58 Dead, 500 Plus Wounded

patrick jane

False. The statistics from the graph you show do not indicate the conclusion you provide.

For example, Clinton's presidency had higher crime averages than Bush or Reagan.

Also, 1/5?! Really? You are accurate. Over 15,000 people die as a result of "violent crime." "Violent crime" includes: murder, gang violence, terrorism, arson, accidental death as the result of altercation, etc. (source: FBI statistics; https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/latest-crime-statistics-released). So that year, there must have been a much lower crime rate, according to your provided link. Which really makes one wonder what was going on during Clinton's presidency.

No. The statistics do not support your claim of greater violence during Republican administrations.

So, do I know better? Yes. Based on actual reality.

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Liberal Barbie's assertions have nothing to do with Vegas, thanks for proving him wrong. Barbie only wants to take pot shots at Republicans, no matter how many years back he has to go. As I initially stated, Fake News


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
There is lots of baloney on this mad person. No one goes that nuts without any previous signs of mental illness. His 'wife' and brother are lying; the probably have seen him go nuts before and since these wackos make these threats when very angry, yet do not act out, those who know him never believed he would really harm people. Believe me, he has shown his wacko side many times before, but no one took him seriously.

mental illness is the real problem. You need a gun control problem, look at the often occurrence of city gang violence.

Mental illness is the problem in these isolated travesties, not gun control.


New member
False. The statistics from the graph you show do not indicate the conclusion you provide.

Let's take a look

For example, Clinton's presidency had higher crime averages than Bush or Reagan.

You've moved the goal posts. The conversation with The Barbarian was about homicide rates. Now you're referencing "higher crime averages".

The link provided showed that (since 1950) the homicide rate was higher during Republican presidencies on average. Also, the homicide rate was lower under Clinton (7.3) than it was under Reagan (8.54) or H.W. Bush (9.3).

If you want to talk about "higher crime averages" then provide the numbers and define the scope. I am not even disputing your claim just noting that you clearly moved the topic from homicide rates to "higher crime averages", whatever that is even referring to.

Also, 1/5?! Really? You are accurate. Over 15,000 people die as a result of "violent crime." "Violent crime" includes: murder, gang violence, terrorism, arson, accidental death as the result of altercation, etc. (source: FBI statistics; https://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/latest-crime-statistics-released).

Your source makes no claim that the September 11th attacks were included in the homicide rate for 2001. Please show that. From what I've read, they are not included. Did you notice that 2001 had no jump as you'd expect? The homicide rate in 2000 was 5.5, and then it was 5.6 in 2001 and 2002. With nearly one fifth of all homicides for the year happening in one day, you'd expect to see a jump.

There isn't one...

So that year, there must have been a much lower crime rate, according to your provided link.

Or, those deaths were not included in the statistics. Which do you think is the more plausible explanation? :think:

Which really makes one wonder what was going on during Clinton's presidency.

Or, what was going on during Reagan and H.W. Bush's as far as homicides were concerned...The homicide rate was 9.8 the first year of Reagan's presidency. It went down to 8.4 in his last. The homicide rate was 8.7 during the first year of H.W. Bush's presidency. It went up to 9.2 during his final year as president. The homicide rate was 9.5 during the first year of Clinton's presidency. It went down to 5.5 during his final year.

That's quite a drop in the homicide rate, isn't it? What was going on during Clinton's presidency?

No. The statistics do not support your claim of greater violence during Republican administrations.
Why be so vague ("violence") when the discussion was already quite specific (homicide)?

The statistics do support that since 1950 the homicide rate was lower during Democrat administrations that it was during Republican ones.

So, do I know better? Yes. Based on actual reality moving the goal posts.

You've only shown that when the data doesn't fit your narrative, you simply change the narrative.



The average American has far more to fear from the consequences of unrestricted gun ownership than from Kim Jung un!
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New member
For example, Clinton's presidency had higher crime averages than Bush or Reagan.

Actually, after doing more number crunching from here, even this claim is not accurate.

If you are discussing all crime the average rates are as follows:
Reagan 5446.24
H.W. Bush 5779.73
Clinton 4894.31

If you are referring to all violent crime the average rates are as follows:
Reagan 583.24
H.W. Bush 727.63
Clinton 636.05

Looks like H.W. Bush had by far the most crime ridden presidency of the three. He presided over the highest murder rate, violent crime rate and general crime rate. Clinton was second in violent crime but Reagan was second in overall crime rates during their respective presidencies. Reagan also had a higher murder rate during his presidency when compared to Clinton's.

So, I am not sure what you are basing your clam on. :idunno:
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The Barbarian

Barbarian observes:
Nope. If you thought about it for a minute, you'd realize it was a dumb thing to do. The number of people killed in 9/11 was roughly 1/5 of the annual number of murders in the US. Roughly the difference between homicides in democrat administrations and republican administrations.

Which means that in order to make things even, there would have to be a 9/11 attack for every democrat president, every year. Gives you some idea of the scope of the difference, doesn't it?

For example, Clinton's presidency had higher crime averages than Bush or Reagan.

Let's look at homicides (we were talking about those)...


Notice the homicide rate plunged during the Clinton administration. The decline first slowed and then leveled off in the Bush Administration, and then began to drop again after 2009.

Also, 1/5?! Really? You are accurate. Over 15,000 people die as a result of "violent crime."

