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  1. M

    More foolishness from democrat idiots

    Kerry once again competes for the award for saying one of the stupidest things ever said by any American politician in our lifetime. We do not need to drill more oil. That may seem fine to elitists for a rich elitist to say, but only if he hasn't the slightest ounce of empathy for the...
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    More evidence of FBI corruption under Comey during the Obama years

    It sometimes takes years for investigators to work their way past democrat obstructions in getting government departments and agencies to release public information they are required to release by law. When the information the crooked officials have been hiding finally does come to light what...
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    Fake organizations created by dishonest partisans for political purposes

    Why would someone start a fake organization allegedly promoting ideas the organization designer opposes? Quite possibly the main reason these fake organizations are formed is to generate bad publicity for those organizations in order to further opposition to the good ideas being promoted by the...
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    The unfolding details of a democrat conspiracy to kill Kavanaugh

    1. Some unknown leftist leaker inside SCOTUS, possibly K.B. Jackson, whose identity is being protected by leftists in liberal law enforcement, wickedly and illegally leaked details of discussions inside SCOTUS involving the issue of abortion. 2. An extremely radical, left-wing, democrat...
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    Biden's staff wants us to remember where America was before Biden. We do remember

    Unlike the blind, deluded, and ignorant, Americans can remember where we were before Biden...
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    Fed increases interest rates to deal with democrat damage to the economy

    The US is in serious financial trouble, made especially bad by foolish massive democrat pork spending under Biden. This is bad whether the ignorant and unlearned believe that or not...
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    Fauci, the creep who created covid now has covid

    How appropriate. The man who illegally robbed the US Treasury to pay China to develop the covid virus now has the virus, in spite of all his mask-wearing and fascist demands that others follow his advice to keep from getting covid...
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    Is Chairman Thompson a black supremacist racist?

    He apparently was in his earlier years, just as Senator Robert Byrd was an exalted leader in the KKK clan. Can past statements be forgiven, like Trump's silliness about grabbing women by the crotch when he was younger and dumber? Here is what we know about the chairman of the Jan 6 committee...
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    Is America deliberately soft on black crime?

    Examining two racist attacks in the past 5 years we see some clear distinctions between how officials view the similar crimes. The first crime was at Charlottesville on 8-12-2017 and was committed by a right-wing supporter of the protesters opposing removing the statue of Robert E. Lee. 35...
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    Despicable lies of Jan 6 kangaroo court committee

    Will America ever be rid of the fascist Nazi demoncrat from hell, Herr Adam Schitff? He lied about Trump. He lied about the whistleblower. He lied about having evidence that never existed. And he is running the lying propaganda for the Jan 6 democrat committee from hell. If good men ever...
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    Radical protesters again lay siege to government buildings

    Is America ever to be delivered from violent protesters who disagree with civilized laws and civilized processes for advocating for changes in laws? Apparently not from radicals who do not respect the US Constitution, the rights of others, the due process and freedoms guaranteed by traditional...
  12. M

    Democrats ignore Schumer's call for violence

    How despicable is that? Democrats are trying to unjustly impeach Trump a third time, this time for calling for peaceful protests against seditious voter fraud, while simultaneously condoning Schumer's call for violence and murder of his political enemies. It can hardly get more corrupt than...
  13. M

    Radical domestic terrorists turn out to be left-wingers, not right-wingers.

    So Marrick Garland was wrong again. American moms are not domestic terrorists and Christian opponents of abortion are not dangerous, leftist gangsters, mobsters, and violent democrat rioters are...
  14. M

    Serious fraud is uncovered after precincts are forced by courts to turn over evidence

    Democrats are seeing more and more major cracks in their walls of voter fraud denial as courts are forcing precincts to stop hiding evidence. The evidence of fraud is clear. It is not clear when Americans will finally rise up to put a stop to the democrat charade of indignation against...
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    What kind of gun law do we need to take guns out of the hands of violent black youths?

    Thousands of Americans are murdered each year by uncivilized black thugs but how can we get the savages to give up their guns even if we seize every gun of every American willing to give up his guns for the democrat cause...
  16. M

    Pelosi still sees no need to protect conservative justices from deranged democrat assassins

    Americans have to be blind, deceived, or astonishingly stupid to not see a problem with Pelosi saying Trump incited violence on Jan 6 in which the only people murdered were white women at the hands of black democrat cops, while she sees no need to increase security for conservative justices...
  17. M

    The growing problem of dead people voting in American elections

    Crooks, thieves, and thugs have long been engaged in corrupt voting practices and it seems that hundreds of thousands of dead voters were registered to vote in 2020 as democrats fought in court to prevent the names of dead voters from being removed from voter rolls...
  18. M

    Taiwan is the price of American profiteering in China

    Our ally Taiwan might as well kiss freedom goodbye just like South Vietnam, Venezuela, Cuba, the Soviet Union, and other hapless people kissed freedom goodbye while Americans played business footsies with worldwide enemies of civilization in years past. For the love of money, American...
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    Democrat voter deals with white privileged racist trash

    Chuck Schumer is rallying democrat voters to target conservative SCOTUS justices and their wives and children and Merrick Garland is paving the way for democrat voters to deal with privileged white racists the best way democrat voters can, like this black voter administering retribution against...
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    Homosexuals want guns banned for children's sake

    At least they think they know what is best for kids: Ban guns and remove all obstacles preventing them from doing drag shows in schools. Perverts...