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  1. M

    UN global warming goals that threaten the sovereignty and fiscal stability of America

    Leftist democrats are all in for the radical changes that are intended for America to satisfy the one-world global warming agenda of radical leftist atheists. Radical global warming alarmist cultists don't care about the freedoms or the prosperity Americans enjoy as a result of being...
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    Blackburn's common sense statement is flagged by Facebook as 'hate speech'

    How long will America be under siege by leftist barbarians who stamp out free speech in favor of the hateful propagation of demonic narratives? Men have no business in women's sports, in women's bathrooms, in women's shower stalls, or in women's bikinis. Only godless perverted barbarian...
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    Evidence in court proves Hillary tried to pervert the election by lying about Trump

    These facts have been known for years by those who actually do research. However, for those who like to ignorantly accept without question what they are told by whatever media outlet they listen to these facts may be a new revelation...
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    Fake global warming fuels destructive leftist agenda

    Why global warming alarmism? Are alarmist predictions proving accurate? No. Are global warming initiatives proving destructive to America and civilization? Absolutely. Global Warming: Fake Science Again Serves Far-Left Political Agenda
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    Jan 6 democrat riot and cover-up

    Thousands of videos from the Jan 6 riot at the Capitol were taken but only hundreds have been released to the public. Defense lawyers are still unable to obtain videos pertinent to the defense of their clients because the leftist government claims there is a security risk in doing so. What is...
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    Buffalo shooter is a leftist, not a conservative Republican

    The wicked lie continually and one lie that we have seen is the claim that the Buffalo shooter was a right-wing Republican. The lie by leftists is obviously meant to deceive the ignorant and gullible into believing right-wing Republicans are evil and the patriotic positions they hold are evil...
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    Hypocritical opposition to police misconduct

    Good Americans do not support police misconduct of any kind. Anti-Americans claim good cops are crooked and crooked cops are good. That makes the anti-Americans themselves bad. Are large numbers of white cops racist against blacks? Absolutely not, so why do black and leftist democrat...
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    Does the government unjustly indict those it wants to hurt or destroy?

    That, apparently, is the claim of one person who was indicted, who was not Lt. General Michael Flynn. The lawyer for the aggrieved accused said, "Ms. Cannon-Grant has been immeasurably prejudiced and punished by the indictment alone, and she seeks a trial on the earliest practical date to...
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    Leftist domestic terrorists are threatening to assault government officials

    Merrick Garland is helpless to deal with these terrorists because they are democrats and he owes his wealth and position to the democrat party. Maybe the leftist democrat-inspired and supported violence will get so bad Biden will have to declare martial law and suspend the coming 2022 elections...
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    Leftists: Opposition to homosexuality is a crime

    Make no mistake. The devil and his mobster supporters are out to drive God, the Bible, and Bible-believing Christians off the planet or into prison...
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    Michael Flynn fights back

    Leftists illegally persecuted and falsely charged Flynn in a failed effort to seditiously overthrow the government of the newly elected president Donald Trump. Now the government will have to pay, just like the government had to pay the victims in the FBI and Mueller's injustice to the 4 men in...
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    Confessions of a leftist Twitter commie

    Most media outlets and public forums today have become mouthpieces for the devil and his leftist politicians in America. Twitter officers know that for a fact, as one was caught by Veritas admitting it...
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    Fauci and pals raked in millions of dollars in royalties from outside companies

    Forget the Clinton crime family. Forget the Biden crime family. Fauci was outdoing them all. He was raking in dozens of hundreds of thousands of dollars yearly payments from companies doing business with the NIH while at the same time earning half a million dollars a year as the highest...
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    Bloodthirsty leftist pro-abortion insanity Hitler was not even that badly deranged.
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    Was the Buffalo shooting an isolated incident?

    How can we domestic terrorism and gun violence in America? One report on the Buffalo shooting used the words "isolated incident." Is that accurate? That depends on the markers used for determination or designation. White racist shootings involving black victims are relatively uncommon in the...
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    Protests in front of homes tearfully condemned by BLM founder

    Patrisse Cullors was outraged that Candace Owens allegedly organized a protest in front of her home. How despicable! What a clear violation of her right to privacy! What an outrageous assault on her children! Someone may need to go to jail for this. Here is the record...
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    Americans are being forced to endure Biden's gas policies

    Rising gas prices fueling rising food prices and rising inflation are not an accident under the illegitimate democrat control of the US. Democrats claim global warming is the real reason they are determined to bankrupt the world by eliminating fossil fuels regardless of the devastating cost...
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    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    A Senate Candidate is under fire in Pennsylvania for claiming she served 10 years in the military when records show she served only eight. I Googled "People who lied about their military service." Here is one site that offered a list of only 8 who misrepresented their service...
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    The BLM ship is sinking as a result of potential criminal charges

    The Clinton campaign and the DNC were once closely connected in efforts to secure democrat wins in 2014 and beyond. Now that BLM and its officers are under investigation for serious allegations of embezzlement the Clintonites have jumped ship and left the alleged embezzlers holding the bag on...
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    Kathy Barnette - an excellent candidate for US Senate

    America has been long besieged by self-described moralists who insist immorality and perversion is good, healthy, and a constitutional right. Ignoring all those foolish opinions, Kathy has told it like it is, the absolute truth. How refreshing...