like marbles on glass
Congress can stop him, or if they fail, then let democrats stop him. he must be stopped.
Robert Swan Mueller, do your job, or let someone more capable do it!
Mueller's hard at work, you can count on it.

Congress can stop him, or if they fail, then let democrats stop him. he must be stopped.
Robert Swan Mueller, do your job, or let someone more capable do it!
nobody cares about the children anna
nobody ever has
it was advantageous for the left to pretend they cared about the children, in order to chase after trump
right now they're too busy pretending they care about trump and putin, in order to chase after trump
next month it will be something else
I'm not sure. I was hoping for a thread that really talked about the needs and issues at the border. I suppose it'd have been a discussion, but one could likely bring debate to 'how the U.S. is presently doing it' vs. "what we should be doing."You're projecting. Just because you didn't care doesn't mean other people didn't.
They actually went to work to advocate for them, and made things happen - unlike the brain-dead Trumpers who were happy to see families being punished for seeking asylum.
I'm not sure. I was hoping for a thread that really talked about the needs and issues at the border.
This thread, for instance (not to bash, that's not my intent)
Next: What got us even into this mess? How in the world did all of these people wind up thinking to even come here all at the same time?
I AT LEAST am glad that kids genuinely are getting attention, dog pens or not.
At the very least, they are not being beaten, martyred, abused, nor neglected of essential needs.
I realize there is some indication they may not have sanitary conditions but many didn't come from sanitary conditions. An excuse? A wave? :nono: I'm simply saying I'm thankful at least for something, for anything. We get so political we forget to really look at the need and the actual people. I appreciate some kids are not the same after being separated, but I also appreciate a bit, that some of these who would likely have died(?) are alive and reasonably well where we CAN do something further and have the privilege of talking about it and what to do (nor do I believe their whole journey didn't affect them adversely, having read some of these stories).
Conflicting reports, even among these democrat representatives. Most are describing neglect, not abuse. You can make a stance that neglect IS abuse and I'd agree with you but it seems, from several comments, that even many BP agents want to try to help. To me, there is a difference.Then make one, Lon.
Let's not talk about the thread. Let's talk about the immigrants.
Because they're desperate, Lon.
Amazing how you just toss off "dog pens or not" like that.
Actually, yes they are.
1) I don't think it was what I wrote, but what you decided it meant. I'll say it again: EVEN IF they are not treated as humanly, 1) They are not dead or experiencing worse and 2) WE CAN fix that! I'm not sure we can fix all problems, we certainly cannot fix abuse where people are desiring life, but they are here, and they are alive where I,we CAN do something about it. A shiny nickel in the toilet? No, an opportunity because we 'have them.' Try not to jump ahead. Ask first perhaps? I'm not happy about the condition, I am seeing a glass, half full, that can be filled all the way up. AT LEAST it gives me a CHANCE at hope.Okay, I'm all out of patience. What you just wrote there is so wrong, on so many levels.
Yes, just words if no ears to hear.You just throw words, words, more words - and I don't know, maybe you think you're pondering sagely, or philosophizing, or what - but it all comes across as a lot of Pilate washing his hands and saying "what is truth?"
Liar. They are illegally sneaking into America and overburdening our systems and tax dollars and prisons. They are criminals. The children are victims of their criminal parents and of imbeciles like you who let it all happen.
Oh, and then there's this:
Illegal immigrants are trying a bold new strategy to sneak into the U.S. — pairing up with unrelated children and pretending to be families, fabricating tales of heart-rending woes back home to try to convince border agents to admit them into the country, according to internal Homeland Security documents reviewed by The Washington Times.
That is one of the tactics feeding the surge of illegal immigrants in recent months, which the Border Patrol’s intelligence unit says was part of a pre-election rush to try to get into the country. The U.S. set records for illegal immigrant children and families in fiscal year 2016 and is on pace to break those records one month into fiscal year 2017.
I am seeing a glass, half full, that can be filled all the way up.
