8th PP video released


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
the republicans do not want to fund planned parenthood
the democrats do
what else do you need to know?

Nathon Detroit

In Germany after Hitler's reign of terror ended the people from the community were forced to view and help cleanup the mess they had helped to make by their approval and turning a blind eye.

And at some point in the future.... history is going to repeat itself.



In Germany after Hitler's reign of terror ended the people from the community were forced to view and help cleanup the mess they had helped to make by their approval and turning a blind eye.

And at some point in the future.... history is going to repeat itself.


Whoa whoa hold on. The German people were duped. They didn't really go with Hitler's genocide attempts. They weren't even aware of it


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Seriously dude.... why even post on TOL anymore?? You are a broken record. You are white noise. You don't ever add anything to the conversation. All you do is say the same thing over and over and over. :deadhorse:

so what is your position?
oh, you are against abortion
we all know that
what we don't know
what you are doing about it


New member
Hall of Fame
They are not born yet so your choice of words is not correct. What you meant to say is they perform elective abortions on fetuses.

So birth is the measure of a baby, what about all the abortions that end in a live birth then they kill the baby?

How about when a mother aborts her baby at 20 weeks being hailed a champion of womens rights, and then a 13 year old teen mother hastening delivery of a 20 week old fetus, that lives, then she kills it and tosses it in the trash, who gets 20 years in prison for the same thing?

Are those both babies, or only the one that was killed at PP?


New member
No, I've not seen any evidence of that at all. In some of the videos, the PP folks even say they are only talking about reimbursement.
Given that I have read a good chunk of all the transcripts I can for certain say this is not true.
This conversation comes from the video featuring the colorado abortionist Savita Ginde.
“J.R.” Johnstone, Clinical Research Coordinator, Planned Parenthood of the
Rocky Mountains (“J.R.”)
J.R.: I think what would be best is to have a specific item, is to have an itemized
breakdown for what compensation would be, and just send that to Savita. That
can be a starting point.

Buyer: Ok, so do you want us to start it? What it would be per specimen?

J.R.: Yea. We’ve never done this before, so we would be literally creating a list
and be guessing but because you have a better idea of what’s market value of
what researchers are asking for and your existing relationships- just a general
price list.

Buyer: Ok, general. But know that it’s general so if she comes and says no she
wants more for this, since she knows this side of it, we are completely flexible
with that and if she needs more for certain specimens-

J.R.: Yea, I think- just a conversation starter, not this is it. Take it or not. Just
something to base off of, while the legal department-

Buyer: Now, you know, in negotiations the person that goes first is always at a
J.R.: Always.

Buyer: I never feel disadvantaged. That’s a crock.

J.R.: But, hey. We’re first timers. We’re not the pro’s here.

Buyer; I think, from what we’ve seen here today, this is an incredibly
professional and- I don’t see it as you have the advantage,or I have the advantage, it’s let’s work together so it’ll be profitable for the both of us- at the
end of the day we’re on the same team. In terms of research assistants is there
someone that comes to mind specifically that you think would be cut out for what we’re looking for? Both with availability in terms of hours and also in terms of interest in the whole field.

Does this conversation even remotely resemble a disscusion on just mere cost reimbursements and what does "market value" have to do with setting a reimburement cost list unless you want a cut of the profits.


New member
So birth is the measure of a baby, what about all the abortions that end in a live birth then they kill the baby?

How about when a mother aborts her baby at 20 weeks being hailed a champion of womens rights, and then a 13 year old teen mother hastening delivery of a 20 week old fetus, that lives, then she kills it and tosses it in the trash, who gets 20 years in prison for the same thing?

Are those both babies, or only the one that was killed at PP?
We have already addressed the problem with the scientific inconsistencies as to what constitutes a person. That is why this debate exists at all.


New member
How much did they receive for the "donated" tissue they got "reimbursed" for?
Next time I have their accountant on the phone I will ask. In the meantime, feel free to research the topic more extensively on your own.


New member
Hall of Fame
We have already addressed the problem with the scientific inconsistencies as to what constitutes a person. That is why this debate exists at all.

You didnt adress what i presented at all, why is one person in that scenerio, guilty of murder and the other celebrated, when the same thing happened in both cases?

Are both of them not babies equally? Or just when you want them to be?