Here it comes again


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Hall of Fame
A friend of mine that lives in NYC recently commented that people not wearing masks are getting covid there, again. But that's completely anecdotal as far as I know. However, given the population density in NYC it would be understandable that any airborne communicable illness would spread more easily, there, among those who choose not to wear a mask.

After all, many Japanese people have been wearing masks, in their bigger cities, since long before the pandemic, for that very reason. It's just common sense after all. And in the future, I will always wear a mask on airplanes. Because I know from past experience that flying in planes is a very easy way to catch colds, flu, and other viral infections.
Masks don't do anything. They didn't even help the Asians against viruses.


Well-known member
Masks don't do anything. They didn't even help the Asians against viruses.
Well, that's just silly. Why do you think doctors wear masks and gloves when operating on patients? I work in a large, busy dental facility, and everyone that engages with the patients there have always worn masks and gloves to help prevent the spread of infection to both the patients and the staff.


Teenage Adaptive Ninja Turtle
Hall of Fame
My experience is exactly the same, I haven't had cold or flu since this thing began.
There is a theory out there that SARS-CoV-2 affected the coronavirus environment to an extent, diminishing the instances of other strains.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
There is a theory out there that SARS-CoV-2 affected the coronavirus environment to an extent, diminishing the instances of other strains.
I just wonder if the masks do just enough to reduce the viral load of all these critters, knocking it down by 50% or 90% or whatever, but down to a level where my immune system is actually strong enough that I'm literally actually immune. I'm sure my loose fitting and comfortable cloth mask does very little ultimately, but I'm just as certain that it does do something. Whatever it's doing is helping. I've probably been exposed to plenty of cold and flu (and probably Covid too), but not enough of a load where I even experienced any symptoms. My immune system probably just stomped the things without fanfare.

(I'm ruling out social distancing as the major factor here because I've always been a social distancer, I just didn't know it before I started estimating how far away I was from other people. Never would have thought of it if not for Covid.)


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Masks might only offer 20% protection, but when you've got a virus multiplying exponentially, 20% protection from person to person can slow the spread of a pandemic 10x.
Ouch! You just ran face first into the graphs that prove you wrong. You should stop denying science.

User Name

Greatest poster ever
Ouch! You just ran face first into the graphs that prove you wrong. You should stop denying science.
Ouch! The science proves you wrong all over the place:



"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
And I figured it went without saying, but as little as my mask might protect me from you, it (even being a loosely fitting cloth mask) does a lot to protect you from me, if I'm ever even a bit contagious.


Well-known member
Yes, that's part of what it means to trust in Christ.
Why not trust also in the medicines He has provided for our health?
If a disease does get you, God will say..."Why didn't you use the medicines I provided for you?"
No. Whether I get sick or not, God has very little to do with it.
I can't agree.
God doesn't micromanage my life, nor the consequences to my actions.
And again, in order to build my God-given immune system, getting sick is part of the process. If I die, then I die, but God isn't the one who killed me.
You killed yourself.
Jesus would often cite the news of the day to teach a lesson. One lesson in particular is relevant here:

There were present at that season some who told Him about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mingled with their sacrifices. And Jesus answered and said to them, “Do you suppose that these Galileans were worse sinners than all other Galileans, because they suffered such things? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish. Or those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish.” - Luke 13:1-5

The Galileans were not killed because they were worse sinners than other Galileans, nor did the 18 in Siloam die because they sinned.
Jesus said they didn't, pointing out that sometimes things happen that aren't punishments from God.
So what it seems you are saying s that you are willing to risk the death by taking no responsible measures on your own behalf.
Russian Roulette Health Care.
In the same way, if in the process of building up my immune system, I get sick and die, it's not a punishment from God, I didn't "tempt fate," as it were, nor did I "tempt God," but it was simply coincidence.
You made yourself a god.


