... she's ... a racist piece of work...
Therefore, because there are some racists in America, we should let illegals flood over the borders and not enforce our laws. Is that your ignorant stupid deduction?
Here's a question: If you were being raped in an alley, and you saw a cop, and you needed his help, but you know the cop was a racist because you actually happen know him personally, would you choose not to ask for his help? Just curious.
If your kid needed a special operation to live that only one doctor in the world could perform, and that doctor was a racist, would you let your kid die? Just curious.
You know what? If someone wants to be a racist, why is that even anybody's business. Seriously. Blacks are the most racist people in a America and you never utter a peep about them. Guess what: If a black person hated me because I was white, I'd go on with my day without a care in the world. Do you know why? Because his racism does not affect me in the slightest, and I don't give a damm about it.
You know, every time you open your ignorant trap, I am just amazed at the depths of your stupidity, hypocrisy, and ignorance. Lord help your kids and save them from you.