‘My son is not the same’: New testimony paints bleak picture of family separation

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Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Wow. That's a new low, and that's saying a lot for an ignorant lowlife like you.
One of the things that's funny about that is my suggesting your posit should bring your sobriety into question is a "new low" while your using "ignorant lowlife" is pretty much business as usual.

So, I believe in law enforcement, and in protecting our border as is called for by law, and I illustrate how racism has no part in this, and you conclude that I am drunk.
No. It was by an large that you thought the whole rape/ridiculous question was a reasonable way to illustrate your point that did that.

Well, I guess that's the last refuge for a pathetic Cretin such as you.
Sadly, not even in the top 10, let alone a "new low" for you...maybe if you tried for something with height on it now and again?

Got not argument to make?
I made a couple already. You just missed them...which is funny.

Call the other guy drunk and end the discussion.
In order, you missed the point and the joke, and who ended anything? Also, you think your rhetorical contributions could be classified as discussion?

Goodbye McFly, go smoke some more crack.
Seriously, just the least bit of elevation. Because as it sits there's just this huge myopic low stew with the odd bubble. :plain: Also, that would be you attempting to "end the discussion," which makes the whole thing that much funnier.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
Please feel free to kiss


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
Please feel free to kiss

Appropriate, given it's a cartoon...and not a very good one.

But it really contextualizes your:
...you open your vile polluted yap you sink a little lower into the gutter.
By which I mean, you can't help being funny, can you.

I'm not sure it qualifies as a lower than though, let alone new low. I mean, given:
He does love to fondle the kiddies, doesn't he.

And it's not as funny as the hilariously self-unaware:
Thats what Jesus would do.


Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
I don't remember you expressing the notion that it was anybody's "business" when homos promote societal acceptance of homosexuality in the public square :think:
Yeah, that wouldn't be racism...or even the promotion of a bigoted behavior, but other than that it's just...completely unconnected to the point you appear to believe you were speaking to.


Selective outrage on the part of Town Idiot
Well, no, not rationally, so I can see your mistake.

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
In 2016, the Prison Policy Initiative estimated that in the United States, about 2,298,300 people were incarcerated out of a population of 323.1 million. I am still waiting for your leftwing baby-killing freaks to shed a tear for all those separated families.

Oh wait, I forgot, Trump didn't separate them so you don't care about those kids, they don't advance your political agenda. Right Town Halfwit?

Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
In 2016, the Prison Policy Initiative estimated that in the United States, about 2,298,300 people were incarcerated out of a population of 323.1 million. I am still waiting for your leftwing baby-killing freaks to shed a tear for all those separated families.

Oh wait, I forgot, Trump didn't separate them so you don't care about those kids, they don't advance your political agenda. Right Town Halfwit?

By the way, when you quote me in your gay little thread that you have me blocked out of because you're a coward, make sure you quote my posts in their entirety, okay Town Simpleton?

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
It's worse, behaviorally and Biblically.
Every sin carries the wages of death and grace is the only remedy, but if you're set on feeling like a lesser sinner and that means something to you, have at it. At any rate, the point remains that there's no hypocrisy on my part, because there was no real parallel in doser's attempt.

In 2016, the Prison Policy Initiative estimated that in the United States, about 2,298,300 people were incarcerated out of a population of 323.1 million. I am still waiting for your leftwing baby-killing freaks to shed a tear for all those separated families.
Given I'm neither a supporter of abortion or a left winger I can't say why they should be considered mine. But I've already noted there's a meaningful difference between the mother who steals a loaf of bread to feed a starving child and someone who knocks over a Jiffy Mart.

Oh wait, I forgot, Trump didn't separate them so you don't care about those kids
I care about any child. It's one reason I spent years protecting them as a VAWA attorney and part of why I'm about to begin my last career as an elementary school teacher.

, they don't advance your political agenda.
I don't have an agenda. I have positions on issues, which is why I've noted more than a few things this president has done that I liked, along with noting what I find unacceptable.

Right Town Halfwit?
Town Nervoustic would have been funnier...by which I mean funny.

Town Heretic

Out of Order
Hall of Fame
dint say it was
You didn't say a lot of things, or do what you needed, which would be to connect my position to your criticism.

but it's another example of what should be recognized by a Christian as unwanted behavior
My posit was about beliefs that actively injure the rights of others. Racism, bigotry tend to do that. Being hetero or homosexual is something else, though all of it is sin.

iow, town feels more strongly against outspoken racism than outspoken homosexuality
I'd say it this way, I feel more strongly about opposing the harm someone attempts to do others than I do the harm they work against themselves. Though I'm sorry to see either.


like marbles on glass
So many of the families separated at the border this year have been from Guatemala. Here's a chart that lays out the numbers.


Why so many Central American migrants risk family separation, detention at U.S. border

In the national conversation over family separations of immigrants entering the U.S. illegally in recent weeks is a key question many have wondered: Why flee Central America and risk such a treacherous journey and arrival to the U.S.?

One answer: An insurmountable amount of violence.

Report after report has found that violent crime is forcing many people, especially families, to flee their home countries out of fear of being killed. And the vast majority are arriving from Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

Here’s how the numbers tell a story behind the mass migration that’s leading many to end up in detentions or separated from their family at the U.S.-Mexico border:​


like marbles on glass
A baby who came to symbolize the U.S. government's policy of separating immigrant families didn't recognize his parents at first when they reunited in Honduras.

Adalicia Montecinos cried Friday, saying her son, Johan, "suffered everything that we have been suffering."

The 15-month-old boy arrived in Honduras five months after being separated from his father at the Texas border. Johan's father was deported and the boy remained in U.S. custody at an Arizona shelter.

The boy's case triggered international uproar when The Associated Press detailed his appearance in a U.S. courtroom.

Johan soon warmed to his parents Friday, laughing as he received kisses outside a center where they finished final legal paperwork before heading home.

Montecinos said she couldn't be happier to have her son back but she's also angry she was kept from her son for months.

Over the next five months, he would take his first steps, speak his first words and have his first birthday. His parents would miss it all.



ok doser

lifeguard at the cement pond
yes, that media

they have mostly moved on to bigger shinier things

when their fascination with trump's meeting with putin ends, or rather when their readers tire of it, they'll find something else

but "those poor abused children!" has run its course and doesn't sell advertising anymore


like marbles on glass
yes, that media

they have mostly moved on to bigger shinier things

when their fascination with trump's meeting with putin ends, or rather when their readers tire of it, they'll find something else

but "those poor abused children!" has run its course and doesn't sell advertising anymore

Maybe you can't, but others (both news providers and news consumers) are able to follow multiple stories at once.
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