Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath
Me? Show me where...

It's up to you to prove a seizure, not me.

The person is in a PVS.


They cannot be fed or given water except by surgical intervention. It's hardly murder.

She can be fed orally. Except her alleged husband won't allow it.

Murder requires both malice and forethought.

Of which there is evidence.

Where's the malice in this case?

Getting rid of the "wife" in the hospital would "allow" him to live on millions with his new family.

The man claims to be following the stated preferences of his spouse before she was incapacitated.


As is your deity.

Really? Are you leading or following patsfan?

Perhaps you actually are made in his image.

Why thank you :)

Not me. You've obviously mistaken me for a religionist.

Yes you. You've, in this post alone, went down the murderer's talking points.


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

It's up to you to prove a seizure, not me.
Luke, allegedly a physician, writes a pretty good description of a seizure in Acts...

"...suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: ''Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?''...Saul got up from the ground and opened his eyes, but he could not see a thing... For three days he was not able to see, and during that time he did not eat or drink anything.'

1. Saw a bright light
2. Collapsed to the ground
3. Heard a voice that no one else heard
4. Suffered temporar blindness up to several days
5. Had decreased appetite and thirst

All are symptoms consistent with a grand-mal seizure in epilepsy.

Paul himself also referred to an apparent long-term illness in his letters.

Interestingly enough, epilepsy was known as "St. Paul's disease" for centuries in Europe.

Lie. She can be fed orally. Except her alleged husband won't allow it.
Not according to her former court appointed guardian ad litem, Dr. Jay Wolfson, professor of public health and medicine at the University of South Florida, College of Public Health in Tampa, and Professor of Law, Stetson University College of Law. He answered questions today in an online interview in the Washington Post.

  • "...she cannot swallow anything but her own saliva, and would aspirate (suck into her lungs) any food or water that might be given to her... "

    Question: Did you interview any of the doctors or nurses who said they gave Terri jello or other foods? They said she ate it and enjoyed it.

    Dr. Jay Wolfson: there is no credible evidence to support any of those contentions.


The "lie" appears to be coming from Terry's parents or others that have something to gain from prolonging present condition...

Getting rid of the "wife" in the hospital would "allow" him to live on millions with his new family.
Perhaps, perhaps not. Only time will tell.

Not at all. It's based on legal testimony admitted into court records. According to the interview mentioned above with her former state appointed legal guardian...

"I also concluded that based on the same Florida laws and rules, the trier of fact appropriately determined that Terri had expressed, while she was competent, the intention never to be kept artificially alive under such circumstances. The evidence supporting this included competent legal evidence demonstrating that she personally expressed those intentions at the funerals of two family members who had been on life support -- so it was contextual... " (emphasis mine - Z)

Those, as they say, are the facts of the case at hand.

Interpret them as you wish. :think:


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

Luke, allegedly a physician, writes a pretty good description of a seizure in Acts...

Odd he didn't use the term.

"...suddenly a light from the sky flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: ''Saul, Saul! Why do you persecute me?''...Saul got up from the ground and opened his eyes, but he could not see a thing... For three days he was not able to see, and during that time he did not eat or drink anything.'

1. Saw a bright light
2. Collapsed to the ground
3. Heard a voice that no one else heard
4. Suffered temporar blindness up to several days
5. Had decreased appetite and thirst

All are symptoms consistent with a grand-mal seizure in epilepsy.

Oops, ex pastor you goofed: The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.

I guess you can make up whatever you like to defend your hated of God.

Paul himself also referred to an apparent long-term illness in his letters.

Do a little digging you might find it had to do with his eyes.

Interestingly enough, epilepsy was known as "St. Paul's disease" for centuries in Europe.


Not according to her former court appointed guardian ad litem, Dr. Jay Wolfson, professor of public health and medicine at the University of South Florida, College of Public Health in Tampa, and Professor of Law, Stetson University College of Law. He answered questions today in an online interview in the Washington Post.

