18% of people don't know Ted Cruz's name!


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
Let's just hope that Ted Cruz's Presidential exploration team put as much thought into his eligibility as you have barbarian.

Won't matter. It won't be an issue because he won't make it out of the primaries. You don't need a birth certificate to lose a primary.

Social conservative candidates aren't the "in thing" in our secular humanist society Doper, so for once in your life you're probably right.

That being said: With God anything is possible.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don't blame you for dodging the question TH.
See, if I'd actually wanted to do that you wouldn't know who I voted for in any election.

If I had voted for the sodomite loving-baby murdering Marxist
You forgot to work in Muslim. It's a miracle you could fill out a ballot. Or did you request an oral?

who is undoubtedly the worst President in US history
If you compare him with himself maybe. Best and worst by that count. Else, no. Not outside of that myopic little ball of frustrated anger and angst that is your noggin (and the noggin of likened mind...I use the singular advisedly).

I'd play little games with the year he was elected too.
No. I noted both cycles. It isn't a game. It's the way it is. The game is when someone who knows how I voted in the last cycle (because I haven't been shy about either vote) but can't make the charge he really, really wants to stick then and so runs to the more distant (and defensible) vote to try anyway...well, you get the point. Don't put your eye out with it. :nono:


Well-known member
So when is Bibi Netanyahu going to declare for the GOP presidential nomination? Republicans deserve the real thing.


New member
Head case

Head case

Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I know you hate Cruz for his stance against homosexual supposed "rights" Aaron, just come out and admit it.

Let me put it this way Aaron:

If Ted Cruz ever goes to the effort of attacking someone who gives numerous excellent reasons for the recriminalization of homosexuality like this Libertarian in denial does, then I'll not only call Cruz a "homosexualist", I'll also call him a "real nutcase".



So, anyone and everyone who "attacks" you (for being deceitful, for dodging, for bearing false witness, for being a clear hypocrite, etc) is a "homosexualist".

:kookoo: You. Are. Delusional

If Cruz doesn't advocate the recriminalization of homosexuality, then he's a "homosexualist" by standards you dreamed up years ago.

Once again, by your own standard, you support a "homosexualist" for president.
I don't blame you for dodging the question

Dodging a question? Someone is, 'warrior'

I don't blame you for dodging...over and over and over again. :chicken:

Keep calling yourself a "warrior" though. I'm sure everyone is convinced :chuckle:
:mock: self-described warrior.

The Barbarian

Let's just hope that Ted Cruz's Presidential exploration team put as much thought into his eligibility as you have barbarian.

He's shook enough that he's now released his birth certificate, but as you see, he failed to show the required FS-240.

If there was one, and it was lost, he could replace it here:

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, a likely candidate for president in 2016, released his Canadian birth certificate over the weekend, but that's unlikely to end discussion about whether he meets the Constitution's ill-defined standard of natural-born citizenship.

"Clearly there is an issue of eligibility," crusading skeptic of President Barack Obama's birth certificate Orly Taitz told U.S. News. "It's basically the same issue as Obama has."

Cruz was born in Calgary, Canada, in 1970, according to the document. He automatically acquired U.S. citizenship through his American mother, but he also likely gained automatic Canadian citizenship.


"He's a Canadian" too, Stephen Green, a past chairman of the Canadian Bar Association's Citizenship and Immigration Section, told the Dallas Morning News.

Ironic, um? Here we were worried about Syrians, and a Canadian manages to shut down the U.S. government.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
Not to worry, the 82% who do are enough to get him elected POTUS.

Let us hope so, I really like him...he is the best candidate out there and bringing an uplifting message just as Reagan did. He truly has the makings of a great statesman & leader for this nation, something it has not had in a few decades.

The Barbarian

Won't matter. It won't be an issue because he won't make it out of the primaries. You don't need a birth certificate to lose a primary.

He's actually in the top 15 for the republican nomination.

