like marbles on glass
I love my neighbor and will warn them if they are living a lifestyle that threatens their happiness here on earth and their eternal future in the after life.
Would you prefer I didn't love my neighbor?
Do you not love the lying backbiting neighbors like sod enough to warn them?
What are you even talking about?? :idunno:
Why even bring up SOD?? SOD has been banned several times. I really don't know what point you are trying to make here. :sigh:
Are the following what you had in mind when you said loving your neighbor?
have fun burning in hell you worthless losers! :wave2:
Or this?
tardlyartie, the God-rejecting retard, pontificating on his ideas of what proper Christian behavior should be:
:mock:tardlyartie, the clueless retard
Maybe this?
poor poor zoo
another year and he's still a worthless loser
(due to his feeble rep attempts)
Or perhaps this?
classic laffs from the previous year! :darwinsm:
town heretic - the gift that just keeps on giving!
Those were a few from today's round of witnessing. I'm curious as to how you'd view its neighbor-loving effectiveness.