  • "...she cannot swallow anything but her own saliva, and would aspirate (suck into her lungs) any food or water that might be given to her... "

  • Well, let's just go with that one opinion, ok? It's not like there aren't many many more we can discount in our support of murdering an invalid.

    Question: Did you interview any of the doctors or nurses who said they gave Terri jello or other foods? They said she ate it and enjoyed it.

    Dr. Jay Wolfson: there is no credible evidence to support any of those contentions.

The "lie" appears to be coming from Terry's parents or others that have something to gain from prolonging present condition...

Big lie to sign your name to.

Perhaps, perhaps not. Only time will tell.

Right, we need to let her alleged husband murder her to make absolutely sure.

Not at all. It's based on legal testimony admitted into court records. According to the interview mentioned above with her former state appointed legal guardian...

"I also concluded that based on the same Florida laws and rules, the trier of fact appropriately determined that Terri had expressed, while she was competent, the intention never to be kept artificially alive under such circumstances. The evidence supporting this included competent legal evidence demonstrating that she personally expressed those intentions at the funerals of two family members who had been on life support -- so it was contextual... " (emphasis mine - Z)

And this one is the only opinion admitted, isn't it? :rolleyes:

Funny the eyewitness accounts you will accept, and the ones you won't. Accept the ones that agree with you, ignore all the rest.

Anyway, does it make you feel good to be supportive of murdering a handicapped person?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Odd he didn't use the term.
Not really, the term epilepsy wasn't coined until after the KJV was translated.

The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless; they heard the sound but did not see anyone.
They heard a sound, perhaps Saul himself, but did not hear a voice as Saul claimed he did.

Do a little digging you might find it had to do with his eyes.
Residual optic damage, perhaps...

Well, let's just go with that one opinion, ok? It's not like there aren't many many more we can discount in our support of murdering an invalid.
That's life, Ninny. Some people agree with you and many, many don't.

So cite someone you believe is a qualified authority (physician, pathologist, etc.) holding a conflicting opinion and who has testified in court on this case...


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

Not really, the term epilepsy wasn't coined until after the KJV was translated.

Then don't say "seizure" if that's not what you meant.

They heard a sound, perhaps Saul himself, but did not hear a voice as Saul claimed he did.

Right, I'm sure they were far to ignorant to not know it was Paul they heard.

Residual optic damage, perhaps...

Sure, whatever you wanna add.

Some people agree with you and many, many don't.

Perhaps you should read a little of the opinions that are disagreeing with you on the issue?

So cite someone you believe is a qualified authority (physician, pathologist, etc.) holding a conflicting opinion and who has testified in court on this case...

Google "Terri's fight".

Anyway, does it make you feel good to be supportive of murdering a handicapped person?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Then don't say "seizure" if that's not what you meant.
As I stated, I was referring to the term "epilepsy", not "seizure". In ancient times the greeks referred to it as something translating roughly as "the falling sickness". Since it was vital for Saul to have a direct encounter with Jesus to qualify him as an apostle, that's how the event was interpreted by the historian (Luke?).

Right, I'm sure they were far to ignorant to not know it was Paul they heard.
Who's to know? Quite a few people thought (some still do) that epileptics were demon possessed.

Perhaps you should read a little of the opinions that are disagreeing with you on the issue?
How about providing some...

Google "Terri's fight".
I've read parts of the parent's website... it was singularly unimpressive. Particularly the four or five year old photos...

Anyway, does it make you feel good to be supportive of murdering a handicapped person?
Removing life support is not murder any more than is the implementation of capital punishment.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

As I stated, I was referring to the term "epilepsy", not "seizure". In ancient times the greeks referred to it as something translating roughly as "the falling sickness". Since it was vital for Saul to have a direct encounter with Jesus to qualify him as an apostle, that's how the event was interpreted by the historian (Luke?).

Whatever you wanna add...

Who's to know? Quite a few people thought (some still do) that epileptics were demon possessed.

Another ditty from your faith healers?

How about providing some...

How about reading almost ever post Anne has made? It's not my fault you haven't been keeping up.

