a whore for the republican party


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
It's not just Jeb or any other RINO running that has created this Trump phenomena it is the lying republican party, it is the RINO liars that were given the congress in 2014 and have squandered the opportunity to do the peoples business...in essence they created Trump & the environment that he is thriving in....read about it.


Side Note: It is interesting that some in this focus group voted for Obama, seems Trump is appealing to voters outside of the GOP as well...not good news for progressives on the Right or Left. :think:


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the plot thickens

I still think hillary will be the democratic nominee
she is having trouble
what will happen to trump?
she doesn't make it

will he drop out?

yes if he has a deal with the clintons


Patron Saint of SMACK
Hall of Fame
the plot thickens

I still think hillary will be the democratic nominee
she is having trouble
what will happen to trump?
she doesn't make it

will he drop out?

yes if he has a deal with the clintons
Not if he is in the lead.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
the plot thickens


I still think hillary will be the democratic nominee
she is having trouble
what will happen to trump?
she doesn't make it

Stick a fork in her...she is as good as done, even the Dems know she is damaged goods and are prepping crazy Joe to come off the bench. What will happen to Trump? Nothing

will he drop out?

Doubtful, not even Trump thought he would have this sort of appeal.

yes if he has a deal with the clintons

So are you a conspiracy theorist or just hoping out loud? :chuckle:

You did see that Trump topped 40% in the latest poll, and that Jeb sunk to third place 30 points behind him?

All the RINO horses and all the RINO men can't put the progressive establishment ruling class back together again....they are unelectable. If they want beat Trump they better pick/fund a candidate that can win... Carson....Cruz maybe??? Nah they are a tenacious bunch, they prefer failure over party change.
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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
who does he attack the most?
what does hillary say about trump?

you can't reason with trump supporters
they have no reasonable answers

they are angry
they should be angry
like a mad dog
they will bite whoever is near them
not the one who made them mad
that takes reason


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
you can't reason with trump supporters
they have no reasonable answers

I disagree, in fact if you would have bothered to read the I posted article (below) maybe you could gain some insight. You RINO's are all the same trying to push a dead agenda all the way to another failure. The people gave them one more chance in 2014 and they have biffed that as well. You obviously don't understand who they are angry at or why they are angry.


they are angry
they should be angry
like a mad dog
they will bite whoever is near them
not the one who made them mad
that takes reason

You really have this read all wrong Chrys the people know good & well who they are mad at... the people are done with progressives on the left & right...they will always have their party loyalists (republican & democrat) but, the loyalists cannot push either across the finish line. The jig is up...neither side (Right or left) is fooling anybody anymore into a progressive candidate in this cycle and unless the RINO's back/fund an anti-establishment candidate (Carson, Cruz, Fiorina, ??) other than Trump or they are finished and will be stuck with him. Your boyz Boehner & McConnell sealed their own party's fate by not doing what the people voted them to do...they didn't even take action towards it. So yes, the people are mad but, they know exactly why they are mad and who they are mad at...you are fooling yourself if you think different...or just not listening, reading, or understanding.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
in the fall
I have no choice but to vote republican
in the spring
I get to vote for the best republican
the only other choice I have is to just whine
who can respect that


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
in the fall
I have no choice but to vote republican
in the spring
I get to vote for the best republican
the only other choice I have is to just whine
who can respect that

That is you Chrys but a large growing majority will not get behind another RINO candidate...personally I wish that the RINO's would see the error in their ways & pick a winner from the conservatives running (Carson, Cruz, Fiorina) but, if Jeb is all they got....they are gonna lose & lose big...the writing is on the wall. That aint no whine, that is an astute observation based upon the current data. Wake up RINO's! you are teeing up for your next loss with another Bush.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the whiners cannot tell us what they are going to do
they cannot tell us what to do
they can only whine
how do you explain this?
they are shills for the democratic party
there is no other reasonable explanation
they can't be that stupid


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
the whiners cannot tell us what they are going to do

Not vote for another Bush...simple.

they cannot tell us what to do
they can only whine
how do you explain this?

Just told you what you RINO's need to do, pick another candidate that can win. That isn't a whine it is a fact...

they are shills for the democratic party

Hardly...just a voice crying in the political wilderness. :chuckle:

there is no other reasonable explanation
they can't be that stupid

Hmmmm, that is just what I have been saying about you in this thread..."he cannot be this stupid to not see & understand what is going on around him on the political landscape".... I guess I am wrong, you like the rest of the RINO's do see it, you just don't like the explanation, and have no answer to change the paradigm.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
How low do Jeb's numbers go before you understand he is another Romney/McCain?....unelectable. Do you wait for election day to realize you have a horrible candidate? After another crushing blow?


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
they are just whiners
they cannot tell us what to do now
they cannot tell us what they are going to do

I know what they are going to do

just whine


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
they are just whiners
they cannot tell us what to do now
they cannot tell us what they are going to do

I know what they are going to do

just whine

Nov 3, 2016

Rocketman: I told you so...

Chrys: My Jeb stunk it up...another loser :allsmile:

I may be whining (in your opinion of course) but, it is you who will be crying...yet again.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
who does he attack the most?
what does hillary say about trump?

I know
tough questions
I will have to answer them

who does he attack the most?


what does hillary say about trump?

all the rest are just like trump

trump is worried about jeb
hillary is worried about jeb


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
I know
tough questions
I will have to answer them

who does he attack the most?


what does hillary say about trump?

all the rest are just like trump

trump is worried about jeb
hillary is worried about jeb

:rotfl: Nobody is worried about Jeb at this point, he is sucking wind at 7% approval...

Only you and the RINO's like him Chrys, Ben Carson has a better approval than Jeb, and if the RINO's were serious about winning they would begin to support the man....but, they won't... and will continue to push their new Romney/McCain/Dole candidate Jeb who cannot win....


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
will hillary drop out?
they don't quit
will bidden jump in?
will trump run 3rd party?
only if jeb gets the nomination


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
will hillary drop out?

She may have no choice, will she go willingly? never

they don't quit

The Clintons are not quitters but, her support is waning drastically.

will bidden jump in?

He may have no choice, I think the signals are being sent to the base that he is their backup plan.

will trump run 3rd party?
only if jeb gets the nomination

He won't have to at this point, outside of a big super pac Jeb offers nothing that anybody is interested in...he is another Romney... another low-energy RINO, and everybody sees that. If he does win the nomination you will see the lowest voter turnout for Republicans in modern history and another Democrat victory...IMHO of course.