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  1. M

    Sweet bonuses for government employees making more than $1/4 million per year in salaries

    One NIH employee, now 91 years old, is still getting thousands of dollars in yearly royalty payments each year in addition to his continued salary, which he has been receiving since 1959...
  2. M

    Conviction of politician reveals long-standing democrat voter fraud practices

    Americans who study politics, elections, and facts are likely not in the dark about the long-standing democrat practice of voter fraud. Democrats have been getting away with the seditious crime for decades by relying on the gullibility of the simple-minded who believe them when they claim...
  3. M

    How about a 1,000% tax on fermented drinks?

    Some brain-damaged democrat moron has proposed a 1,000% tax on firearms and intends to get his bill passed into law by using a trick that would bypass normal legislation and overrule the overwhelming majority of American people. How do these proud, demented, anti-American fools get elected in...
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    Obama lied about the alleged Russian hack but his lies are now forgotten

    Obama was all about democrat politics and evidence shows he was intimately involved in the illegal spying and lying assaults on Trump...
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    Leftist democrats blame Christians, Trump, and God for all the evils in America.

    Americans with good understandings have known for decades that this is really the issue that divides republicans and democrats. Christians have more and more flocked to the republican party because democrats have more and more become hardened in their support for ungodly policies and settled in...
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    Democrat dummies fully intend to seize guns from American gun owners

    These bozos mean business and they do not care what the law says or what most Americans think...
  7. M

    Democrat dummies fully intend to seize guns from American gun owners

    These bozos mean business and they do not care what the law says or what most Americans think...
  8. M

    Republicans investigating hundreds of millions of dollars in payments made by pharma companies to NIH officials

    How is this not corrupt? It is corrupt. Not only are these payments serious conflicts of interest, but they also present the appearance of being bribes. Would Fauci enrich himself with tens of millions of dollars in bribes to promote bad medicines? That is what it looks like...
  9. M

    Court testimony reveals the FBI lied about the alleged DNC hack

    There was no Trump/Russia collusion as Hillary and the DNC claimed. That proves the leftist politicians, media employees, the FBI, and crooked lawyers lied about the fake conspiracy and continue lying about it to provide cover for the crooks involved in propagating the seditious fake...
  10. M

    Hillary's lying lawyer was cleared by Hillary's corrupt jury and judge

    Several key experts predicted the perversion of justice outcome of the trial that saw Hillary's lawyer being tried before a rabidly democrat judge and a jury composed o0f devout Hillary supporters determined to get the lawyer off the hook so the investigations would not turn next to Hillary...
  11. M

    Investigators find evidence of election and voter fraud in Arizona

    So much for the lying leftist narrative that democrats must not have committed voter fraud since nobody has found evidence of it yet. Good Americans would like to see the crooks cuffed for a change...
  12. M

    Why is Trudeau banning guns in Canada?

    Because he is committed to the "spirit of one-world unity" fostered by the rich and the powerful consortium pushing for a new one-world government. The problem with the proposed new one-world government is that it will rob individuals of rights currently protected by the U.S. Constitution, such...
  13. M

    Leftist gun plans will make things worse, not better

    Why ban long rifles? Because banning long rifles will stop thugs from killing thousands each year with guns? Don't be silly. Banning long rifles will hardly make a dent in the number of Americans murdered by guns each year. Locking young people up for life or executing them for gun violence...
  14. M

    Trump never threatened violence but leftists do it all the time

    This is another deranged madman threatening violence who will never be charged with inciting violence because the left does not consider leftist violence a crime. Trump never bombed the Capitol and none of his supporters ever bombed the Capitol but Bill Ayers and his gangster pals did...
  15. M

    Biden's Fascist Bureau of Injustice

    Obama weaponized government departments, turning them into agencies promoting the democrat party. The weaponized FBI did its best to overthrow the government of President Trump, but failed. FBI agents tried to frame innocent men in a fake kidnapping scheme but failed. Now Christopher Wray has...
  16. M

    Student inside the classroom on 911 call: "Tell the police to please come in here now!"

    More than an hour had passed since the thug began shooting and police officers had entered the school when one student trapped in the classroom with the shooter called 911 and begged, "Please send the police in here now!" How tragic that concerns for the safety of the officers proved to be...
  17. M

    The Christian police officer who refused to wait for backup

    Officer Justin Garner was criticized on national TV in 2009 for not waiting for backup, but he did the right thing without fear of the possibly deadly consequences. A deranged gunman was murdering residents at the Carthage rest home and he was the only officer on duty at the time. He got the...
  18. M

    Is Nancy Pelosi going to impeach the pope next?

    Power-mad democrats seem to think everyone should be bowing down to them if they do not want to be destroyed. (Possible fake news story, like the Trump/Russian collusion conspiracy theory invented by Hillary and her hired guns.)...
  19. M

    FBI claims 4 years of relentless false allegations against Trump boil down to a single typo, the fault of the FBI

    How sad the tragic that the slander and false allegations Trump and America were forced to unjustly endure were the responsibility of government officials who were either corrupt or inept...
  20. M

    Democrats see American patriotism as a national security threat

    What is wrong with these leftists? They have rejected God and that has left them clueless, ignorant, and deranged. Biden's hand-picked democrat Gestapo DOJ head brands mothers of school kids terrorists, and leftist democrat politicians and media propagandists brand Trump a threat to democracy...