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  1. PureX

    The Changing Views of Modern Christians

    AMR posted an interesting link on one of the closed theology threads, and I found myself agreeing with many of the changes that are happening in the views that modern American Christians are expressing about Christian religious dogma. First, here is the link: The State of Theology And here...
  2. PureX

    What America's Greatest Generation Knew ...

    … And that our current generations have completely lost sight of. Listen to this speech by Charlie Chaplin from the film "The Great Dictator", it expresses what Americans once understood, and believed, after having experienced the Great Depression and the rise of global fascism, a rise that...
  3. PureX

    NRA Refuse To Debate Obama In Public

    All Talk NRA Refuses Chance To Debate Obama Over Gun Control On Live TV Apparently the only thing the National Rifle Association and the White House can agree on is that President Obama would smoke them in a debate on gun control. CNN extended an invitation to the NRA, the nation’s most...
  4. PureX

    Do Humans Deserve To Suffer?

    There has been some discussion as of late about the idea of 'deservedness'. Apart from the nonsensical debate about women deserving to be raped because they behaved too enticingly, or whatever, I'm more interested in the question of deservedness, generally: theologically, and philosophically...
  5. PureX

    Here's something most TOLers will not consider ...

    from Phychology Today Do Racism, Conservatism, and Low I.Q. Go Hand in Hand? by Goal Auzeen Saedi Ph.D. This morning as I logged onto Facebook, I came upon this image. Having followed the Boston marathon and MIT shooting coverage initially, I lost some interest when it came down to the...
  6. PureX

    New Study Contradicts Religious Bias

    If the adults are more judgmental and punitive oriented, why wouldn't their children be? This doesn't surprise me in the least.
  7. PureX

    I'm seeing these sorts of videos nearly every day, now!

    There is nothing this woman could have said or done to warrant this kind of violent attack. And I am seeing these kinds of videos almost every day, now, on Facebook, Youtube, and elsewhere. Clearly, this sort of thing has been going on for a long time, but is now being captured by the recent...
  8. PureX

    Today is 9/11 after all ...

    It seemed like it should at least be mentioned today … so here's this. vrJiKbK0tVM
  9. PureX

    Testing Your Sanity

    If you're looking at this photo and feeling anger or hate toward these people, or revulsion, or resentment, THERE IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU! And you need to do some serious self-analysis, and soul-searching, to find out what it is. Because the truth is you don't know these people at all. You...
  10. PureX

    The Separation of Church and State Begins Within

    I happened upon this comment on Facebook, today, from someone I don't know, but thought it both insightful and true … and apropos to some members of TOL. I think this fellow makes a significant observation. And I have seen examples of this obsession with religion often here on TOL: it is...
  11. PureX

    Naming Names! I Predict Bernie Sanders Will Die Mysteriously Before The Election.

    If you've read this, then you understand how incendiary this information really is, and how condemning it is of both these corporate CEOs and the whoring politicians that enable them, costing the rest of us literally billions of dollars. Even as they BLAME US for the huge debt that results. God...
  12. PureX

    Oligarchy Confirmed - Democracy Is Dead In The U.S.

    New Study Proves U.S. Is Controlled By Rich And Powerful Elite May 22, 2015 by Richard Zombeck (link here) It’s not exactly breaking news that the United States is an Oligarchy and that Democracy in this country has gone the way of the dinosaur and the Dodo Bird. But when other countries are...
  13. PureX

    The Scourge of White Wealth and Power

    I stumbled on this essay today, and thought it was interesting. It was interesting because on the one hand, it is clearly a biased assessment of "rich white families". And yet on the other hand, much of the judgment being leveled, here, is right 'on the money', so to speak. So it brings up an...
  14. PureX

    List The Differences ...

    Still think there’s no difference between Democrats and Republicans? I’ve noticed over the years, there are some fundamental differences in the way Republicans and Democrats think. Here are just 15 examples. (1) Republicans fear that the government has too much control over corporations...
  15. PureX

    SCJ Ginsburg On Gay Marriage ...

    Ruth Bader Ginsburg Defends Gay-Marriage Against Challengers As the Supreme Court started to hear oral arguments to Obergefell v. Hodges—the historic case that could determine the legality of gay marriage bans—on Tuesday, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg delivered quite the perfect response to her...
  16. PureX

    Christians Hand Out Cupcakes

  17. PureX

    Why America Loves War

    No one wants to admit it, but Americans love being at war. War gives people meaning - something worth dying for. It's 'exciting'. Even for those who aren't directly involved in the fighting. Parents brag about how their kids went to fight. Everyone makes heroes of them. And no one pays much...
  18. PureX

    If you care about being honest and intelligent ...

    Then please pay close attention to this short 60 Minutes segment on what 'Obamacare' does not do … D_DMhG_O_RY
  19. PureX

    An Argument For Designed Intelligence

    I reject the proposition of "intelligent design" as it's been presented to us by disingenuous creationists, because it's based on speculative mathematical 'odds' that have been proven inaccurate. However, existence as we experience and understand it does follow some sort of natural 'blueprint'...
  20. PureX

    Identity By Ideology

    I have been puzzling, lately, over the modern (mostly) American phenomenon of intertwining self-identity with ideology. I'm referring to the steady and significant increase in the number of Americans who conflate their own identity with some particular ideology, both on a personal level and in...