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  1. musterion

    Mohammedan attacks Swiss dog walker

    Mohammed apparently hated dogs, so go and do likewise. That's their culture, so you can't judge it. Right, Leftists?
  2. musterion

    More public school sodomy-brainwashing of other people's children

    Readers are to be brainwashed too (noted in bold). It's part of Drag Queen Story Hour. No, not right wing satire. It's real.
  3. musterion

    The Great Replacement Google can translate.
  4. musterion

    Someone at Wikipedia forgot to memoryhole this

    From the article on brownshirt leader Earnst Rohm, specifically, his early career as pretty much second only to Hitler: oopsie
  5. musterion

    More from Obama's "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide" department

    More from Obama's "If you've done nothing wrong, you have nothing to hide" department State refuses to give voter data to Trump commission on electoral integrity Now why in the world would they refuse such a request? Hacked server that handled DNC email remains off limits to investigators...
  6. musterion

    Oregon to provide taxpayer funded abortions for all First comment there is a good one:
  7. musterion

    EVEN MORE leftist homo intolerance on display The guy in that article, apparently just another pretty person paid to pretend to be other people, is evidently not a homosexual but is studying how to pretend to be one for a very...
  8. musterion

    An exclusively Catholic doctrine on justification? Not on TOL

    A Catholic encyclopedia defines justification as, It goes on to say how justification is obtained: Terminology varies but this is the essence of what many non-Catholics here believe...that one cannot be justified by God without works (usually camouflaged by calling it obedience) because...
  9. musterion

    Exceptionally stupid Leftist on Twitter embarrasses self beyond measure

    Also known as "Keep It Up and You'll Get More Trump," episode 9,296.
  10. musterion

    So much for the myth of the pure and noble "native American"

    First they reluctantly learn the Anasazi ate each other and that various tribes slaughtered and enslaved each other. Now this, from before those evil European invaders, who ruined those natives' pristine Eden, even arrived: A tower of human skulls unearthed beneath the heart of Mexico City has...
  11. musterion

    Woman behaves violently in public just to make an obscure point

    Someone help me out here. She is angry, she is obese, and she is smashing a scale in protest of...something. I gather there's some kind of political message here but I can't tell what. Why is she smashing a scale? Why is she angry at it? What did the scale do wrong? Did it lie to her? Is...
  12. musterion

    British socialist death panel to "allow" baby to die, despite parents' wishes

    British socialist death panel to "allow" baby to die, despite parents' wishes The Washington post headline hit me wrong (or maybe right) yesterday when I saw it, because it is one of the most evil things I have ever read: "Against his parents' wishes, this terminally ill infant will be allowed...
  13. musterion

    Calvinist strongman James White crawls in bed with Islam

    Yup, he sure has. m.html And notice how ex-dispensationalist John MacArthur's long time spokesmouth comes riding to White's defense.
  14. musterion

    Fascist homosexual thought police in the news

    Bigoted Minneapolis homo parade organizers discriminate against police, who are also homo.
  15. musterion

    Racism in the news

    Noted white supremecist says BLM is a lie when blacks constantly take black lives... Better have someone guide you back onto the Left's mental plantation, Stevie...expressing this type of opinion is the real reason they're destroying Cosby.
  16. musterion

    Legalized marijuana in the news

    Massachusetts potheads angry that Dems increased tax from 12% to 28% (you were high if you didn't see that coming) Auto crash rates up due to legal pot (you were high if you didn't see...
  17. musterion


    Hard to say how much if any of the opening anecdote is absurdist satire, since every word of it is perfectly possible in today's insane climate.
  18. musterion

    "Children of Darkness" pseudo-documentary

    Someone took the soundtrack from an old PBS documentary on mentally ill children and...well. I think I remember seeing the original and this is even scarier. Needed more Jigglypuff, though...and the occupiers in the Wisconsin capital...and the BLM guy defecating on a cop car...and...
  19. musterion

    WONDER WOMAN producers reportedly want Granny Clinton to kindly stay away

    If true...heh.