We've been asked to respect Terri's wishes (whatever they actually were). Now her own parents' requests aren't getting honored by the same people trying to save Terri.


Formerly Shimei!
granite1010 said:
Art, I am not going to repeat what I've said already. (Ah, screw it; I'm pro-life, I've said it repeatedly, you know it, and Christianity doesn't have the market cornered on the pro-life movement.)

"Images" are something if they're effectual. Girl burned with napalm in Vietnam. Zapruder film. Film footage at Dachau. The Fab Four on Ed Sullivan. An image is an icon and stays that way so long as it provokes for the right reason. Getting arrested pointlessly for ceremonially holding a glass of water is counterproductive, childish, foolish, and absolutely selfish.

The Schindlers want the madness to stop and now the crowd filling up this psycho circus is saying hell, no, we won't go. Exactly what's wrong with this picture here? We've been asked to respect Terri's wishes (whatever they actually were). Now her own parents' requests aren't getting honored by the same people trying to save Terri.

You are not pro life and Doug McBurney is not a poser.


New member
Hall of Fame
Shimei said:
You are not pro life and Doug McBurney is not a poser.

Shimei, no offense but you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Do not ever accuse me of supporting or favoring abortion. To do is a lie and nothing else.


New member
Shimei said:
You are not pro life and Doug McBurney is not a poser.

Says you. I completely agree with Granite; spotlight grabbers are the worst and it usually detracts from the cause rather than adding value to it.

Art Deco

New member
granite1010 said:
Art, I am not going to repeat what I've said already. (Ah, screw it; I'm pro-life, I've said it repeatedly, you know it, and Christianity doesn't have the market cornered on the pro-life movement.)
Granite, if you are truly pro-life, support the effort to save Terri Schindler.

"Images" are something if they're effectual. Girl burned with napalm in Vietnam. Zapruder film. Film footage at Dachau. The Fab Four on Ed Sullivan. An image is an icon and stays that way so long as it provokes for the right reason. Getting arrested pointlessly for ceremonially holding a glass of water is counterproductive, childish, foolish, and absolutely selfish.
I'm sure you remember the documentary film showing the Warsaw Gheto where the Nazi German soldiers intercepted a young child trying to bring potatos into the starving Jews. under his sweater. They made the child empty the potatos on the ground at gun point laughing at his tears. Fast fowrard where the neo-Nazis dressed in cops uniforms, intercepted the 10 year old boy with a glass of water for Terri Schindler. He was frisked (patted down) his hands were placed behind his back and was hand cuffed by four of Amerika's finest.

We've been asked to respect Terri's wishes (whatever they actually were).
What ever they are? So let's all rush to kill her...Zieg Heil Judge Greer...:madmad:


New member
Hall of Fame
Art Deco said:
Granite, if you are truly pro-life, support the effort to save Terri Schindler.

I'm sure you remember the documentary film showing the Warsaw Gheto where the Nazi German soldiers intercepted a young child trying to bring potatos into the starving Jews. under his sweater. They made the child empty the potatos on the ground at gun point laughing at his tears. Fast fowrard where the neo-Nazis dressed in cops uniforms, intercepted the 10 year old boy with a glass of water for Terri Schindler. He was frisked (patted down) his hands were placed behind his back and was hand cuffed by four of Amerika's finest.

What ever they are? So let's all rush to kill her...Zieg Heil Judge Greer...:madmad:

"Support" it how? Sorry, but yakking into a microphone for ten minutes and grandstanding against the express wishes of the woman's family is an ego trip. That's not support, Art; it's called bloviating, and stuffed shirts do it all the time. Talk is cheap.

(FYI: I know what "frisking" is, so a parathentical explanation ain't necessary.)

The Warsaw analogy isn't accurate, like most. The smuggler faced death; these protestors face a slap on the wrist. The smuggler was acting in secret; the crowds mugging for the cameras are getting their fifteen minutes. There weren't crowds of Jews whose fate was being decided by courts, the Reichstag, and the local governor, in an open society with a free press and public, tolerated debate. As I've said before: these idiotic Nazi comparisons get old because they're overused, knee jerk, intellectually lazy, and thin. Try-try again.

Something else. The bleeding hearts dramatically carrying water towards the hospital know full well they will be arrested. They are deliberately causing a ruccus. They're baiting, Art. Smugglers sneaking food into the ghetto were doing just that: SNEAKING IT IN. They weren't interested in Der Spiegel running a cover story or having a documentary made (for obvious reasons which undercut the comparison you made).

They're not heroes, Art. They're stirring the pot for the sake of stirring. Announcing at the top of your lungs that you're "bringing Terri water!" guarantees your arrest, and guarantees you haven't alleviated the woman's thirst one whit.

And if we are all very honest, we have to admit none of us knows for certain what Terri's wishes REALLY were. We will probably never know.

Art Deco

New member
granite1010 said:
(FYI: I know what "frisking" is, so a parathentical explanation ain't necessary.)
Are you aware that other people may read "frisking" and may not know what it means? Save your impatience for more important things.

Posted by Granite:
And if we are all very honest, we have to admit none of us knows for certain what Terri's wishes REALLY were. We will probably never know.
Not if we allow her to be killed. We will never know. She will take the answer to the grave thanks to the supporters of the "Culture of Death."


Formerly Shimei!
granite1010 said:
Shimei, no offense but you have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Do not ever accuse me of supporting or favoring abortion. To do is a lie and nothing else.

If you were pro life you would be opposed to the murder of Terri.


New member
Hall of Fame
Shimei said:
If you were pro life you would be opposed to the murder of Terri.

Shimei, I have said before that the best thing would be for her parents to care for her. Unfortunately that doesn't look like it's going to happen. And protestors getting arrested are not helping Terri's family.

Do not imply, ever, that I support abortion or euthanasia in any way, shape, or form. For all you people do in preaching about false witness you sling it around pretty freely.

Have a beef with me, PM.


Resident Atheist
Shimei said:
If you were pro life you would be opposed to the murder of Terri.
I've heard virtually the same linking argument used by some Christians who claim that one cannot be pro-life and support captial punishment.

For those of us on the outside looking in, trying to make sense of all the conflicting positions on "pro" this and "anti" that held by people claiming the same moral basis for their opposing views can be a bit confusing.