I've read parts of the parent's website... it was singularly unimpressive. Particularly the four or five year old photos...

Sure, dimiss what you don't wanna know.

Try the time line.

Removing life support is not murder any more than is the implementation of capital punishment.

Starving a handicapped person to death is murder.

Anyway, does it make you feel good to be supportive of murdering a handicapped person?


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Whatever you wanna add...
You really haven't read much scripture, have you?

Another ditty from your faith healers?
Nope. More bible...

How about reading almost ever post Anne has made? It's not my fault you haven't been keeping up.

Sure, dimiss what you don't wanna know.
You're certainly free do that, why can't the rest of us?

I asked for specific authoritative citations. If you don't have anything substantive to post, just admit it and stop wasting our time.


New member
Hall of Fame
Ninevah: you keep digging yourself deeper vis a vis Paul, his Damascus experience, his "thorn in the flesh" (which, despite what you think, he never specifically identifies), and regardless of what you insist, the Terri's Fight website is badly in need of an update.

The video clips that keep being shown are roughly four minutes culled from four hours. We're being asked to believe, again, in anecdotal evidence and hearsay.

Without being there firsthand no one can develop a dogmatic opinion. We simply don't know the full story or what the Schindlers or Michael Schiavo is thinking.


Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

You really haven't read much scripture, have you?

Rather, I just don't have a need to make things up.

Nope. More bible...

Oh, yes, more from the gospel according to zakath.

Do a search...geesh.

You're certainly free do that, why can't the rest of us?

No one's stopping you, obviously.

I asked for specific authoritative citations. If you don't have anything substantive to post, just admit it and stop wasting our time.

If you are too lazy to look up the information, that's your fault. I already told you Anne has made some extensive posts on the issue. I'm not going to waste my time doing your homework when it will most likely end with your rejection of it anyway.

Anyway, does it make you feel good to be supportive of murdering a handicapped person?


Resident Atheist
I'm done with Ninny's endless dodging around the point.

I'll just sit back and watch her god be a no-show again...


New member
Hall of Fame
Nin's hackjob self-importance is amusing for a few rounds. Then it's old.

Actually it reminds me of talking to Sozo, only with the mouth washed out with soap.:think:


New member
Hall of Fame

Ah, I wonder what Nin and company do in their free time...

"You talking to me? YOU TALKING TO ME???"


Resident Atheist
Originally posted by Nineveh

Hey zakath,
Does it make you feel good to be supportive of murdering a handicapped person?
Since it was ordered by the state, this particular act is not murder... any more than capital punishment is murder.

But I wouldn't expect you to actually understand the point. It would involve actually thinking about something for a change.



Merely Christian
Originally posted by Zakath

Since it was ordered by the state, this particular act is not murder... any more than capital punishment is murder.

So, what the Nazi's did was justifiable, too?

But I wouldn't expect you to actually understand the point. It would involve actually thinking about something for a change.:nono:

For all the posts you have put into the defense of this man, why are you having such a hard time answering one question?

Oh, and slamming me, doesn't make you any less lazy.


New member
I am resolving to cast no votes for the retention of any and all elected judges in the next upcoming election. Regardless of politics, regardless of record.

In my view, judges have a responsibility to speak to these issues and to police themselves.

If the judges I vote for every election, many of whom I do not know but vote to retain regardless, will not come forward in a solidarity of rejection of judge Greer's handling of this case, I will vote to get them off the bench.

And I urge everyone else to do the same.

Grace and Peace

Art Deco

New member
Originally posted by granite1010 We're being asked to believe, again, in anecdotal evidence and hearsay.
That's what Judge (sic) Greer did when he accepted Michael Schiavo's questionable testimony. Where is Terri's written statement to be killed by dehydraytion and starvation?

Posted by Granite1010:
Without being there firsthand no one can develop a dogmatic opinion. We simply don't know the full story or what the Schindlers or Michael Schiavo is thinking.
Judge Greer and his co-conspirator in the killing of Terri have seen to that. :madmad: