“No sex was used to produce this child!”


New member
You can google plenty of sources. Do you think women really want to go through pregnancy and give away their babies to be "nice" to gay people? What's in it for them? It's the money, and many countries have made the financial contract illegal. That's why so many gays go to India to exploit poor women's wombs.

oh no it's the evil evil gays ... again


New member
Examples, please?
I'm not a research assistant. You can Google articles on the ethics of third party reproduction, and see the doctors and professors and ethicists who've written against it. The arguments are sound.


New member
I'm not a research assistant. You can Google articles on the ethics of third party reproduction, and see the doctors and professors and ethicists who've written against it. The arguments are sound.
You have burden of proof here. You made a statement, it is your responsibility to provide support for it.


New member
As you support anal sodomy being taught to school kids, yes, you are evil.

i support facts being taught to school children and i support civil rights.

the fact you call things like honesty and equality "evil" and the fact you are happy to make false claims and fight equality says so much about you and your claims to be a Christian


Well-known member
i support facts being taught to school children and i support civil rights.

Anal sodomy is a fact of civil rights? For children? You are evil and you will burn in the Lake of Fire lest you repent, receiving a love of the Truth. You're still breathing so it's not too late for you yet.

the fact you call things like honesty and equality "evil" and the fact you are happy to make false claims and fight equality says so much about you and your claims to be a Christian
What have I said here that's false? Oh, that's right...you like to accuse people of lies when all they do is accurately point out what your ilk engage in and want children to do.


New member
I don't consider LGBTQ advocacy research to be valid.
Then your considerations and assumptions have no basis in reality. This has been demonstrated by your avoidance to present alternative resources on the topic.


New member
Anal sodomy is a fact of civil rights? For children? You are evil and you will burn in the Lake of Fire lest you repent, receiving a love of the Truth. You're still breathing so it's not too late for you yet.

What have I said here that's false? Oh, that's right...you like to accuse people of lies when all they do is accurately point out what your ilk engage in and want children to do.

Will you provide actual references for your claims about children being taught how to engage in anal sex in the school?