Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!


Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
All it takes is paging back, you wimped out, you are a wimp.
I replied to your question on two separate threads.

You got your answer, you merely disagreed with it.

From where I sit, that's your problem, not mine.

I'd rather be pathetic and ignorant than a nazi who supports murdering handicapped people.
Well, you've apparently got your wish. :)


Merely Christian
Zakath said:
I replied to your question on two separate threads.

No you didn't you talked around it, both times you attempted to answer it.

You got your answer, you merely disagreed with it.

The question was, "Does it make you feel good to be supportive of murdering a handicapped person?"

From where I sit, that's your problem, not mine.

C'mon, stand up for your beliefs, be a proud nazi!

Well, you've apparently got your wish. :)

It was never my wish you support murdering handicapped people. Hiding behind the courts to justify your hate only makes you sound like a nazi.


Resident Atheist
On Fire said:
She told you, :vomit: SOC.

(Did I get it right?)
Nope. Give it up. You're just demonstrating, again, that some religionists are petty and vindicitive when things don't go their way.

So how much longer do you think your god will "allow" Terry Schaivo to suffer?


Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
No you didn't you talked around it, both times you attempted to answer it.
Some people just cannot handle disappointment. :sigh:

It was never my wish you support murdering handicapped people.
I don't support murdering handicapped people. I do support allowing people to avoid years of unwanted life support to prolong existence in an incurable state.

You appear content will allowing her to suffer for decades, claiming our deity wants it that way.

How much longer do you think your deity will keep her alive and suffering? :down:


Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
How long are you planning on being a nazi?
Try reading a bit of history. I think your definition of the term "nazi" is seriously defective.

Of course, your definitions of quite a few things seem to be seriously defective... :think:


Resident Atheist

I'm done with this thread. You've adequately demonstrated the bankruptcy of your position and the impotence of your god.

I've got other things to do and won't waste time waiting around for your deity to pull something out of the hat.

I'm sure you'll keep everyone posted if you figure out some way to spin this tragedy as a "victory" for your religion.


the Sibbie

New member
Zakath said:
Some people just cannot handle disappointment. :sigh:

I don't support murdering handicapped people. I do support allowing people to avoid years of unwanted life support to prolong existence in an incurable state.
So someone who has had both their legs cut off and has given up on life should be allowed to commit suicide?


Merely Christian
Zakath said:
Some people just cannot handle disappointment. :sigh:

I don't support murdering handicapped people.

Yes you do. Every post you make supports her murder and mocks those who don't.

I do support allowing people to avoid years of unwanted life support to prolong existence in an incurable state.

You appear content will allowing her to suffer for decades, claiming our deity wants it that way.

How much longer do you think your deity will keep her alive and suffering? :down:

Who said she doesn't want her life? She tried to get out of bed when a doc told if she didn't they were going to harm her.

Try reading a bit of history. I think your definition of the term "nazi" is seriously defective.

According to history, at Nuremberg the excuse was, "I was just following orders." What you are saying is, "I support them just following orders." Same/same.

Of course, your definitions of quite a few things seem to be seriously defective...

Coming from a nazi like you, all I can say is, thanks :)


Resident Atheist
the Sibbie said:
So someone who has had both their legs cut off and has given up on life should be allowed to commit suicide?
Too little, too late, Sibster. I already told Ninny I was done on this thread. ;)

On Fire

New member
Zakath said:
So how much longer do you think your god will "allow" Terry Schaivo to suffer?
Come on, :vomit: SOC, surely you remember something from the good old days? God doesn't allow pain and suffering. Michael has the free will to stop his wife's suffering at any time.

the Sibbie

New member
Zakath said:
Too little, too late, Sibster. I already told Ninny I was done on this thread. ;)
So why did you even bothered to post this? We do have a last word thread somewhere if that's what you were going for.


Well-known member
Zak, Nazi whatever floats your boat,

The question is is she dying? Yes or No?

Since you wont answer, Ill answer for you. No, she is NOT dying. There is no resperator. Only a feeding tube. And according to some docters, she could learn how to eat again.

You are profoundly stupid. Go ahead and kill her so no one has to feed her. With that kind of logic Zak, kill babies too while your at it. Babies cant feed themselves either you nitwit. And you call yourself a professional medical person or something close. What a piece of garbage.


Resident Atheist
drbrumley said:
The question is is she dying? Yes or No?

Since you wont answer, Ill answer for you.
How convenient, dr, you get to set up strawmen and knock them down yourself.

Enjoy yourself, Don Quixote... :thumb:


Resident Atheist
drbrumley said:
You said you were done with this thread.
I'm certainly done watching Ninny chase her tail.

Since your not, Ill ask you, was she dying?
Go ahead and answer it yourself, don't let me stop you. You do seem to derive such enjoyment from it...