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  1. PureX

    Here it comes again

    Oh, I think you're just fooling yourself, now.
  2. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Hmmm, ... I think I disagree with this. I think the word, "ideology" refers to the set of concepts and ideals one uses to negotiate life in the world. And that this could be specifically non-political, or non-economic, or non-religious, if one so chose. I know artists, for example, that place...
  3. PureX


    Finneas (O'Connell) bought one of those thinking it was his "dream car" when he finally had made some real money. And then got rid of it a few months later. He said it was a dangerous piece of crap. :)
  4. PureX


    I think it's both sad and horribly unfair that you lump government employees and people receiving welfare and disability in with the wealthy criminals involved in phony charities and doling our public funds to their rich cronies in return for bribes and kickbacks. Because they are anything but that.
  5. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Hmmm, ... is there anyone that you have recently said this to? Someone that you feel was using their religion to actively loath and/or punish others for their "unrighteousness"? I'm just curious. Of course I understand if you feel it's inappropriate to answer ths.
  6. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    Then why is the right the ones whining about it and trying to sweep it all under the rug by firing any teacher that dares to teach our kids about it?
  7. PureX

    Here it comes again

    Well, that's just silly. Why do you think doctors wear masks and gloves when operating on patients? I work in a large, busy dental facility, and everyone that engages with the patients there have always worn masks and gloves to help prevent the spread of infection to both the patients and the staff.
  8. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    I think you may have hit on the key difference as being 'internal' or 'external' in expression. I had not thought of it in those terms but perhaps that is the delineation I was looking for. The zealot is seeking to make the world comport with his ideology, whereas the fervent believer is...
  9. PureX

    Time doesn't exist.

    That sequence of events, however, only happen in one direction. And that is the existential reality of 'time'. It's what makes it real, and what makes it matter. No "do-overs".
  10. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    It becomes very apparent in the practice of law when lawyers don't want to defend people that don't have a lot of money to pay them. And when courts demand fines in leu of jail time. And when white jurists can't distinguish one black man from another. And when they assume an accused black man...
  11. PureX

    Here it comes again

    Except that I have not had a cold or flu in almost three years, now, when I used to get one per year. And the difference is that for the last several years I have limited close contact with other people, washed my hands more often, and worn a mask around clustered groups of people. So my own...
  12. PureX

    School board puts the brakes on promoting critical race theory

    Law is PRACTICED. And it's in the practice of it that the racism becomes apparent. Also, classism is very often also racist. So laws that unfairly punish the poor are often also laws that unfairly punish being black, even when they also effect poor white people.
  13. PureX

    Here it comes again

    It doesn't work that way. I am 65 years old. My immune system is as built up against colds and flu as much as it will ever be, and yet I can still catch them from other people, especially sitting in an enclosed space like a plane. I know this from experience. So in the future, I will wear a mask...
  14. PureX

    Here it comes again

    I'll be happy not to catch anyone else's cold or flu on the plane. Avoiding wearing a mask on a crowded plane doesn't make me "free", it just makes me stupid.
  15. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    But there are many malevolent behaviors one can engage in short of physical violence. And many of these kinds of behaviors will negatively effect the well-being and security of society as a whole. Also, using our own religious ideals to determine toxic religious zealotry on the part of others...
  16. PureX

    Here it comes again

    A friend of mine that lives in NYC recently commented that people not wearing masks are getting covid there, again. But that's completely anecdotal as far as I know. However, given the population density in NYC it would be understandable that any airborne communicable illness would spread more...
  17. PureX

    Religious Zealotry

    Many of the original European settlers coming to North America were either expelled from their homelands because they were considered religious zealots, or they were expelled by religious zealots that would no longer tolerate their different religious views at home. Such that the founders of...
  18. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    It's not God's influence that presents society a problem. It's individuals that take it upon themselves to decide what God wants, who is sinning against God and how, and that they need to be punished for their sins. It's the religious zealots among us that think they are in charge of deciding...
  19. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    Oh, you mean like those 5 republican appointed SC justices that lied to Congress and the American people to cheat the system and gain seats on the court so they could force their religious and political views into law? If they had told the truth about their "values" they would never have been...
  20. PureX

    Stolen Valor - the glory of liars

    No, good men (and women) do. Good politicians do the jobs they were appointed and/or elected to do. Which will not always comport with their chosen religious ideology or principals. And if they cannot fulfill the responsibilities of their political office because to do so would unacceptably...