A portrait of Jesus in a school? Seriously?

Jose Fly

New member
There is no legal issue of having a picture,

Yes there is. It's why an Ohio school district settled out of court and took down the exact same painting on the advice of their lawyers. Their lawyers told them very clearly that they would lose in court.

congress made a law for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ, which is why Christmas is a federally recognized holiday.

So your reasoning here is, "Congress made Christmas a federal holiday, therefore all government endorsement of Christianity is legal"?


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes there is. It's why an Ohio school district settled out of court and took down the exact same painting on the advice of their lawyers. Their lawyers told them very clearly that they would lose in court.

So your reasoning here is, "Congress made Christmas a federal holiday, therefore all government endorsement of Christianity is legal"?

Saying happy birthday, isnt endorsement of religion, neither is a picture.


New member
Hall of Fame
Yes there is. It's why an Ohio school district settled out of court and took down the exact same painting on the advice of their lawyers. Their lawyers told them very clearly that they would lose in court.

What a lawyer says and a real legal issue, arent always the same thing, them caving, isnt a precendent, they would not have lost over a picture.

So your reasoning here is, "Congress made Christmas a federal holiday, therefore all government endorsement of Christianity is legal"?

No my reasoning is that Jesus Christ was a real person, and a picture of Him doesn't endorse religion any more than a picture of ghandi endorses hinduism.

Jose Fly

New member
What a lawyer says and a real legal issue, arent always the same thing, them caving, isnt a precendent, they would not have lost over a picture.

Yes they would have.

No my reasoning is that Jesus Christ was a real person, and a picture of Him doesn't endorse religion any more than a picture of ghandi endorses hinduism.

Is Ghandi the central deity of Hinduism?

Bright Raven

Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Yes there is. It's why an Ohio school district settled out of court and took down the exact same painting on the advice of their lawyers. Their lawyers told them very clearly that they would lose in court.

So your reasoning here is, "Congress made Christmas a federal holiday, therefore all government endorsement of Christianity is legal"?

You're just a silly old non-theist.

Jose Fly

New member
There's no explicit message attached to a nativity scene, yet the courts have ruled that governments exclusively putting them up is unconstitutional.


New member
Hall of Fame
Not needed. Jesus Christ is the central deity figure of Christianity, correct?

I believe Jesus is God yes, some people believe that He wasnt, and some people believe He was just a great teacher, belief about who Christ is, varies, now again, where attached to that pic alone, is a statement maintaining who He is theologically?

That is what would need to be there, for the pic to endorse religion. Even jews who do not believe in Him for salvation and do not believe He is the son of God, believe He existed and was merely a teacher, muslims do not believe He is God, etc..

So Does Christ endorse judaism and islam?


New member
Hall of Fame
There's no explicit message attached to a nativity scene, yet the courts have ruled that governments exclusively putting them up is unconstitutional.

Name a federal precedent, saying a nativity is unconstitutional, since the celebration of the birth of Christ is a federal holiday.

Id like to see this. Good luck.

PS locals caving isnt a precedent.

Jose Fly

New member
I believe Jesus is God yes, some people believe that He wasnt, and some people believe He was just a great teacher, belief about who Christ is, varies, now again, where attached to that pic alone, is a statement maintaining who He is theologically?

The same can be said about a painting of Satan at the entrance to a school.

That is what would need to be there, for the pic to endorse religion.

Nope. Legal precedent says otherwise. That's why a school can't put a cross or Star of David on its roof and argue "There's no message there, so it's fine".

Name a federal precedent, saying a nativity is unconstitutional

County of Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union

"the majority held that the County of Allegheny violated the Establishment Clause by displaying a crèche in the county courthouse, because the "principle or primary effect" of the display was to advance religion within the meaning of Lemon v. Kurtzman, when viewed in its overall context."

Just like the Jesus painting, when it's by itself with no other context, it is unconstitutional.