Act NOW to Save Terri Schiavo!

On Fire

New member
Starving/dehydrating someone to death is cruel beyond words. Decapitation would be less cruel. Unbelievable.


New member
I'd guess there are several 100 thousand pages of court transcripts, medical records etc in this case. Amazing how judgmental a group of Bible thumpers can be based on newspaper, TV and dirt bag Delay reports; I wonder how many have bothered to review the whole case?


Resident Atheist
It appears "The Supremes" have weighed in and declined to order resinsertion of the feeding tube.

What's that, the fifth time they've been petitioned by Terry's parents?????

Since there has been no substantive change in their daughter's condition since the last three times they appealed, you'd think their legal counsel would advise them to stop wasting the court's time.


So now, it's up to Ninny's deity to do something...

... should we be expecting G.W.B. to claim divine instructions to assault the Florida hospice and take Terry Schaivo into "protective custody" at Gitmo...



Resident Atheist
I've already answered Ninny's question twice.

Like Schaivo's parents, she cannot seem to comprehend an answer she doesn't agree with.


Resident Atheist
On Fire seems to be content to blow smoke again... ;)

I wouldn't expect anyone like you to fight for my life... you'd be more than happy to see me burn in agony for eternity.



Resident Atheist
OnFire wrote:
Not ME, you silly coot. Your FAMILY.

Firstly, that's "silly old coot".

Secondly, that's Dr. silly old coot, to you, youngster.

Thirdly, I have standing DNR orders and a living will spelling out specifically how far my family or health care providers are permitted to go in keeping this old carcass functioning.

I love my family too much to allow them to waste family resources on a hopeless situation.


New member
Hall of Fame
Art, both sides are guilty of using hearsay. That's all they have to work with, in the absence of a written will.


Merely Christian
"I've already answered Ninny's question twice."

No you haven't wimp. You sound like a good nazi though.


Resident Atheist
Nineveh said:
"I've already answered Ninny's question twice."

No you haven't wimp. You sound like a good nazi though.
Ah the spammers ultimate resort when backed into a corner, call the opposition names... :chuckle:

Well, if you want to play like that, you're as pathetic as you are ignorant, Nineveh. :(


Resident Atheist
On Fire said:
....because you fear no one in your family would fight for your life, you silly old coot.
I answered this one previously... it's a resource-based decision, not an emotional one.

On Fire

New member
Zakath said:
I answered this one previously... it's a resource-based decision, not an emotional one.
Exactly. Your life is worth squat and you fear no one would fight to save it.


Resident Fiend
On Fire said:
Exactly. Your life is worth squat and you fear no one would fight to save it.
Well, I know full well that no one would fight to save mine (I have expressly forbidden it), and the prospect does not bother me in the least.


Merely Christian
Zakath said:
Ah the spammers ultimate resort when backed into a corner, call the opposition names... :chuckle:

All it takes is paging back, you wimped out, you are a wimp.

Well, if you want to play like that, you're as pathetic as you are ignorant, Nineveh.

I'd rather be pathetic and ignorant than a nazi who supports murdering handicapped people.