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  1. musterion

    Euro news roundup: watching the lights go out again

    7 out of 10 Belgians find Mohammedanism incompatible with western civilization, feel that they're being conquered. Facebook clamps down on German women "hate speech" for...
  2. musterion

    Grab your popcorn, it's time for "Democrats in the News"

    And this time the media won't be able to spin for their treachery. From one of the smarter blogs, one of the few I visit daily:
  3. musterion

    app for avoiding the Mohammedan ruled zones that leftists say don't exist

    An older story but since the app is available on Google Play, watch for it to suddenly disappear if it hasn't already. Wouldn't be politically correct to let people be aware of dangers the government says don't exist.
  4. musterion

    Going to San Francisco? Better print this map.
  5. musterion

    Media reports evil family's pentecostalism. Honor killing motives remain unknowable. If their brand of pentecostalism was a factor in the evil craziness, it should...
  6. musterion

    Behold the cultural enrichment

    Figure it's England. Maybe Ireland or Scotland.
  7. musterion

    Walter Cronkite's lost broadcast

    People have talked about this for years and apparently it finally showed up. U.S. and South Vietnamese forces thoroughly routed the offensive of the communist North, but Cronkite went on the air about 2 weeks...
  8. musterion

    Red Chinese purchase sodomite website Grinder The simplest reason why they bought it is the most reasonable one. It's the same reason that, once upon a time, prevented known sodomites from receiving security clearances.
  9. musterion

    ECT For everyone that says "I obey Jesus."

    Been saying this for years here but McLean said it very well today.
  10. musterion

    Moby now mobies right out in the open

    Either the no longer particulary relevant leftist homo is lying, or we're further gone than suspected.
  11. musterion

    anti-Oprah ads will write themselves

    Not that she'll even run, but on top of the lovey-dovey pic with rapist Weinstein, That could easily pass as a conservative quote but it's just the thinking of someone who is getting their money confiscated and...
  12. musterion

    Trump forgets words to National Anthem

  13. musterion

    Mohammedan invader asks Germans, and all Europeans, a very good question

    "What are you going to do about it?" Watch this clip, download it if you can and save it. It is EVERYTHING Artie Brain and his fellow liars say is not true.
  14. musterion

    How treasonous is Comey?

    According to Senator Grassley, so treasonous that documents Comey allowed to be leaked to were so sensitive Grassley could only view them in a SCIF. For those who don't...
  15. musterion

    ECT Local church question for MADs

    Found word of a dispensational church local to me, the only one that I'm aware of in this covenant Baptist/Evangellyfish heavy area. They are not mid-Acts but they do not appear Calvinistic. They do practice water baptism but do not consider it essential. They do not believe in sign gifts for...
  16. musterion

    Now that Christmas (Christ Mass) is over

    The issue for me is where it all came from. It did not come from the Pauline section of the Bible so no one who isn't ignorant could say "Christmas is a Christian holiday" with a straight face. One can BELIEVE that it is. Many do. But you can also sit in your garage and say "I'm a Chevy"...
  17. musterion

    ECT Demonic activity (or plain insanity) caught on video at charismatic church

    Watch to the end. I never heard of this woman before but this is as bad an example of the old video of demonic Hagin laughing, hissing and zapping people into falling down and convulsing. Clearly some of the people in the crowd figure this is all hokum but others have fully bought into it...
  18. musterion

    Various news items, mostly from Europe

    Transgender and pansexual parents are raising their child as gender-fluid Local council "advises" people, who did not ask, on how many Brussel sprouts they should/should...