Er, to indoctrinate kids? Yeah, I suppose it is happening in our school system presently :think:Because there could always be a "Kindness Kindergarten."Spoiler
Kind of like when you "build a little city..."
The Hotan Kindness Kindergarten, like many others, is a high security facility
China is deliberately separating Muslim children from their families, faith and language in its far western region of Xinjiang, according to new research.
At the same time as hundreds of thousands of adults are being detained in giant camps, a rapid, large-scale campaign to build boarding schools is under way.
Based on publicly available documents, and backed up by dozens of interviews with family members overseas, the BBC has gathered some of the most comprehensive evidence to date about what is happening to children in the region.
Records show that in one township alone more than 400 children have lost not just one but both parents to some form of internment, either in the camps or in prison.
Formal assessments are carried out to determine whether the children are in need of "centralised care".
Alongside the efforts to transform the identity of Xinjiang's adults, the evidence points to a parallel campaign to systematically remove children from their roots.
In a large hall in Istanbul, dozens of people queue to tell their stories, many of them clutching photographs of children, all now missing back home in Xinjiang.
"I don't know who is looking after them," one mother says, pointing to a picture of her three young daughters, "there is no contact at all."
Another mother, holding a photo of three sons and a daughter, wipes away her tears. "I heard that they've been taken to an orphanage," she says.
In 60 separate interviews, in wave after wave of anxious, grief-ridden testimony, parents and other relatives give details of the disappearance in Xinjiang of more than 100 children.
Something like that could never happen here, right?
But, you people on the left hate Trump so badly that if he personally financed a cure for cancer you would say his motives were bad and hate him all the more.
Just why should illegal aliens be treated any better than US citizens?
In my area of the country the state just stepped in and took the two remaining children away from a couple who had just lost one of their daughters to a very virulent form of the flu. She died within 24 hours of contracting it, and there is no treatment for it, yet the state took away the surviving children because it deemed the parents to not be good parents due to the death of their daughter.
It's total insanity as to what US citizens are subjected to without cause, so, why should illegal aliens be treated any differently?
Obama did the same thing--separated families and kept them in even dirtier cages--only he could have cared less about the kids being trafficked for his administration turned kids loose with known sex traffickers and violent criminals.
What the Trump administration is doing is the right thing.
They hate Trump more than they love their neighbor.
Similar to not taking care of war veterans. If we can't do it for us, by extension, we'll stink at trying to do it for them. It may be true, but I still wish we'd 'try' to do better to both.I don't see how one child being abused is justification for abusing thousands of them. How does that reason out?
For the most part, agreement. I'd suggest I'm 'right' but not far right. It does often align me with Republican agenda, but I've great reservations with both parties. We haven't had a president in a very long time who represented the majority of us.But,people on the right hate asylum seekers so badly that abusing children is, to them, just another tactic to discourage the process.
Similar to not taking care of war veterans. If we can't do it for us, by extension, we'll stink at trying to do it for them. It may be true, but I still wish we'd 'try' to do better to both.
For the most part, agreement. I'd suggest I'm 'right' but not far right. It does often align me with Republican agenda, but I've great reservations with both parties. We haven't had a president in a very long time who represented the majority of us.
So on this one, I prefer 'some' or 'many' "on the right." You did leave that open with 'people on the right' instead of just 'right' but it allowed an opportunity to clarify and distance from those, for whatever reason, would do drastic things to 'discourage.'
The extreme right (which happens to be running the executive branch right now)...
For the record, this is your first post in the thread. You aren't moderating it, you've personally invested in it. You've taken a side.
If I replied to you with "you love Trump more than you love your neighbor," you might now feel justified in banning me for disrespecting a mod, which is what you did to Arthur Brain.
That's an efficient way to cull the membership, but it's not a good one, and it's not in the best interests of the forum.
Just making this evident so if you give an infraction in this thread, we can see where you first began, with a lie about the character of other posters on this thread to whose views you're ideologically opposed.