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  1. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    God's law (and man's law) says, "thou shalt not steal". But "Bob" might choose to steal a loaf of bread to save the life of a starving child, while "Steve" might choose to steal a loaf of bread and then throw it into the dumpster just to show his stupid friends what a 'bad guy' he is. I don't...
  2. PureX

    Biden: To hell with God and the Church. I'm taking communion.

    If religious people cannot execute the duties of their political office without defying the limitations of that office and imposing their religious views on those they are supposed to be serving, then they should not be allowed to hold political office, because they will be unable to fulfill the...
  3. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    I disagree. I think it's all about the spirit within us that drives us to act out selfishly, and destructively (sinfully).
  4. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    I don't presume to know what God "has". Nor can I make any claims regarding absolutes.
  5. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    You are free to think/believe as you wish, as are we all. That was my point.
  6. PureX

    Judge running for Illinois Supreme Court being forced to endorse sexual immorality

    I agree with this judge. I understand why the state bar association wants such information before giving their endorsement, but ultimately, this information is irrelevant. The judge's personal opinions about such issues should have no bearing on his decisions in a court, and if they do, or...
  7. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    I think it would be unfair to pass such judgment on us if we did not make that choice for ourselves. Which is why the truth cannot be forced upon us. It's up to us to try and seek it out, and then choose to embody it.
  8. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    Or, so you have chosen to believe.
  9. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    But still, WE have to decide that this is the case, and to do accordingly, or that it is not the case, and to do according to some other ethical methodology. Ultimately, WE decide what we think is God's will for us, or what other ethical imperative we believe is right for us to live by. And that...
  10. PureX

    Atheist Morality

    I think even God has deemed that every human has to determine for him/herself what is morally and ethically right and what is not. Otherwise, it would be exceedingly unfair for God to judge us for choices that we DIDN'T make.
  11. PureX

    Democrats continue to lose support in the Black community

    Blacks may be losing their allegiance to the Democratic Party, but that doesn't mean they will support the Republican Party.
  12. PureX

    Democrat On Democrats

    And yet, what? I am not in any of those photos.
  13. PureX

    Biden's new department of propaganda control

    Being completely blinded by an irrational hatred for liberals and democrats isn't going to add any wisdom to the solution. Both republicans and democrats in office are now the servants of their oligarch masters. Which is why they do little to nothing to help common citizens, anymore. The only...
  14. PureX

    Democrat On Democrats

    I don't think burning the house down to save it is a valid solution. Both parties, I think, are hopelessly corrupt, now, and the only solution short of a violent revolution at this point is for the U.S, voters to start throwing ALL THE BUMS OUT of office regardless of party affiliation unless...
  15. PureX

    Biden's new department of propaganda control

    We need to find a way in this country to stop all the lies and "opinions" from being presented as facts and news, because there is so much deliberate misinformation going on now days that people can't weed through it all, and don't know what to think, anymore. The question is how do we go...
  16. PureX

    Democrat On Democrats

    No. I don't think the democrats have reached the point of "by any means available", yet.
  17. PureX

    Democrat On Democrats

    Being in the pockets of their wealthy donors (just as are the republicans), the democrats can't actually address the real problems facing this country, i.e. the legalized bribery and subsequent corruption of our government by wealthy corporate conglomerates and the oligarchs that run them. So...
  18. PureX

    Is believing/faith a work ?

    In my opinion what we 'believe' is a meaningless issue unless and until it effects the way we behave toward ourselves and each other. Proclamations of faith that serve the self-righteousness of our own ego but help no one else are just empty words.