a whore for the republican party


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
listen up you idiots
here are the political facts of life
the democrats have half the vote locked up
we lose
unless some of them stay home
just in case this happens
we have to be ready
we can't get the women mad
we can't get the mexiicans mad
we can't get the religious wackos mad
guess who just did that
guess who he is working for
you will never guess
because you are an idiot

Who destroyed the republican base Hmmm? Hint...RINO's created the environment that Trump can thrive in, or Carson, or Cruz, or anyone that is opposed to the establishment RINO scam...the jig is up! and people are not giving these charlatan hucksters a pass for numerous years of inaction and lies. Face it Chrys, nobody trusts/believes anything that comes from the RNC...the party is dead as you know it.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
the betting odds have not changed in the last few days
they are more trustworthy than the polls

why is clearly stated in this new york times article

Your odds are probably accurate given people like yourself...RINO's... will not support the nominee, in fact they are panicking because their anointed candidates don't stand a chance. Remember how you railed in this thread on those that wouldn't support the republican nominee? you even railed on Trump for not signing the pledge but, do you hold the same disdain for the very elite republicans that will not support the nominee if it is not one of the absolute horrible RINO's they are pushing? Are you O.K. with the RINO elite torpedoing their own nominee and ushering in Hillary because they will accept her to keep the status quo? If you don't believe that is what is happening check out the article, the party elite is trying to resurrect Romney...again. Just sad. I hate to admit it but, you are right Hillary will win but, not because we won't have a decent candidate, no.....Republicans will lose because the party would rather lose than allow someone outside of their criminal enterprise to win. Stevie Wonder saw this coming...just like Goldwater the republicans will fall on their swords than allow a conservative to occupy the White House or maybe....the polls and the odds are all wrong and the outsider will win by a landslide just like Reagan. Time will tell....




Well-known member
Hall of Fame
so here is my take

trump doesn't want to be president
he just wants to have a president in his back pocket
he has already accomplished that
now needs to get out of the race as soon as possible


like marbles on glass
I think he and Carson are going to fizzle out and Rubio is going to take it. That would be alright with me.

Trump's not fizzling out. The nativists are still crazy about him, and the GOP is running scared.
Trump's speech, which at times seemed to edge close to meltdown territory, was a change from recent behavior for the Republican presidential contender, who has appeared to be trying to tone down his rhetoric to broaden his appeal. And it comes as the Republican establishment has been growing increasingly alarmed at his staying power.
"He did not do himself any favors when he said that. That's not the kind of thing you need to be doing," said Plymouth County Republican Chairman Don Kass, who is neutral in the GOP race. He said Trump's s comments could turn off undecided voters as well as end up "galvanizing the opposition."
But Dick Graves, a Trump supporter who attended the rally, said that while the candidate's comments were perhaps "a little rash," he wasn't offended.
"It's Donald. And he's an entertaining speaker. I didn't take it too seriously," he said.

That quote at the end? That's indicative of Trump's supporters all along. Doesn't matter how outrageous or crass he is, they just shrug it off.

No big deal. It's just the presidency.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
we are not worried about the idiots on the left coast

there is a way to win no matter what they do