Yep. So to catch up with the lower rate for democrats, (which average about 80% compared to republicans) there would have to be a 9/11 every year a democrat was in office.

No. The statistics do not support your claim of greater violence during Republican administrations.

They do show exactly that. Part of the reason, of course, is the huge drop in homicides during the Clinton administration, as you now realize.

Whatever Clinton did to lower homicides, and whatever Bush did to slow and then stop the decline,is arguable. That the decline happens in democrat administrations is not arguable.


New member
You've moved the goal posts. The conversation with The Barbarian was about homicide rates. Now you're referencing "higher crime averages".[\QUOTE] No. Barbarian was discussing higher murder rates being a direct result of who was in office. A correlation, at best, but a false one.

Furthermore, it is like comparing ice cream sales to homicide. Both go up in the summer. They are correlating, but not causational, which is Barbarian's implication.

If you want to talk about "higher crime averages" then provide the numbers and define the scope. I am not even disputing your claim just noting that you clearly moved the topic from homicide rates to "higher crime averages", whatever that is even referring to.[\QUOTE] I did. They are in my source link. It was an FBI publication from 2016.

So, I did not move the goal posts. I instead challenged false implications with statistics published by the FBI, highlighting the classification of "violent crime."

Your source makes no claim that the September 11th attacks were included in the homicide rate for 2001. Please show that. From what I've read, they are not included. Did you notice that 2001 had no jump as you'd expect? The homicide rate in 2000 was 5.5, and then it was 5.6 in 2001 and 2002. With nearly one fifth of all homicides for the year happening in one day, you'd expect to see a jump.
The lack of a jump was my entire point on the faulty nature of Barbarian's implications. Also, why are various terrorist attacks not included, but others are? One need only review key years and data for those years to see convenient forgetfulness of certain murders. For example, the Orlando Club shooting. September 11. These were murders. Sure, caused by terrorists, but still murder. Conveniently left out of "murder rate statistics." But a Cuban communist terrorist shooting five people is included.

Liberals always provide false implications using unrelated statistics, or just generate false statistics altogether. Patrick Jane provided an excellent video that exposes such tactics (Louder with Crowder video).

Or, those deaths were not included in the statistics. Which do you think is the more plausible explanation? :think:

Or, what was going on during Reagan and H.W. Bush's as far as homicides were concerned...The homicide rate was 9.8 the first year of Reagan's presidency. It went down to 8.4 in his last. The homicide rate was 8.7 during the first year of H.W. Bush's presidency. It went up to 9.2 during his final year as president. The homicide rate was 9.5 during the first year of Clinton's presidency. It went down to 5.5 during his final year. [\QUOTE] See? It is all about convenient classifications.

Why be so vague ("violence") when the discussion was already quite specific (homicide)?[\QUOTE] You are focusing on one word, rather than the point. Violence is a part of "violent crime." It is also a part of "murder." It isn't being vague; it is being general in order to cover anyone's attempt at interchanging terms.

The statistics do support that since 1950 the homicide rate was lower during Democrat administrations that it was during Republican ones.[\QUOTE] Why are we using 1950? Is it because Democrats were conservatives and Republicans more liberal, then? It does help in tipping those rates and percentages.

You've only shown that when the data doesn't fit your narrative, you simply change the narrative.
No. I only exposed false conclusions and statistics.

Your applications of fallacies, such as moving the goal posts, to me, is faulty. Sure, you tried to point out "vague" vocabulary, yet all the while ignoring Barbarian's false implications of cause. This, combined with the claim that I altered the narrative is an attempt at attacking character, a fallacy in itself, as it is not a valid argument.

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patrick jane

Your applications of fallacies, such as moving the goal posts, to me, is faulty. Sure, you tried to point out "vague" vocabulary, yet all the while ignoring Barbarian's false implications of cause. This, combined with the claim that I altered the narrative is an attempt at attacking character, a fallacy in itself, as it is not a valid argument.

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The Wiz specializes in doing that


New member
The Wiz specializes in doing that


He moved the goal posts (switching the conversation from homicide rates to "higher crime averages" midstream). My pointing it out is attacking his character? My, my. You are fragile indeed. Just like you have done, he is using imprecise language that confuses the conversation.

In the meantime...


patrick jane


He moved the goal posts (switching the conversation from homicide rates to "higher crime averages" midstream). My pointing it out is attacking his character? My, my. You are fragile indeed. Just like you have done, he is using imprecise language that confuses the conversation.

In the meantime...

I'm far from fragile and your M.O. is to misrepresent people. Anyway, jsanford exposed you again.


Active member
Bad idea. The people need to be armed similarly to the government. That is why the second amendment exists, so that we can rise up against our government should the need arise. HISTORY! History is important. Those who do not learn from it are doomed to repeat it.

So anyone should be able to own tanks, B-52 bombers (with ammo), bunker buster bombs, ICBMs, tomahawk missles, etc?


So anyone should be able to own tanks, B-52 bombers (with ammo), bunker buster bombs, ICBMs, tomahawk missles, etc?
The test is whether or not the gun is used in militaries today and carried by individual warriors. Sawed-off shotguns are not used in any militaries, so the Second Amendment doesn't recognize the right to own a sawed-off shotgun. The founders intended "the right to keep and bear arms" to apply to the guns that individual warriors would themselves bear during a war. That's machine guns. That's not B-52s.