a whore for the republican party


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
why do you blame the republicans for the situation we are in today?

why don't you blame obama?

why don't you blame the voters who elected obama twice?

don't you understand the power of our president?

are you willing to give that power to trump?

time out


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
why do you blame the republicans for the situation we are in today?

We have had a RINO congress for one year now and what have they done other than solidify & rubber stamp everything Obama wants. Boehner trys to destroy anyone that speaks out & McConnell lies to members of his own party...why not blame them, they are useless and just as evil as Obama at this point.

why don't you blame obama?

I do but, Obama could not push his agenda without his co-conspirator RINO brethren. Obama gets the majority of the blame but, I expect the RINO's to do what the voters put them in there for.

why don't you blame the voters who elected obama twice?

Do you expect them to change their worldview's, and what was the choice? a weak RINO candidate in Romney? I have a question to you Chrys, why does the RINO leadership squelch any candidate that espouses real conservative principles?

don't you understand the power of our president?

Yes, I do...do you?

are you willing to give that power to trump?

If he is the nominee than yes, I would...it sure as heck won't be the milquetoast Bush or Kasich, neither can get the independent vote...you can count on it


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I have a question to you Chrys, why does the RINO leadership squelch any candidate that espouses real conservative principles?

how many times do you shut down the government
get blamed for it
you start pulling your punches


New member
why do you blame the republicans for the situation we are in today?
Of course. They are the party that claims to represent conservative values, but sell out the conservatives every time.

why don't you blame obama?
What does Obama have to do with the failure of the Republican party to uphold conservative values?

why don't you blame the voters who elected obama twice?
The voters weren't given a choice.
There was the liberal Democrat Obama on one side.
On the Republican side there was McCain, who was just as liberal as Obama, and then there was Romney, who was really Obama in whiteface makeup.

If the Republican party leaders are so hell-bound that they will only back liberal candidates, then they are not representing conservatives.

Then there are the morons that will vote Republican every time, thinking it will make a difference.

They are the ones giving the liberal leaders of the Republican party the power to keep pushing liberal candidates.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the whiners have no answers

they are ignorant
they are not just plain liars

shills for the democratic party


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
how many times do you shut down the government
get blamed for it
you start pulling your punches

You either stand for something or ???? Here is an idea :idea: do what the voters put you in there to do and quit worrying about the next election or advancing a personal/establishment RINO agenda. The problem with RINO's is that they are no better than the progressive liberals in this respect, RINO's have no backbone, no conviction, and represent their own interests not the interests of the people. They are just as much of the problem as the Libs and that is why the people are rejecting any candidate they deem is part of the status quo...if you cannot see it, your blind.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
By letting him continue to talk.

When the fog (smoke) gets heavy around you, you should put the bong down for a while and "sober up".

The more he talks, the more his approval goes up. He sky rocketed after Megan Kelly got in line with orders and tried (failed) to destroy him.

Shame on her.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
how will the power brokers in the republican party keep trump off the ticket?


Does Trump need to be off the ticket? Right now his message along with Cruz & Carson's are the only ones that are resonating with the base & independents. If anything the republican party should be trying to back a winner not another RINO loser, the establishment agenda is a loser.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
By letting him continue to talk.

Seems that plan isn't working for you liberal/RINO types...people like the message Trump is conveying, the unedited, unscripted message. Political correctness is dead, and is being rejected in total much to libs/RINO's chagrin...Trumps polls prove it.


New member
Seems that plan isn't working for you liberal/RINO types...people like the message Trump is conveying, the unedited, unscripted message. Political correctness is dead, and is being rejected in total much to libs/RINO's chagrin...Trumps polls prove it.

Who was the last person that led this early on and won?


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So 30 years ago?

It takes that long for people to get fed up with the status quo it seems. When Reagan took office our country's economy was just about as bad as it is now under the liberal Jimmy Carter, record unemployment just like now, trouble on the world stage just like now, and it took a dynamic conservative not an establishment republican to turn it all around. It took 30 years to degrade this country back to the same place we were then to see people searching for someone outside the frey to fix it. Trump may or may not be that guy but, it won't be a Bush, Kasich, Clinton, or Sanders that will bring the needed change in our government to stem the tide of overwhelming debt caused by tax, spend, & borrow policies of the last thirty years which have gotten us here but, make no mistake that it will either change or the entire house of cards will fall.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
Who was the last person that led this early on and won?

Obama. Hillary was supposed to be the anointed one of the socialists. But the "rock star" crushed her from the onset of his campaign. For the record, Obama is the one that has leaked all of the information regarding her felonies with the email server.

So Biden/Warren will be the ticket. Bookmark this post.

Nick M

Black Rifles Matter
Hall of Fame
When Reagan took office our country's economy was just about as bad as it is now under the liberal Jimmy Carter, record unemployment just like now, trouble on the world stage just like now
Being an idiot millennial, he doesn't even know what the misery index was.

Or maybe he does and plays stupid as his strategy. Just deny it all worked for Bill Clinton. I wonder where it is now, besides way ahead of Jimmy Carter. Zero hedge has the unemployment at 23% when you uncook the books. You would have to do the same for inflation when they pulled items to consider like fuel. And fuel prices drove up food. And Obama decided just don't count it and say it is low. Never mind that eggs are nearly $3.00/dozen even at Aldi.