“No sex was used to produce this child!”


New member
wait wait wait - sex creates a child?

Nobody told me that behind the schoolyard.

Good thing I'm still homeschooling. [google: 'how to make a baby']




New member
Deuteronomy 21:20-21

Do you have teenaged kids at home?

If so, I should be reading about them in the paper soon....yes?
Scripture is only important to the conservatives when it serves their purpose to promote their bigotry.


New member

Scripture is only important to the conservatives
when it serves their purpose to promote their bigotry.


Do you ever actually listen to yourself?

I mean, you're not a total retard, right?

I think even Conservative Roman Catholics do better than this,
and I'm a pretty extreme Protestant.


Do you just make shiite up in your head, then look for rythm or assonance?

What exactly goes on in your head that makes you decide
to blurt out a piece of strangeness, as opposed to forgetting you thought it?


Do you compose these things on coffee napkins,
then collect them like unfinished art ideas?

Do you keep a scrapbook, like the guy in Conspiracy Theory?


I really want to know what makes you tick now.

Post me a picture of your man-cave.
I'm sure it'll be a zinger, and a whole lot of enlightenment.


New member

Do you ever actually listen to yourself?

I mean, you're not a total retard, right?

I think even Conservative Roman Catholics do better than this,
and I'm a pretty extreme Protestant.

Do you just make shiite up in your head, then look for rythm or assonance?

What exactly goes on in your head that makes you decide
to blurt out a piece of strangeness, as opposed to forgetting you thought it?

Do you compose these things on coffee napkins,
then collect them like unfinished art ideas?

Do you keep a scrapbook, like the guy in Conspiracy Theory?

I really want to know what makes you tick now.

Post me a picture of your man-cave.
I'm sure it'll be a zinger, and a whole lot of enlightenment.
Would you like to address my criticism or would you like to continue your temper tantrum?


New member
So you would have not wanted this innocent child to be born. Got it.
Oookkkaaaay. Blame ME for the situation, and NOT the adults who selfishly engaged in third party reproduction for their OWN egos, to hell with the child's rights. GOT IT!!! :e4e: :wave2:


Well-known member
So in regards to the particular child mentioned in your article, would you prefer that she didn't exist?
Right. If GFR7 and the righteousness police can't be in charge of how she was conceived, she shouldn't have been conceived at all!


Hall of Fame
Oookkkaaaay. Blame ME for the situation, and NOT the adults who selfishly engaged in third party reproduction for their OWN egos, to hell with the child's rights. GOT IT!!! :e4e: :wave2:

I blame you for your disregard of this child and for using them to further your agenda. Since you don't *know* the couple or child of which you speak personally (nor do I), you have no idea of his/her welfare.


New member
I blame you for your disregard of this child and for using them to further your agenda. Since you don't *know* the couple or child of which you speak personally (nor do I), you have no idea of his/her welfare.
Choosing to alienate a child from its biological parent, siblings, and ancestry constitutes harm.


Hall of Fame
Choosing to alienate a child from its biological parent, siblings, and ancestry constitutes harm.

That's a blanket statement that would included adopted children and children taken FROM their biological parents for their safety and well being.


New member
That's a blanket statement that would included adopted children and children taken FROM their biological parents for their safety and well being.
It does NOT include adopted children. From the piece:

"As Katie Davis has put it, “Adoption is a redemptive response to tragedy that happens in this broken world.” It is a tragedy for any child to be separated from his or her biological family, the father and mother that are the source of that child’s being. Overall, adopted children have more difficulties than children raised by their biological families, even in married mother-father scenarios such as mine. Adoption serves to provide what was lost or not possible where there has sadly been a disruption of the natural family order.

But in cases like that of the “father” described above, the loss of a mother is not viewed as a tragedy at all. Rather, this motherlessness is deliberately sought; it is viewed as a triumph of technology to be celebrated. Who can deny that the child is being viewed only from the perspective of the adults’ wishes? No one considers the rights of the child who is deliberately deprived of the love of a mother........."


Well-known member
Choosing to alienate a child from its biological parent, siblings, and ancestry constitutes harm.
No, actually it doesn't. Lots of children who have been adopted are not harmed in any way by that fact. You're just making stuff up to justify your prejudice.


New member
No, actually it doesn't. Lots of children who have been adopted are not harmed in any way by that fact. You're just making stuff up to justify your prejudice.
No, untrue. Many researchers agree with me. Read the piece and others like it.
Or stick to your OWN prejudices if you like. :wave2:


Well-known member
No, untrue. Many researchers agree with me. Read the piece and others like it.
Or stick to your OWN prejudices if you like. :wave2:
Many "researchers" also agree that the Earth is 6000 years old.

The harm you're talking about comes from kids who were born but given away. That's not what we're talking about, here. But to see this you have to be honest, and you have to bother to consider other possibilities besides those that ratify your bias. Neither of which you're much interested in doing.


New member
No, untrue. Many researchers agree with me. Read the piece and others like it.
Or stick to your OWN prejudices if you like. :wave2:

While I agree that adopted children may be more likely to have 'issues' it doesn't mean that all do, and the 'issues' which is a very large window, it doesn't mean that the issues would not be present or they could even be worse if raised by their biological parents.

I'm adopted, I have some issues, however my life was much better being raised by my adopted parents than by my biological ones.


New member
Many "researchers" also agree that the Earth is 6000 years old.

The harm you're talking about comes from kids who were born but given away. That's not what we're talking about, here. But to see this you have to be honest, and you have to bother to consider other possibilities besides those that ratify your bias. Neither of which you're much interested in doing.
These are not "quack" researchers, by any means. And there have been studies on the psychological harm done to children of sperm, egg, and surrogacy donors. Do the research.


New member
While I agree that adopted children may be more likely to have 'issues' it doesn't mean that all do, and the 'issues' which is a very large window, it doesn't mean that the issues would not be present or they could even be worse if raised by their biological parents.

I'm adopted, I have some issues, however my life was much better being raised by my adopted parents than by my biological ones.
Granted, but this doesn't necessarily apply to children of egg/sperm/surrogacy donors. Whole different ballgame done for entirely different reasons.


Hall of Fame
Granted, but this doesn't necessarily apply to children of egg/sperm/surrogacy donors. Whole different ballgame done for entirely different reasons.

Indeed. Wanting a child VS Wanting a child.