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  1. M

    Leftist global warming gas pricing genius

    Leftists are well known for wanting to shut down all fossil fuel production and use around the world. Their delusion, of course, is based on irrational fears derived from false science telling the world is ending in 12 years if they do not stop the production of fossil fuels. Biden, being a...
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    Deditious Democrat gangsters seize Arizona capitol in overthrow effort

    God help us. Seditious democrat fraudsters are jailing innocent Americans in DC for protesting against voter fraud even while more democrat mobsters are attacking and taking hostages in an effort to overthrow the duly elected Arizona state government. Pro-abortion protesters storm Arizona...
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    Democrats ignore democrat violence while falsely accusing Christians of violence

    Democrats are supported by mobs of liars, crooks, thieves, gangsters, cheats, and fakes. They falsely claim republicans tried to burn down the Capitol even while democrat gangers are burning down US cities in anger against God and good government. Rioters Smash Windows, Write Graffiti Threats...
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    AOC dingbat thinks allowing states to decide abortion policies is a death warrant for thousands of women

    Where do these morons come up with such stupid logic? AOC accuses GOP lawmakers of 'killing women and pregnant people' - Washington Times Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Sunday accused GOP lawmakers of “incompetence” after claiming they are “killing women and pregnant people.” “Just a few...
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    Jeff Epstein's girlfriend has been given the New York democrat version of the death penalty.

    How sad. Another dangerous possible exposer of the sins of famous democrats is now in danger of being suicided to death in a democrat holding cell under democrat orders, democrat observers, democrat security assassins, and democrat coverup, just like Jeff Epstein was...
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    CDC coverup of deaths caused by covid vaccine

    Sadly, Americans cannot trust government officials who are in league with crooks paying for the propagation of false information and the suppression of the truth. The covid vaccine has been linked worldwide to thousands of deaths but the leftist liberals suppress that info for crooked reasons...
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    Biden's top law enforcement agencies predict attacks on innocent Americans

    Let's face it. Background checks and federal monitoring will not be able to prevent leftist democrat gangster terrorist attacks on Americans opposed to abortions. Dummycrap stooge Garland even supports attacks on conservative justices, likely due to his hurt feelings of having been denied a...
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    SCOTUS sides with religious freedom against leftist atheist antagonists

    Thank God for another ruling on the right side of history, the right side of the law, and the right side of religious rights. Supreme Court sides with high school coach who prayed on 50-yard line - Washington Times The Supreme Court ruled Monday in favor of a high school football coach who...
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    Scotus has overturned Roe v Wade!

    Thank God for good justices who were not intimidated ruling unjustly to please the violent leftist mob. Supreme Court Overturns Roe V. Wade | The Daily Caller The U.S. Supreme Court voted 6-3 to overturn the landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade decision Friday, sending the authority to regulate and...
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    'Kickback' Fauci refuses to stop giving American taxpayer money to Chinese labs

    One a crook, always a crook. Never mind the covid disaster, Fauci will not stop doing business with Chinese crooks transferring American dollars into Chinese military pockets with some grafting for himself for his troubles. He obviously is addicted to the benefits he is getting from such an...
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    What can be done to prevent future voter fraud?

    1. Require voter IDs whether potential crooks like it or not. 2. Eliminate extended periods of days or weeks following an election to allow biased precinct workers to 'find' more votes. 3. Eliminate mail-in balloting that is not tied to voter IDs that can be checked against all votes...
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    Social credit scores: Another democrat tool to force conformity to leftist ideology

    Satan rules the world in real ways according to the Bible. The devil will manage to achieve a world government in the last days and will murder everyone who refuses to submit to his satanic government and rules. Introducing "Social credit scores" is just another step toward satanic...
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    States finally removing hundreds of thousands of ineligible voters from rolls

    The fact that it took a concerned American watch group to file suit against the various states for violating federal voting laws shows America still has hundreds or thousands of elected officials willing to break federal laws in order to keep windows open for potential voter fraud. Americans...
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    Democrats are falsely accusing republicans of being threats

    While leftist radicals continue to openly threaten republicans and conservatives as the leftist democrats look the other way. Abortionists are motivated by the devil- hence the threats, the hatred, the violence, the intolerance, and the wickedness...
  15. M

    Emerging facts prove democrats are lying about Jan 6

    How can millions of Americans keep supporting liars, deceivers, false accusers, and traitors as they do their best to destroy God's influence in America and replace it with demonic views, values, edicts, and laws? In summary, the democrat liars claimed republican congressmen conducted secret...
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    Astounding moronic disconnect between rural Americans and elitist democrat officials

    It seems that in modern times to get promoted to high-paying Democrat-run government jobs you have to show astounding levels of loyalty towards democrats and democrat agendas, requiring astounding levels of coldness and indifference towards the plight of tens of millions of Americans...
  17. M

    Global warming idiots intend to force everyone to buy electric cars

    Have gas prices skyrocketed under Biden? Of course. Leftists and democrats want fuel to get so expensive people will stop driving efficient cars and will be forced to buy extremely unpopular and impractical electric cars. Why are so many world leaders pushing electric cars? Because many of...
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    America is being taken over by fascist Marxists who buy dirty candidates into office

    Soros-Backed Challenger Ousts Incumbent Prosecutor in Maine Race...
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    Merrick Garland's unconscionable dereliction of duty

    It is illegal, immoral, uncivilized, barbarous, and wicked to threaten SOCUS judges and their families. While democrats on the Jan 6 hearing are parading one weepy leftist after another before cameras with whines about feeling threatened by protesters, Merrick Garland continues to allow...
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    Will a prosecutor pervert justice for money? Absolutely

    Crooked judges and government officials have always been a problem in human history and the problem has become extreme in modern America. It seems everyone can be bought, from politicians, to law officials, to medical professionals, school officials, businesspeople, educators, and more. God...