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  1. musterion

    Sharia advances in Britain

    In light of the Mohammedan with a 4 foot sword who just attacked two cops outside Buckingham Palace, He nails it at the end: they've lost the will to win, as will be demonstrated by the lying leftists who say there's no problem at all.
  2. musterion

    UN Security Council confirmed Iraq had WMDs This was in 2002, before the U.S. invaded in 2003.
  3. musterion

    Eyewitness videos to weirdness

    Makes this make more sense,
  4. musterion

    Left eats Left

    BLM guy tells antifa guy to take off his mask. Then... The Left is all about love. And eating itself. Where's Danoh to tell us which one is doing what Jesus would do, or...
  5. musterion

    This is how people on the Right really view "race" Yep.
  6. musterion

    Mike Rowe humiliates a stupid Leftist very similar to those on TOL Read the whole thing and notice the 'arguments' the imbecile employed against Rowe are identical to much of the the woke 'logic' employed by TOL's infantile Injustice League of...
  7. musterion

    Smart cat analyzes Charlottesville

    Cat sounds vaguely Canadian but an interesting analysis. Worth watching all the way through (before it's pulled).
  8. musterion

    At least antifa is telling the truth for once

    Many of us already knew but hey, it's progress.
  9. musterion

    USS Indianapolis finally found
  10. musterion

    "That no flesh should glory in His presence."

    1 Cor 1:29 "Glory" means "boast, exult proudly." If you are believing a gospel that requires you to obey [meaning "do spiritual works of righteousness"] in order to get salvation, earn salvation, keep salvation or prove your salvation, then while you will never admit this, you're looking...
  11. musterion

    Poll: when is violence justified?

    Answer freely. I tried to cover the widest possible range of answers.
  12. musterion

    Someone ain't what he appears to be

    As predicted. And SPLC are pointing it out, not the Right. Just more Soros brand Astroturf. Occupy went nowhere, so try another disguise.
  13. musterion

    Poll: When was the Cross first preached as good news?

    When in the Bible was the Cross (the death, burial and resurrection of Christ Jesus) first preached as good news for the whole world, without any national priority or distinctions -- to sinning Jews and sinning Gentiles equally -- for the salvation of all who will simply believe it?
  14. musterion

    Another brick in the wall of the one-world church of Antichrist It's all coming together.
  15. musterion

    Leftist says the whole Russia/Trump collusion thing is an Obama admin op
  16. musterion

    ECT An unintended compliment from an opponent of dispensationalism

    From the current Berean Bible Institute newsletter, quoted in its entirety. Yep, an unintended compliment if ever there was one. :)
  17. musterion

    ECT Found a very nice Bible today

    Was at Ollie's (if you don't have one in your area, move) and there's always a selection of Bibles and religious whatnot. The books are usually doctrinal dreck and the Bibles tend to be cheap gift editions or bad translations but today I found a winner, especially since I decided to ditch the...
  18. musterion

    POTUS threatens "end of NK as we know it" if they push the nuke thing too far

    POTUS threatens "end of NK as we know it" if they push the nuke thing too far