18% of people don't know Ted Cruz's name!


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's funny how US citizenship is now all of the sudden important to the Obama lemmings.

Cruz's mother was a US citizen. Both of his parents were working in Canada on visas when Ted was born.

Legal duo says Texas Sen. Ted Cruz eligible to seek presidency

It wasn't the "Obama lemmings" that made this an issue, its the conservative "birthers" who've been riding this "hobby-horse" gir the last 6 years.

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

Nearly all liberals, as well as a few misguided conservatives, have sought to dismiss the “birther” movement as the product of right-wing retards barking up the wrong tree.

However, the entire issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility was first brought to the fore by lawyers acting on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.

Specifically, Phil J. Berg, hardly a member of any vast right wing conspiracy, was an ardent supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, and her candidacy for the presidency.

Notwithstanding his liberal pedigree, Phil J. Berg was hot on the trail of one Barack Obama, because Berg wished to protect the American people from electing a non-citizen to the most powerful office in the world

Do your homework before you come out to play with the big boys jgarden.


New member
(You often times have to ask Libertarians the same question numerous times before they can come up with a lame answer).
Asking a question numerous times...
You're a Libertarian?

Who would have guessed...

If Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama was eligble to be El Presidente' even though he was born in Kenya, why did he and his peeps go to all of the trouble to have fake documents drawn up to show that he was born in the US?

It's a homosexual conspiracy, clearly :kookoo:


Well-known member
Oh and one more thing..

EXCLUSIVE: Top Republican contender Ted Cruz 'foolishly experimented with marijuana,' his campaign admits after Bush confesses to high-school pot use
It was 'when he was a teenager,' Cruz's spokesperson told Daily Mail Online; 'It was a mistake, and he's never tried it since'
Rick Perry, Donald Trump and John Bolton say they have never smoked pot; Rand Paul hints that he 'wasn't a choirboy' – but won't answer directly
Marco Rubio refuses to answer, saying no one will believe him if the answer is 'no'; Carly Fiorina will only say she opposes legalizing weed
Spokesmen for Govs. Scott Walker and Gov. Chris Christie, and former neurosurgeon Ben Carson, ignored questions entirely
Bush told the Boston Globe on Friday that he had smoked pot as a teenager at his elite prep school

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...fesses-high-school-pot-use.html#ixzz3VAkdKKPb

The Barbarian

I guess no one has that FS-240, um?

A child born abroad to a U.S. citizen parent or parents may acquire U.S. citizenship at birth if certain statutory requirements are met. The child’s parents should contact the nearest U.S. embassy or consulate to apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad of a Citizen of the United States of America (CRBA) to document that the child is a U.S. citizen. If the U.S. embassy or consulate determines that the child acquired U.S. citizenship at birth, a consular officer will approve the CRBA application and the Department of State will issue a CRBA, also called a Form FS-240, in the child’s name.

BTW, Obama's proposal for Dream Kids like Cruz, is that they stay out of trouble, and don't do drugs. Sorry Ted. You don't qualify.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
It's funny how US citizenship is now all of the sudden important to the Obama lemmings.

Cruz's mother was a US citizen. Both of his parents were working in Canada on visas when Ted was born.

Legal duo says Texas Sen. Ted Cruz eligible to seek presidency

Forgotten Truth: Hillary Clinton Mother of ‘Birther’ Movement!

Nearly all liberals, as well as a few misguided conservatives, have sought to dismiss the “birther” movement as the product of right-wing retards barking up the wrong tree.

However, the entire issue of Barack Obama’s eligibility was first brought to the fore by lawyers acting on behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2008.

Specifically, Phil J. Berg, hardly a member of any vast right wing conspiracy, was an ardent supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton, and her candidacy for the presidency.

Notwithstanding his liberal pedigree, Phil J. Berg was hot on the trail of one Barack Obama, because Berg wished to protect the American people from electing a non-citizen to the most powerful office in the world

Do your homework before you come out to play with the big boys jgarden.
Its "aCultureWarrior" who needs to do his "homework" because this whole "rant" is based on the credibility of Phil J. Berg.

- 2001 Berg demanded the disbarment of U.S. Supreme Court Justices Sandra Day O'Connor, Antonin Scalia, and Clarence Thomas due to their participation in the case Bush v. Gore

- 2004, Berg filed a Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO) lawsuit on behalf of a World Trade Center maintenance worker against President George W. Bush and others alleging that the Bush and certain government officials conspired to bring about the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center

- June 2, 2005, U.S. District Judge J. Curtis Joyner granted the motion for sanctions, finding that the fraud claim "was inadequately pled, not grounded in fact, time-barred, and utterly irrelevant to the pending malpractice action against him."..... The court also found that Berg's claim was motivated by a "desire to harass" and "delay litigation." The court fined Berg $10,000 and ordered him to attend six hours of ethics training

- August 21, 2008 - Berg filed a complaint in federal district court on against Democratic Party presidential nominee Senator Barack Obama, the Democratic National Committee and the Federal Election Commission, alleging that Obama was born actually in Mombasa, Kenya and that the "Certification of Live Birth" on Obama's website is a forgery. The court dismissed the complaint as "frivolous and not worthy of discussion."

