18% of people don't know Ted Cruz's name!

Word based mystic

New member

this was said on Fox News earlier

well, I think we have confirmation that there are far more low info voters than high info. I mean, GEEZ, they didn't even know who Ted Cruz is?

and then there are those who have heard his name, know who he is, but... still low info... Are we in big trouble (again)?

but this 18%.. is almost like NO info voters... well, No info people, I mean.. not sure whether Fox meant those 18%ers were voters or not... definitely hope not



only 18% don't

that is pretty good for todays society.


New member
Someone is always comparing an American politician to Hitler. Cruz is not as bad as Hitler. Neither is Obama or Bush. No American politician today is as bad as Hitler. Except Dick Cheney. :banana:

and no poster is as loony as you... except that aikado dude or whatever it is...


The Barbarian

Ironically, it was the guys who support Ted Cruz who put him in that mess. BTW, the Child Citizenship Act of 2001 provides that a child of American citizens immigrating to the US to live, automatically gets citizenship.

Unfortunately for Cruz, it's not retroactive. So we're still going to need that form. The long form, I presume.


New member
Ironically, it was the guys who support Ted Cruz who put him in that mess. BTW, the Child Citizenship Act of 2001 provides that a child of American citizens immigrating to the US to live, automatically gets citizenship.


not surprisingly, this makes absolutely NO sense

American citizens immigrating to the US??




New member
I know you hate Cruz for his stance against homosexual supposed "rights" Aaron, just come out and admit it.

Wrong as usual. Let's talk about his unwillingness to advocate the recriminalization of homosexuality...Doesn't that make him a "homosexualist"?

Cause, you call me one but that's all you've got on me.

So, what makes me one but not him? :idea: AlaCarteWarrior, perhaps...

As usual

Word based mystic

New member
I simply pointed out that it wasn't "conservative birthers" that brought up the issue of the sodomite baby murdering marxist being born in Kenya, it was a Hillary Clinton democrat that did.

Nice try though jgarden, back to your LGBTQ drawing board.

a culturewarrior

i didnt know your were ted cruz
nice pic of you


New member
Edit: Cruz was brought to the United States when he was four years old, and had no say in it. The United States is the only country he has known, and other than his actions as a senator, he's been a responsible and self-supporting person, like so many other dream kids. He's here illegally though .

how utterly insane

he is a citizen of the US.

get a life



New member

this was said on Fox News earlier

Well, then it must be true.

For a senator, that's pretty high name recognition. The bigger problem he has is that most of those who know him, even Republicans, won't vote for him.

well, I think we have confirmation that there are far more low info voters than high info. I mean, GEEZ, they didn't even know who Ted Cruz is?

Fun fact: Cruz is four times more likely to tell you a pants-on-fire lie than the truth.

At least that's his record with PolitiFact. Oh, I know, the liberal media....

The Barbarian



Quote: Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
your candidate very well might make his 10,000th Executive Order of the month and declare himself El Presidente' for life and you won't have to worry about Tea Party favorites like Ted Cruz legitimately occupying the White House.

Didn't vote for the current office holder....

Not even in the 2008 election? I swear you were one of the several TOL'ers who were initially responsible for the 8 years of the living nightmare we as a nation are currently experiencing.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
I know you hate Cruz for his stance against homosexual supposed "rights" Aaron, just come out and admit it.

Wrong as usual. Let's talk about his unwillingness to advocate the recriminalization of homosexuality...Doesn't that make him a "homosexualist"?

Cause, you call me one but that's all you've got on me.

So, what makes me one but not him? :idea: AlaCarteWarrior, perhaps...

As usual

Let me put it this way Aaron:

If Ted Cruz ever goes to the effort of attacking someone who gives numerous excellent reasons for the recriminalization of homosexuality like this Libertarian in denial does, then I'll not only call Cruz a "homosexualist", I'll also call him a "real nutcase".



Ironically, it was the guys who support Ted Cruz who put him in that mess. BTW, the Child Citizenship Act of 2001 provides that a child of American citizens immigrating to the US to live, automatically gets citizenship.

Unfortunately for Cruz, it's not retroactive. So we're still going to need that form. The long form, I presume.

Let's just hope that Ted Cruz's Presidential exploration team put as much thought into his eligibility as you have barbarian.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Originally posted by aCultureWarrior
your candidate very well might make his 10,000th Executive Order of the month and declare himself El Presidente' for life and you won't have to worry about Tea Party favorites like Ted Cruz legitimately occupying the White House.
Didn't vote for the current office holder....

Not even in the 2008 election?
He didn't win this presidency/election in 2008. They have them every four years, like clockwork. You missed one. :plain:

I swear you were one of the several TOL'ers who were initially responsible for the 8 years of the living nightmare we as a nation are currently experiencing.
Two four year terms. No more than two. He has to win each one. That's how it works.


Not even in the 2008 election? I swear you were one of the several TOL'ers who were initially responsible for the 8 years of the living nightmare we as a nation are currently experiencing.

Didn't vote for the current office holder....

He didn't win this presidency/election in 2008. They have them every four years, like clockwork. You missed one. :plain:

Two four year terms. No more than two. He has to win each one. That's how it works.

I don't blame you for dodging the question TH. If I had voted for the sodomite loving-baby murdering Marxist in 2007, who is undoubtedly the worst President in US history, I'd play little games with the year he was elected too.