58 Dead, 500 Plus Wounded


New member
Data, mostly:

Over the last 50 years, the nation’s murder rate has been higher when a Republican is in the White House than when a Democrat holds the presidency.
In 28 years of Republican administrations, the murder rate has averaged 7.9 per 100,000 nationally. In 22 years of Democratic administrations, it’s been 6.7. Check out this chart.

Now, you could argue that leftists are indifferent to crime and lower crime happens as a consequence of other things they do, and that rightists want to lower crime, but just aren't very good at it.

Or you could try the usual excuses:

"The statistics are rigged!"


"They were just lucky!"

Whatever you like.

The statistic is skewed, because it includes acts of terrorism, which cares not for who is in office. September 11 inevitably tips the percentage towards Republicans.

It isn't that the statistics are rigged, just dishonest. Thus, implying a false conclusion.

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Oh. That was the law until the 30s, and it wasn't much changed until May 19, 1986, when Reagan signed the bill into law that limited machine guns to only those manufactured before that date, and nothing's changed since then.
The Second Amendment, according to the SCOTUS, disagrees with you.
Oh are we just discussing the law? I thought we were talking about what could or should be and why. If we're talking law we can just print code sections. :plain:

Everybody's got one.
If everyone had cancer would you want it?

You are an attorney unless I've missed my guess, and this is what you trot out to defend your position?
Well, at least up until that point if I trotted out any reasoning at all I'd have lapped you and the profundity of your "Disagree" so we can probably keep those to ourselves.

Rather, it was one sentence in what I thought might be an evolving conversation. Anticipating at some point you'd graduate beyond the one word response for the most part. The founders had reasons for the right. Many people ate the food their guns were instrumental in providing. We didn't have a permanent standing army. And I noted the relative problems that largely didn't allow for the sort of thing we saw in Vegas to be in their minds. I suspect they'd have had a different position today. In any event, we can still have it.

As a sum it would be, as an illustration it isn't.

It is very difficult to obtain a machine gun right now, true.
Within the law, absolutely. Unless you buy one of those legal means to make and then possess one illegally. But you appear to think that's fine. God alone knows why.

The problem is the threat of leftists getting into power and using registration to stage a campaign of confiscation, so I know you've heard at least one reason against.
If a government and the people ever reach a point where guns are to be banned registration or its absence won't be a difference maker. Ammunition will be. And to go against a real good by means of a paranoid potential that really won't matter seems capricious as reasoning goes.

In fact I insist upon good safety practice for everybody who touches a gun, but it shouldn't be a law.
As a safety issue why not? Do you know how many accidental shootings occur every year?

I do however support the idea---that right now I don't know of anybody championing---to include mandatory firearms safety classes in all public school curriculum.
It might be the next best thing, but unless a student had to pass it to possess a firearm it would still lack teeth.

In the case where we must use our weapons to defend our lives, this is a nonstarter. It is absolutely true that larger magazines enable more rounds fired per unit time, all other things being equal, and that's exactly what you need in a situation where you're fighting for your life and limb.
Well, no. Name the last time anyone in a position to defend their life from some attacker needed a thirty round clip to do it. That's just not how most shootings, especially robbery related shootings happen. A person trained in the use of a weapon can manage it with fewer rounds than you'd find in a six shooter. In most cases the brandishing of a weapon will be the difference maker.

The Second Amendment recognizes the right to keep and bear one-person machine guns; their effective ban right now is against the law.
I treat the right as a right, and as the SCOTUS has defined that right. It stems from the right to life.
No right is without abridgement or balance among others. Especially where a compelling societal interest may overwhelm the unrestricted right.

What will change things, is if carrying rifles becomes common.
We have more guns than any other country. How safe are we comparably to countries with strict controls? Not very.

Which is the point, your silly introduction of nuclear weapons notwithstanding.
If you're going to talk about mouseguns you're legless in complaint.

