a whore for the republican party


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Hall of Fame
Does Trump need to be off the ticket?

so you answer a question with a question
you, delmar, others can't seem to answer questions that you bring up
I will answer your question

trump will lose to anyone on the democratic ticket
trump is seriously hurting the republican party

trump is exposing many angry voters who do not know how to think


New member
For the record, Obama is the one that has leaked all of the information regarding her felonies with the email server.
is this just a gut feeling? Any real evidence of this come to light?
So Biden/Warren will be the ticket. Bookmark this post.
If Hillary continues to stumble in the polls, I believe this to probably be the case. Rumblings have begun. And this would be good for the R ticket as Biden has his own skeletons and is seen as an "establishment" candidate.


New member
so you answer a question with a question
you, delmar, others can't seem to answer questions that you bring up
I will answer your question

trump will lose to anyone on the democratic ticket
trump is seriously hurting the republican party

trump is exposing many angry voters who do not know how to think

As much as I dislike him, I think Trump is able to win over some of those independents who defected to Obama, which the R party needs. I don't think they will return to a R "establishment" candidate like Bush. As to whether he could win tho is a completely different story. And as to whether he would be good for the country I am somewhat ambivalent. He would be better than Clinton I think. But for about as long as I can remember, I have been voting for the "lesser of 2 evils." I only voted for the Bushes because I liked the D candidates less. I particularly disliked the last Desert Storm campaign which was basically unjust and diverted the Bush administration's energies away from home where they should have been. Bush was too laissez faire and allowed the lax housing loan debacle put into place by the Clinton "right to housing" people continue.
The last good president was Reagan. I liked Perot, but he just wasn't Presidential material in the sense of what the country would go for. IMO all the presidencies since Reagan have been bad for the country, and just seem to be getting worse. We desperately need a good presidency, and the very fact that Hillary is even the Democratic lead speaks volumes for how bad the situation has gotten. She has enough scandals to have gotten booted to the moon just a few decades ago. Increasingly all the voters only look for candidates who promise things they can get out of the government, and the Federal Reserve has been forced into being the piggy bank. People simply do not understand the old constitutional system of the federal government anymore, as they are no longer taught it in school, and they don't understand that the present system simply can't continue because the dam will break.

P.S. Do I seem like an angry voter? Can I think?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
trump will lose to anyone on the democratic ticket

False, and all the RINO horses & all the RINO men cannot put the establishment back together again. The most recent of polls show that that assumption is flat wrong but, you keep waving that false flag, maybe someone will notice...or care.

trump is seriously hurting the republican party

The republican party was damaged goods before Trump ever entered the race, you can thank your establishment liars like McConnell & Boehner for that. Trump is probably the best thing the republican party could hope for in this election because the RINO's cannot excite the base nor carry an independent vote to be able to win. Obviously it has escaped you that the three top people in this race are the only ones exciting anyone...Trump, Cruz, & Carson.

trump is exposing many angry voters who do not know how to think

Quite the contrary, Trump has awakened many that do not vote at all, who have given up because of the progressive liberal/RINO show...take your pick both hold equal blame in destroying this nation. People are fed up with politicians that say one thing and do another which is the hallmark of both parties as it stands today and they are willing to shove the establishments of both sides aside for something different, something fresh, something that many millenials have not experienced...liberty, economic growth, jobs, prosperity, closing the border, ending this "free trade" facade that is killing domestic growth. You tired old establishment promoting dinosaurs need to get a grip on reality, your man cannot win! If the republicans want to ride the wave of support they need to get on it, not try to duck under it.
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Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
P.S. Do I seem like an angry voter? Can I think?

Are you angry? I don't know but, you should be...you should be angry at the progressive establishment Libs & progressive establishment RINO's that got us here. Time to give em both the boot.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
You don't like Trump I get that, who will you be voting for that you believe can beat the Dems?


thank you for another opportunity to explain why

it is very difficult to get a republican in the white house
without significant votes from
the religious wackos
the mexicans

jeb is the only one who can get those votes


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame

thank you for another opportunity to explain why

it is very difficult to get a republican in the white house
without significant votes from
the religious wackos
the mexicans

jeb is the only one who can get those votes

This is where I think you have gone astray Chrys...Jeb cannot excite the base nor can he entice independents to vote for his milquetoast establishment message...in fact just like Romney he doesn't excite anybody (accept maybe you of course). There is a reason that his message is not resonating...I'll watch how this unfolds as you do but, I believe that even if Jeb is able to get the nomination he will lose the general because he is a Bush...mark it down.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Chrys you really should read this American Spectator article, it pretty much says the same thing I have been saying...Trump can win and it scares the heck out of the the ruling class establishment types. The interesting thing in this article are all the quotes from the media, and RINO's of the day from Reagan's candidacy and the parallels are stunning. Reagan just like Trump were both hated & ridiculed by the RINO's and like Reagan, Trump is defying all political logic and stumping his detractors. You may not like the guy Chrys but, he is here for the long haul and his support gains momentum every day and much to yours & other establishment types chagrin Yes, he can win.

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Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have... your man is unelectable, he is another Romney, McCain, Dole...another Bush! He will lose if nominated...mark it down...you have been forewarned.

it is my understanding that most of your people don't even vote

is that true?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
a whore for the republican party

it is my understanding that most of your people don't even vote

is that true?

That is interesting because that too was what the RINO's said of Reagans supporters... Like the article said, you RINO's can't see the forest through the trees. You are trying to force another establishment candidate down the throats of the electorate... I am beginning to think you establishment types like losing, or are insane, given you keep doing the same thing expecting different results.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
That is interesting because that too was what the RINO's said of Reagans supporters... Like the article said, you RINO's can't see the forest through the trees. You are trying to force another establishment candidate down the throats of the electorate... I am beginning to think you establishment types like losing, or are insane, given you keep doing the same thing expecting different results.

when I said
your people
what did you think I was referring to?