Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!


It is nothing new that Terri's family and friends have alleged that Terri was a victim of domestic violence. :box: Terri's brother said in an interview recently that the reason that Terri had a problem with bulimia :vomit: was because her husband told her that if she ever got fat, he would divorce her!! :shocked: :noway:
This "man" is a despicable human being! :madmad:

Mr. Coffee

New member
Got this at the Powerline blog.


I have been following the case for years. Something that interests me about the Terri Schiavo case, and that doesn't seem to have gotten much media attention: The whole case rests on the fact that the Schindlers (Terri's parents) were totally outlawyered by the husband (Michael Schiavo) at the trial court level.
This happened because, in addition to getting a $750K judgment for Terri's medical care, Michael Schiavo individually got a $300K award of damages for loss of consortium, which gave him the money to hire a top-notch lawyer to represent him on the right-to-die claim.

By contrast, the Schindlers had trouble even finding a lawyer who would take their case since there was no money in it. Finally they found an inexperienced lawyer who agreed to take it partly out of sympathy for them, but she had almost no resources to work with and no experience in this area of the law. She didn't even depose Michael Schiavo's siblings, who were key witnesses at the trial that decided whether Terri would have wanted to be kept alive. Not surprisingly, Felos steamrollered her.

The parents obviously had no idea what they were up against until it was too late. It was only after the trial that they started going around to religious and right-to-life groups to tell their story. These organizations were very supportive, but by that point their options were already limited because the trial judge had entered a judgment finding that Terri Schiavo would not have wanted to live.

This fact is of crucial importance -- and it's one often not fully appreciated by the media, who like to focus on the drama of cases going to the big, powerful appeals courts: Once a trial court enters a judgment into the record, that judgment's findings become THE FACTS of the case, and can only be overturned if the fact finder (in this case, the judge) acted capriciously (i.e., reached a conclusion that had essentially no basis in fact).

In this case, the trial judge simply chose to believe Michael Schiavo's version of the facts over the Schindlers'. Since there was evidence to support his conclusion (in the form of testimony from Michael Schiavo's siblings), it became nearly impossible for the Schindlers to overturn it. The judges who considered the case after the trial-level proceeding could make decisions only on narrow questions of law. They had no room to ask, "Hey, wait a minute, would she really want to die?" That "fact" had already been decided.

Art Deco

New member
wholearmor said:
Sadly, I predict not.
O ye of little faith... Do not discount the power of God in the life of His saints. These gutless politicians will foreverr be see as impotent serfs of the Mighty Court Jutices in Amerika. :madmad:

Art Deco

New member
Agape4Robin said:
This is such a TRAVESTY!!!!!!! :madmad: :taoist: :sozo2: :nono:
Psalm 69:15-18 Terri's Psalm :
Do not let the floodwaters engulf me or the depths swallow me up or the pit close its mouth over me. Answer me, O Lord, out of the goodness of your love; in your great mercy turn to me.

Do not hide your face from your servant; answer me quickly, for I am in trouble. Come near and rescue me; redeem me because of my foes
May God hear from Heaven and resucue this poor defenseless women.


Resident Atheist
Art Deco said:
... May God hear from Heaven and resucue this poor defenseless women.
Exactly what some of us are waiting patiently to see...

... though I won't hold my breath waiting for a deity to show up. They're notoriously bad about making appearances like that... :rolleyes:


Zakath said:
Exactly what some of us are waiting patiently to see...

... though I won't hold my breath waiting for a deity to show up. They're notoriously bad about making appearances like that... :rolleyes:

:blabla: :mock: :nananana: :loser:

Art Deco

New member
OMEGA said:
Let Her Die

She Will Be Resurrected Later With A Good Body And Mind
To love God is to hate evil. If God's people didn't speak out the rocks would cry out in disgust and contempt against those who are dedicated to killing this innocent disabled woman. To keep silent is to join the culture of death. :help:


Formerly Shimei!
Doug McBurney

Doug McBurney

Denver Bible church's own Doug McBurney gets a mention in these stories:




Then Doug McBurney, 36, approached. Unlike most of the three dozen or so demonstrators arrested over the past nine days, he struggled, and as he was hauled away, turned back to the crowd and screamed: "Give her water! Don't murder her! Bring her water! Don't murder her with tranquility!"


New member
Hall of Fame
Shimei said:
Denver Bible church's own Doug McBurney gets a mention in these stories:




Then Doug McBurney, 36, approached. Unlike most of the three dozen or so demonstrators arrested over the past nine days, he struggled, and as he was hauled away, turned back to the crowd and screamed: "Give her water! Don't murder her! Bring her water! Don't murder her with tranquility!"

What exactly are these protestors trying to prove? They knew full well they're not going to get through.

Even Terri's parents are imploring these people to chill out, which they refuse to do. At this point they're too caught up in this thing to abandon it. When the woman's own parents can't calm these people, we've officially entered the twilight zone.


Resident Atheist
Shimei said:
Denver Bible church's own Doug McBurney gets a mention in these stories:




Then Doug McBurney, 36, approached. Unlike most of the three dozen or so demonstrators arrested over the past nine days, he struggled, and as he was hauled away, turned back to the crowd and screamed: "Give her water! Don't murder her! Bring her water! Don't murder her with tranquility!"
Playing to the cameras, eh?



New member
Hall of Fame
Posers like this make me sick. Pretty rotten way to get your fifteen minutes, especially when it's against the express wishes of the Schindlers.


New member
Nineveh said:

Not to be crude or insensitive, but does anyone know how it is that Terri is still alive? I thought that a person could only go for 3 or 4 days max without water.