2006 TOL Fantasy Football League

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Well-known member
Week 1: 9/7/06 - 9/11/06
Jesus Freaks at OutLaws
Wolverines at Loose Lug Nutz
Imrahil's Cavaliers at Knight's Avalanche
Rednecks at Mr. 5020's Odds
D Generation X at Jefferson's Troglodytes
cattyfan's conquerors at ctfridaynightlights


Hey Doc, last year we did away with the option of having our players listed as 'Injured' and instead raised the roster limit to 23. Is that going to be the same this year? [The 'Rules' say something entirely different than how we played last year]


Well-known member
BillyBob said:
Hey Doc, last year we did away with the option of having our players listed as 'Injured' and instead raised the roster limit to 23. Is that going to be the same this year? [The 'Rules' say something entirely different than how we played last year]
We didn't have IR last year? I think we did.

Mr. 5020

New member
drbrumley said:
We didn't have IR last year? I think we did.
No, we didn't.

Also, doc, I noticed when looking at the previews, that there are a few teams that say they have Illegal Lineups, though their active lineups are legal. I think all of them were a result of having 3 total QB's.


Well-known member
But thanks for reminding me to cut out the trades part of the rules, That was done awhile ago and I needed to make the change but forgot.


Well-known member
Mr. 5020 said:
No, we didn't.

Also, doc, I noticed when looking at the previews, that there are a few teams that say they have Illegal Lineups, though their active lineups are legal. I think all of them were a result of having 3 total QB's.
Let me check it out. Everything is set, so if someone has an illegal lineup, that's thier fault.


drbrumley said:
We didn't have IR last year? I think we did.

We dropped the IR and extended our lineup to 13 Reserve positions. I remember having this discussion last year, there may still be a thread with your decision posted....


Well-known member
Mr. 5020 said:
No, we didn't.

Also, doc, I noticed when looking at the previews, that there are a few teams that say they have Illegal Lineups, though their active lineups are legal. I think all of them were a result of having 3 total QB's.
I put the cap on QB's to 3. There isn't that many QB's in the league to start though. I guess I can bump it to 4 but that's it.


Well-known member
BillyBob said:
We dropped the IR and extended our lineup to 13 Reserve positions. I remember having this discussion last year, there may still be a thread with your decision posted....
OK, I think I remember now, the IR thing initially was for those players who were hurt and not playing in a game. That was too hard to keep track of and was abused sometimes unintentially. Last year, we did away with it.

This year, I made improvements on it. The only time a player will be in the IR is when they are out for the season, and you may want to keep them over the summer, deciding if you want to keep or offer for trade or whatever.

But we did discuss and agreed upon that there should be 20 players or less on the roster.


BillyBob said:
We dropped the IR and extended our lineup to 13 Reserve positions. I remember having this discussion last year, there may still be a thread with your decision posted....

Here we go:

Here's the page where it was discussed. [towards the bottom]

Kight's Post:

Knight said:
This whole issue shows why the IR thing is useless.

Why not just expand the rosters to 23 and be done with it. :)

Or, make the rosters be 20 and be done with it.

The IR thing is gay. :flamer:

BillyBob said:
I like 23.

Knight said:

Lucky said:
Me too. It gives coaches room for their regular backups, and a few spots for those low-profile players with potential to increase in fantasy value later in the season.

After some more discussion, Doc posted:

drbrumley said:
20 it is.

Lucky said:
20 or 23?

drbrumley said:
Oops, darn. typo. 23

drbrumley said:
And thats my final answer LOL!!!!


Well-known member
13 reserves it is, since I can't prove there was a vote. I remember it though. That should teach me to delete league votes on the Fantasy Site.

Mr. 5020

New member
drbrumley said:
13 reserves it is, since I can't prove there was a vote. I remember it though. That should teach me to delete league votes on the Fantasy Site.
I remember that it was in this thread, but it won't let me search for "IR" because it's too short of a word, and I'm not about to read 186 pages. :)


Well-known member
Ok, there is a situation that has developed.

I'm going to have to delete everything in this league transactions wise. I have copied everything and will re-enter everything. It seems some trades will not go thru because according to CBS, the draft is still in progress. So I have to delete all rosters and put them back in.

So in the mean time, I shut off the trades and add/drops for the time being. They will be back up when i'm finished.

Sorry for the incoveince this may cause.

Mr. 5020

New member
drbrumley said:
Ok, there is a situation that has developed.

I'm going to have to delete everything in this league transactions wise. I have copied everything and will re-enter everything. It seems some trades will not go thru because according to CBS, the draft is still in progress. So I have to delete all rosters and put them back in.

So in the mean time, I shut off the trades and add/drops for the time being. They will be back up when i'm finished.

Sorry for the incoveince this may cause.
Do what you gotta do, doc.

I appreciate your effort! :up:
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