Carry rifles. Nobody with a handgun could have stopped the guy from down on the ground, but the toll would have been 10x smaller if someone with a rifle hit him between the eyes, which would have been easy with a rifle.
Yeah, that's the better alternative, a bunch of people who haven't been checked out on safety, or a rifle range, firing up at a hotel presumably filled with other people than the shooter. :plain:

If you really want to lessen the chances, while recognizing and protecting the RKBA, ban tall structures.
Can't be done and shouldn't for any number of reasons, while making ourselves appreciably safer from this sort of incident can be done without destroying cities or the right to bear arms.

Congress is who they are because 60% of Americans believe in the RKBA.
No, Congress is bought and paid for by the gun lobby. When most Americans favored limiting clips after a spate of school shootings Congress followed their masters on the point.

Your continued accusation that it's about money is simply false.
Rather, your willful naivety in the service of an unreasonable position plays the false note.

Here's a link to a recent LA Times article containing a summation of the influence and links to support the contention.

From the article about the powers in Congress presently:
The gun rights organization spent a stupendous $54.4 million in the 2016 election cycle, almost all of it in “independent expenditures,” meaning spending for or against a candidate but not a direct contribution to a campaign. The money went almost entirely to Republicans to a degree that almost looks like a misprint (but isn’t): Of independent expenditures totaling $52.6 million, Democrats received $265.

The NRA endowed the 54 senators who voted in 2015 against a measure prohibiting people on the government’s terrorist watch list from buying guns...

And the madness continues.


Nathon Detroit

A woman screamed at a crowd of Las Vegas concertgoers that they were “all going to die tonight” just 45 minutes before a gunman opened fire, killing at least 50, according to a concertgoer interviewed by KSNV, NBC’s Las Vegas affiliate.

Brianna Hendricks, who attended the Route 91 Harvest Festival with her mother to celebrate her 21st birthday, described the moment a woman screamed “they’re all around…you’re all going to ****ing die today,” as reported the Daily Mail.
I agree that was a very strange incident. And while it should be investigated we are talking about Vegas here. I go to Vegas 3 or 4 times a year and there are nuts on every street corner shouting all kinds of bizarre doomsday stuff. It could have just been a eerie coincidence.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
I agree that was a very strange incident. And while it should be investigated we are talking about Vegas here. I go to Vegas 3 or 4 times a year and there are nuts on every street corner shouting all kinds of bizarre doomsday stuff. It could have just been a eerie coincidence.

In a crowd of 22,000 there's gonna be a few nuts, Vegas or not.

The Barbarian

The statistic is skewed, because it includes acts of terrorism, which cares not for who is in office. September 11 inevitably tips the percentage towards Republicans.

Nope. If you thought about it for a minute, you'd realize it was a dumb thing to do. The number of people killed in 9/11 was roughly 1/5 of the annual number of murders in the US. Roughly the difference between homicides in democrat administrations and republican administrations.

Which means that in order to make things even, there would have to be a 9/11 attack for every democrat president, every year. Gives you some idea of the scope of the difference, doesn't it?

It isn't that the statistics are rigged, just dishonest. Thus, implying a false conclusion.

Now you know better. Worse than you thought, um?


Get your armor ready!
Hall of Fame
Kimmel's Gun Grab - Must See For Gun Owners

A good example of Fake News from anti-gun people
Good one.

Ben Shapiro makes a good argument also.

He hits the nail on the head about the left's tactic that 'you don't care' about the people killed if you disagree with a gun ban.
That's nonsense.
Me wanting to have my right to arm myself does not mean I do not have any sympathy for those killed by nuts that use guns.

Not to mention it is just more of the leftist agenda ruining entertainment for everyone.
Award shows.
NFL games.
Late night variety shows.

The Barbarian

That means absolutely nothing,

It's just data, provided by police forces and federal agencies (under both democrat and republican administrations. Yes, the final dodge against reality is "they are all lying, all of them!"

