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  1. PureX

    When God saves a sinner, does that sinner become sinlessly perfect?

    I think of salvation as an open door. Not one that I have passed through, but one that is still there, available to me, because I sincerely want to embody the divine spirit of love, forgiveness, kindness, and generosity within me. And it's a door that closes whenever I become unwilling to embody...
  2. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    I agree with this. Mostly because I can observe existence and see for myself that it is better to exist than not to exist. And therein I have recognized a fundamental, universal value. And from that fundamental universal value I can extrapolate a set of ethical imperatives that will define...
  3. PureX

    Leftist terrorists attack SCOTUS justices and right-to-life groups while the FBI remains silent.

    One small fire bomb in a political action headquarters in Madison ... that's it. Not exactly an attack on the Supreme Court justices, or mayhem in the streets. Certainly not the carnage depicted in the photo you chose to post.
  4. PureX

    A belief in God is the foundation of any successful society

    I like that he tries to stick to reason and logic and practical observation to support his premise. The "believers" will believe, regardless. It's the skeptics that need to see/hear some support. And because what's being presented, here, is essentially a vision of the truth, that support is...
  5. PureX

    A belief in God is the foundation of any successful society

    Hmmm, ... he makes some very astute observations in the particulars, for sure. But he also really slides off the rails when he tries to over-generalize. I don't trust his over-view. He goes a bit 'crack-pot' when he tries to over-generalize. But I do appreciate the precision and detail of his...
  6. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    It means they are not "absolute", however. Because they depend on us to respect them, for them to have any effective validity.
  7. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    Where did you see me "bellyaching"? I'm simply pointing out that these rights that some here proclaim to be 'absolute' are clearly NOT absolute. If they were, we would not be able to negate them. So it turns out that all this "absoluteness" is just a semantic opinion.
  8. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    So you have chosen to believe. To claim something exists just because you have chosen to believe that it does, doesn't mean it exists. That we can apparently disregard anything we want to, for any reason we want to. So ... what about it? They are also useless to us when people can just ignore...
  9. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    Why doesn't it mean that when that is clearly the result? I see a lot of people here claiming to know what is absolutely right, and yet these rights aren't absolute at all. Any fool can defy them whenever they please, and many do so. Even the remotest consideration of reality shows us that these...
  10. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    How does it do this? Especially when so many of us can and will simply disregard it? Here is my point. People "X" say, "God says what's right (and what's a right)". People "Z" say, "I say what's right (and a right)". Both are deciding for this for themselves, even when one is attributing...
  11. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    But of what practical value is an "inalienable right" when anyone can reject, defy, and usurp it at any time for any reason they choose? What, exactly, is "inalienable" about it given this circumstance?
  12. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    There are divine rights, civil rights, natural rights, and voluntary rights. "A right" is just a linguistic term for a ceding of choice. Divine rights are given by God. Civil rights are given by social agreement. Natural rights are determined by the laws of physics, and voluntary rights are...
  13. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    It appears that there is a difference between a right given by God, and rights being respected by men. As an example, a right given by God might be freedom of thought, or of physical autonomy, which no man can usurp or deny. Whereas a right that men can disregard and subjugate, such as the...
  14. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    Only to then be ignored and denied by each other? That does not seem a reasonable conclusion.
  15. PureX

    End of Roe Vs Wade?

    Does it bother anyone that having already made the decision, the SC then chose to keep it a secret until just before they break? Why be so cowardly and under-handed about it? It's the kind of thing we've come to expect politicians to do, not judges.
  16. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    I do think an awareness of 'God' is innate to humanity. And that we do naturally seek to understand it better. Our history would certainly bear that out. Unfortunately, the framers were incorrect in assuming that the universal truths they proclaimed were unalienable and self-evident. In fact...
  17. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    Sure, but first we would have to decide which concept of God we should seek to know, as there are many depending on where and when we live. Some gods in some cultures were presumed to see human sacrifices as "good". If we lived in those times and places, how would we know any different? Even in...
  18. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    What do you think I was 'trying'? But first we have to determine what good and evil, are.
  19. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    You sound like an atheist. :)
  20. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    I think it's compelling nature IS it's voracity. As is the case with any mythological story we humans have developed and held for many centuries. The problem I have with atheists and "atheist morality" is that so many atheists I encounter think that the physical facts are the only measure of...