- January 12, 2009, the Supreme Court denied Berg's petition for writ of certiorari (555 U.S. 1126),[15] and on January 21 the Court denied the application for injunction (555 U.S. 1134)

- June 19, 2013, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania ordered Berg suspended for two years for neglecting the 2006 federal lawsuit, stating that he filed the lawsuit on the last day for filing and subsequently "did virtually nothing to prosecute his client's claim," resulting in the case being dismissed. Berg then failed to notify his client of the dismissal and "over the next two years . . .

- January 2014, Berg resigned from the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States after it had previously ordered him to explain why he should not be expelled

Last edited:


Oh and one more thing..

EXCLUSIVE: Top Republican contender Ted Cruz 'foolishly experimented with marijuana,' his campaign admits after Bush confesses to high-school pot use. It was 'when he was a teenager,' Cruz's spokesperson told Daily Mail Online; 'It was a mistake, and he's never tried it since'

You went clear back to Ted Cruz's high school days where he admitted experimenting with dope in an attempt to defame him?

If you search deep enough I bet you can find him admitting to putting chewed bubble gum underneath his desk in elementary school.

(Libertarians, who would we laugh at if it weren't for them?).


Well-known member
You went clear back to Ted Cruz's high school days where he admitted experimenting with dope in an attempt to defame him?

If you search deep enough I bet you can find him admitting to putting chewed bubble gum underneath his desk in elementary school.

(Libertarians, who would be laugh at if it weren't for them?).

I posted that for you. To me, I can care less if he did or didn't. I'm very happy he doesn't. Your the one with a hangup towards it.


And he's a "homosexualist" for not calling for homosexuality to be recriminalized.

I know you hate Cruz for his stance against homosexual supposed "rights" Aaron, just come out and admit it.

Ted Cruz: I'm The Biggest Anti-Gay Bigot In The 2016 GOP Presidential Field

Cruz is worlds apart from your candidate who isn't even sure if homosexuality is a sin .

Being 'gay' a sin? Ron Paul can't say

Congressman on God condemning homosexuality: 'I have trouble with that'


(Libertarians: the makers of straight jackets would go out of business if it weren't for them).


I posted that for you. To me, I can care less if he did or didn't. I'm very happy he doesn't. Your the one with a hangup towards it.

There's a huge difference between a high school kid experimenting with dope and a politician promoting the legalization of it.


It wasn't the "Obama lemmings" that made this an issue, its the conservative "birthers" who've been riding this "hobby-horse" for the last 6 years.

Its "aCultureWarrior" who needs to do his "homework" because this whole "rant" is based on the credibility of Phil J. Berg.

I simply pointed out that it wasn't "conservative birthers" that brought up the issue of the sodomite baby murdering marxist being born in Kenya, it was a Hillary Clinton democrat that did.

Nice try though jgarden, back to your LGBTQ drawing board.


There's a huge difference between a high school kid experimenting with dope and a politician promoting the legalization of it.

What is wrong with giving someone the right to choose to legally use a drug that affects nobody but themselves? Nothing. If the only thing keeping you from doing anything is that it's illegal, then you have issues

Alcohol is far worse than marijuana. It's not even close

The Barbarian

It won't be an issue, unless Cruz becomes an official candidate. Then I think he'll have to look up that form to show that he was ever a natural-born citizen.

If there was one, it should be in federal records.


Originally Posted by aCultureWarrior
There's a huge difference between a high school kid experimenting with dope and a politician promoting the legalization of it.

So what's the difference? He didn't get caught . Imagine he was busted while experimenting. The horror.

Seriously, you're comparing a high school kid who was stupid and experimented with pot with a nutcase like this who wants to make all recreational drugs legal?



Well-known member

this was said on Fox News earlier

well, I think we have confirmation that there are far more low info voters than high info. I mean, GEEZ, they didn't even know who Ted Cruz is?

and then there are those who have heard his name, know who he is, but... still low info... Are we in big trouble (again)?

but this 18%.. is almost like NO info voters... well, No info people, I mean.. not sure whether Fox meant those 18%ers were voters or not... definitely hope not
Yeah, how amazing that other people don't care about what you care about. Imagine that!