But Real Clear Politics, citing 21 match-up polls for Clinton/Cruz in the last two months, has Clinton leading every one of them, with only two less than double-digit leads over Cruz.

Republicans are sick of being the opposition party. They'll pick whoever they think can win.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
So when is Bibi Netanyahu going to declare for the GOP presidential nomination? Republicans deserve the real thing.

Given that Cruz is hated by both establishment RINO republicans & Democrats alike I think it is fair to say that he is doing something right, he has my support as well...:thumb:


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
He's actually in the top 15 for the republican nomination.

But Real Clear Politics, citing 21 match-up polls for Clinton/Cruz in the last two months, has Clinton leading every one of them, with only two less than double-digit leads over Cruz.

Republicans are sick of being the opposition party. They'll pick whoever they think can win.

Are you libs still thinking of running that ole retread Hillary? One word..."Baggage". Being that the Democrats are the ones that leaked the e-mail hit job on her, I would say "stick a fork in her...she's done" her own party is moving away from her. So who will it be then? :think:

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Given that Cruz is hated by both establishment RINO republicans & Democrats alike I think it is fair to say that he is doing something right, he has my support as well...:thumb:
If you like throwing your support behind a guy who will nearly guarantee the Dems take the White House...

I'd support Huntsman, but it doesn't look like he's going to run and after him I don't see much in either party to get enthusiastic about.


New member
I'd support Huntsman, but it doesn't look like he's going to run and after him I don't see much in either party to get enthusiastic about.

He seems to be putting a lot of effort into this "No Labels" thing he's doing. It's a little bit hard to see him running in a GOP primary in the near future.


Resident Rocket Surgeon
Hall of Fame
If you like throwing your support behind a guy who will nearly guarantee the Dems take the White House...

I certainly will not be voting for a progressive liberal republican like Jeb Bush. I personally don't agree with your assessment either, you are a liberal I expect you to hate a true conservative just like the RINO's do.

I'd support Huntsman, but it doesn't look like he's going to run and after him I don't see much in either party to get enthusiastic about.

Liberal...sorry you libs have screwed things up enough, time to let the adults run things.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I certainly will not be voting for a progressive liberal republican like Jeb Bush. I personally don't agree with your assessment either, you are a liberal I expect you to hate a true conservative just like the RINO's do.
I think you sound stupid when you write something like that. I don't think you are stupid, but when you write something like that you might as well be. (coda)

I don't hate Cruz. I just wouldn't vote for him. I wouldn't vote for Hillary either.

Only in the land of "I create my own dictionary and redefine to suit me". Which, I hear, has a really low income tax...and attention span.

sorry you libs have screwed things up enough, time to let the adults run things.
See: Coda.

The Barbarian

Are you libs still thinking of running that ole retread Hillary? One word..."Baggage".

Given that Clinton is hated by both liberal democrats & republicans alike I think it is fair to say that she is doing something right, although she won't have my vote. Abortion, you know.

Being that the Democrats are the ones that leaked the e-mail hit job on her, I would say "stick a fork in her...she's done"

Hmm... most polls have her in the mid-60s among democrats. Which unless there's a huge drop, very soon, I don't see much in her way.

The bigger point is that polls of Americans have her beating every republican, even after the various attempts by republicans at finding the magic bullet that will take her out.

her own party is moving away from her.

Looks like the republicans gave it their best shot. But she still dominates, so far.

So who will it be then?

Unless things change quickly, that will be answered in 2024, it seems.

this was said on Fox News earlier

well, I think we have confirmation that there are far more low info voters than high info. I mean, GEEZ, they didn't even know who Ted Cruz is?

and then there are those who have heard his name, know who he is, but... still low info... Are we in big trouble (again)?

but this 18%.. is almost like NO info voters... well, No info people, I mean.. not sure whether Fox meant those 18%ers were voters or not... definitely hope not


Did the people know Jimmy Carter before he became president?