Well-known member
In your philosophy just living life is "kinda daring God" as life itself has inherent risks. Trusting Him rather than men is what He tells us to do. Somehow you appear to forget his counsel as to how we are to live our lives
Doesn't he tell us to obey the authorities? (Titus 3:1, Rom 13:3))
To pray for all in charge?
If God is blessing those in charge, as we have been praying for that very thing, why ignore their advice?

Gary K

New member
It doesn't work that way. I am 65 years old. My immune system is as built up against colds and flu as much as it will ever be, and yet I can still catch them from other people, especially sitting in an enclosed space like a plane. I know this from experience. So in the future, I will wear a mask on planes to help avoid doing so. And your (or anyone else) telling me I shouldn't is no different from the government telling me I should. It's my decision, and that's my choice.
Nobody is telling you that you can't wear a mask. That's your choice. It's like I asked you is your belief based on evidence or guesswork? Can you prove to yourself that what you think is actually true? Have you actually studied the subject? If not why not?
I wish seat belts had been around when my baby sister got thrown into the dash-board during a near wreck my mom was in. (1956)

Some folks think their own panels of experts are wiser than the expert panels of others.
It is up to us to do what is best for both ourselves and for those around us.

You seem to just abhor being told what to do.
I bet you had a good time in school.
I can understand your pain but does your pain mean the government needs to force everyone to wear them? That is the trouble. It's like that with many issues around the subject of liberty. The more government enforcement of regulations there are the more freedom of choice is restricted and thus liberty is restricted.

Our founding fathers lived in a world with far greater daily dangers than we face and they desired the liberty not the overarching government "protection". Many gave up their lives and fortunes for the liberty they desired and passed on that liberty to us. That is a gift we cannot treat with indifference. The longer we treat it with indifference the more it is taken from us and it is far too precious to lose. And it is being taken from us every day.

Gary K

New member
Doesn't he tell us to obey the authorities? (Titus 3:1, Rom 13:3))
To pray for all in charge?
If God is blessing those in charge, as we have been praying for that very thing, why ignore their advice?
So every politician is following God's will? To pray for someone is far different from obeying them. Did Paul obey the Jews? Did Paul obey Nero? Of course he didn't. You're conflating issues that have nothing to do with each other.


Well-known member
So every politician is following God's will?
Not at all.
To pray for someone is far different from obeying them.
Did Paul obey the Jews?
Yes, in every righteous measure.
Did Paul obey Nero?
I have no idea.
Of course he didn't. You're conflating issues that have nothing to do with each other.
Paul did obey God though.
And I will continue to pray for the leaders He has installed to bring about our good.
If that good involves obeying guidelines on disease prevention, I am happy to comply without all the whining and rebelliousness I see here.

Gary K

New member
Not at all.


Yes, in every righteous measure.

I have no idea.

Paul did obey God though.
And I will continue to pray for the leaders He has installed to bring about our good.
If that good involves obeying guidelines on disease prevention, I am happy to comply without all the whining and rebelliousness I see here.
List all those righteous measures.

Your reasoning is specious. In your reasoning the very enemies of God trying their best to destroy God's church were obeying God. Odd. You're going to have to provide scriptural evidence for this exceedingly bizarre claim.


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Why not trust also in the medicines

We're talking about masks, not medicines.

He has provided for our health?

God didn't directly provide medicine for us.

If a disease does get you, God will say..."Why didn't you use the medicines I provided for you?"

No, He won't.

I can't agree.

Too bad.

You killed yourself.


So what it seems you are saying that you are willing to risk the death

Rather, I'm not afraid of dying.

by taking no responsible measures on your own behalf.

Building up my immune system isn't responsible?

What planet do YOU come from?

Russian Roulette Health Care.


You made yourself a god.

No, I haven't, and bearing false witness is a sin, Hoping. Retract your false accusation, please.


Well-known member
Hall of Fame
Ouch! The science proves you wrong all over the place:

Back in 2021 he could hide behind unknowns. But the graphs are out, and masks don't matter.