We get that. No one really believes it.

as most leftist generated news and statistics. Ice cream sales rise when shark attacks are more frequent, do ice cream sales cause shark attacks?

Correlation is not necessarily causation. I mentioned some possible explanations that republicans might make:

For example, it might be that democrats weren't really trying to lower homicide rates, but other things they do have a side-effect of lowering homicide rates. This actually has some evidence to support it.

You could argue that it was just luck, although statistical analysis would show that to be extremely unlikely.

Or you could take the attitude that "they are lying, all of them!"

Your choice.

Save your feeble anti-Republican crap.

It's just facts. You can accept them, or you can deny them.

But they don't go away.


Member of the 10 year club on TOL!!
Hall of Fame
hmmm so you would support the ownership of tanks, combat drones and nukes by private individuals by that logic?
The wording of the second amendment does not preclude such ownership. At a minimum, it leads to a lively debate over the definition of "arms".

The world has become a place where such weapons exists that individuals cannot be as well armed as states. The guarantees of our freedom need to be more subtle than they were at the in the later half of the 18th century.
This is why history is important. Why do we even have the second amendment? Why did the founding father feel that this was so important that they gave it a constitutional amendment? I do not think it is a good idea to ignore their reasoning. We would be foolish to fall into the mindset of, "it couldn't happen here."


Well-known member
I agree that was a very strange incident. And while it should be investigated we are talking about Vegas here. I go to Vegas 3 or 4 times a year and there are nuts on every street corner shouting all kinds of bizarre doomsday stuff. It could have just been a eerie coincidence.

Totally agree...


New member
Nope. If you thought about it for a minute, you'd realize it was a dumb thing to do. The number of people killed in 9/11 was roughly 1/5 of the annual number of murders in the US. Roughly the difference between homicides in democrat administrations and republican administrations.

Which means that in order to make things even, there would have to be a 9/11 attack for every democrat president, every year. Gives you some idea of the scope of the difference, doesn't it?

False. The statistics from the graph you show do not indicate the conclusion you provide.

For example, Clinton's presidency had higher crime averages than Bush or Reagan.

Also, 1/5?! Really? You are accurate. Over 15,000 people die as a result of "violent crime." "Violent crime" includes: murder, gang violence, terrorism, arson, accidental death as the result of altercation, etc. (source: FBI statistics; https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/latest-crime-statistics-released). So that year, there must have been a much lower crime rate, according to your provided link. Which really makes one wonder what was going on during Clinton's presidency.

No. The statistics do not support your claim of greater violence during Republican administrations.

So, do I know better? Yes. Based on actual reality.

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New member
Hall of Fame
Mitch "the Turtle" McConnell says that it's too early to talk about guns now...which is code for, "Let's wait it out, let it cool down, and let the NRA continue to run our show and stock our mini bars while we grind efforts aimed at making our constitutes safer into the ground."

What stumped him? Whether or not to consider making bump stocks illegal. Bump stocks, legal to sell and buy, are used to convert weapons to full automatic. He thought the Vegas shootings made that consideration inappropriate. You know, like when the Titanic sank and people argued considering safety measures for ships would be inappropriate considering... :plain:

What a piece of work is man...what a piece of something else is Congress.

I mostly agree with having a waiting period before moving from a tragedy to policy but the problem here is it's all politics. If a Muslim had blown up some people the GOP would have no problem talking about terrorism and what they can do to stop it. Trump would be all over Twitter talking about a ban on immigration.

patrick jane

Good one.

Ben Shapiro makes a good argument also.

He hits the nail on the head about the left's tactic that 'you don't care' about the people killed if you disagree with a gun ban.
That's nonsense.
Me wanting to have my right to arm myself does not mean I do not have any sympathy for those killed by nuts that use guns.

Not to mention it is just more of the leftist agenda ruining entertainment for everyone.
Award shows.
NFL games.
Late night variety shows.
Ben is smart. Jimmy says our thoughts and prayers are insufficient