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  1. musterion

    Study: European Muslim population can only grow
  2. musterion

    Swamp Thing McConnell: Roy Moore will be torpedoed by the GOP if he wins Moore, like Trump, must be neutralized at all costs. Too big a threat to the globalist Uniparty. As far as I can tell, McConnell has made no similar call regarding Franken.
  3. musterion

    Forgiving others

    Some teach that the believer needs to forgive those who sin against them IF the offender acknowledges the offense and asks forgiveness; otherwise, no. I assume they get that from the Matthew 18:15 and maybe 1 Jn 1:9. On the other hand, Paul does not seem to make the believer's forgiveness of...
  4. musterion

    Another famous sexual creep

    Watch all the way through. It's worse than you thought and the Left knows it.
  5. musterion

    They say Islam won't conquer England...they even say Mohammedans don't want to

    Watch the first 15 seconds. Some English Mohammedans have a different idea. P.S. Artie Brain knows this is going on but lies anyway.
  6. musterion

    French Mohammedan: We want 5,000 mosques or we'll keep on blocking streets

    And every single one with ample weapons storage exempt from police inspection.
  7. musterion

    For those who say European countries will never bow to Islam Some of us called this long ago and have stated as such here. The usual lying lefitst disinfo agents said it's crackpot conspiracy thinking. No, it is...
  8. musterion

    Good gun news Post stories of guns being used lawfully to stop crime.
  9. musterion

    Evil bigot father with assault weapon assaults teens

    Is this a good example of why we should outlaw all guns?
  10. musterion

    ‘In 50 years time I can see Britain becoming an Islamic state"

    You go, Dad, but your 50 year estimate is a bit on the high side, at the rate things are going. (links to Daily Mail)
  11. musterion

    Odd slavery story from England

    Watch the video, read the article. What's odd is not the story itself so much as how it's written. 1. No description of the arrested slavers. "Four Romanians and...
  12. musterion

    Michael Cadry is a false prophet and blasphemer

    He is a false prophet for saying God told him that Los Angeles would be wiped out by a 9.0 earthquake. The time limit for this, which Michael provided, has passed, making him a false prophet according to the biblical test. He is also a blasphemer for repeatedly lying in the name of God, which...
  13. musterion

    Europe is weak, corrupt and ripe for conquest

    Just one more item of proof for the ever-increasing list. I cannot quote from it.
  14. musterion

    Unsaved Bible denying religionist now "mad at God" over sex payoff revelation

    Unsaved Bible denying religionist now "mad at God" over sex payoff revelation First he authors a book denying aspects of the Crucifixion, now this.
  15. musterion

    ECT Grace: God isn't mad at sin, or just isn't doing anything about it at the moment?

    Opinions differ on the scope of God's dealing with sin by the Cross, as far as how He views the lost and their sin today. Some say that, having reconciled all to Himself, God is not angry at all with anyone and wants people to believe that and be saved. Others agree with the above but add that...
  16. musterion

    ECT When in history did this take place?

    Zechariah 14:16-17
  17. musterion

    ECT FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes)

    I was in a location this morning where I happened to overhear some FCA reps talking to a bunch of what looked like middle schoolers. I was typing for work but managed to note most of what was said. Rep 1: Witnessing; Friendship evangelism…famous coach who “gave his life to Christ.” Coach...
  18. musterion

    5 year old show more common sense than leftist perverts

    Which is exactly the point. It's what the perverts want to happen. Good for her.
  19. musterion

    Are these women innocent victims, or depraved fools?
  20. musterion

    "Pizza, bear and monster"

    I'm probably the only one that thinks this is funny.