Here it comes again

Gary K

New member
I personally know people who were stricken with polio who would hit you square in the head with their crutches for even thinking this let alone publishing it.
Good for you. Don't do any research to find out the truth, just assume I'm wrong as you always do.


Gary K

New member
I personally know people who were stricken with polio who would hit you square in the head with their crutches for even thinking this let alone publishing it.

If the vaccine was so effective why did they get polio? I'm responsible for that? Just like today's "vaccines" they did nothing to stop the disease. Shooting the messenger is really effective way to discover truth.

Here is a link to a copy of a book that actually shows the advertising slogans then in use and demonstrates then existing treatments and what came to be the new ways of treating polio. Treatments such as massaging muscles to releive pain and misalignment rather than breaking kids legs to straighten them which leaves the kid a cripple for the rest of his life.


Gary K

New member
BECAUSE THEY DIDN'T GET THE VACCINE. You called them "wise".
Wise. Just like taking the so-called "vaccines" for the corona virus makes those who take them even more likely to die from it. In fact those who take the jabs have basically no immune systems left. Vaccines have never been as they are advertised. They are a profit center for pharmaceutical companies. and always have been from the beginning.

The information is out there. Books have been written on the con surrounding vaccines beginning in the early 1900s. Vaccines started from the superstitions of pagan worshipers. But if a person refuses to study the subject because they think everything associated with the beginnings of vaccines is all fake how can they ever learn the truth?

Gary K

New member
Let me tell you my current experience with medications versus natural healing.

I have an infection in my foot which is a serious thing for a diabetic. The medications prescribed have done nothing. I'll tell you what has been working though. I have been applying a colloidal silver gel topically. In 5 minutes it removes all heat from the infection for up to 12 hours at a time. When applied it also stops and reverses the red lines moving up my foot that the prescriptions allow to keep growing.

I trust the colloidal silver far more than I do the guesses that the doctors make because it proves itself to work. I suppose that makes me an even greater wild eyed radical for taking charge of my own treatment protocol rather than just blindly following what a doctor does. That has been my experience over my life time. The medical profession is often just blindly following what big pharma tells them to do.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Let me tell you my current experience with medications versus natural healing.
No. Let's go back to my friends who contracted polio because they didn't get the polio vaccine. They have lived for decades without their legs working right. They have to use crutches just to ambulate. Have they struggled through and prospered in their lives in spite of their polio-induced disability? sure. All other things being equal, would they all choose to have their legs back to normal again? Yes. No hesitation. If they had gotten the polio vaccine they would have normal legs, and they would have had normal legs for like 60 years, instead of the busted up legs that they had and still have. And you're saying that they're wise to have not gotten the vaccine. And I'm telling you they'd want to pop you on your skull with their cane for saying that.

Gary K

New member
No. Let's go back to my friends who contracted polio because they didn't get the polio vaccine. They have lived for decades without their legs working right. They have to use crutches just to ambulate. Have they struggled through and prospered in their lives in spite of their polio-induced disability? sure. All other things being equal, would they all choose to have their legs back to normal again? Yes. No hesitation. If they had gotten the polio vaccine they would have normal legs, and they would have had normal legs for like 60 years, instead of the busted up legs that they had and still have. And you're saying that they're wise to have not gotten the vaccine. And I'm telling you they'd want to pop you on your skull with their cane for saying that.
No. That is your assumption which you cannot prove to be true. But why investigate because someone already told you what you desire to believe. It's a far cry from question all things and prove all things which is called critical thinking.

You are responding. with emotion rather than reason which always leads us down the garden path. It's a human failing used by those who desire to manipulate us.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
No. That is your assumption which you cannot prove to be true. But why investigate because someone already told you what you desire to believe. It's a far cry from question all things and prove all things which is called critical thinking.

You are responding. with emotion rather than reason which always leads us down the garden path. It's a human failing used by those who desire to manipulate us.
Polio was eradicated. Nobody imagined that happening. It's not coincidental that it was after the polio vaccine.


Well-known member
Those who refused the polio vaccine were wise. The year the polio vaccine was released the medical diagnosis of polio changed greatly. It made it many times harder foe a doctor to diagnose polio. Before the symptom needed to diagnose paralysis was a period of stiffness lasting 24 hours. That then changed to a period of 30 consecutive days. Think that changed the numbers of polio cases?
I know the disease has all but vanished from the world, thanks to the vaccine.
The next thing that changed was the outlawing of DDT. The advertising for DDT was that it was good for you and you needed to put it between your sheets. sprinkle it on your food, your window sills, etc.... The local governments used to spray crowds at the beaches with it to kill mosquitos. Know what the symptoms of DDT poisoning are? Exactly the same as polio.

The third change made was that there were a group of seven diseases that were all diagnosed as polio. A doctor was not required to differentiate between them. After the vaccine was released before a polio diagnosis could be made a doctor was required to eliminate all the other diseases first.

Post vaccine it was orders of magnitude harder to diagnose polio. But our wonderful health authorities have tnever officially told us these things and neither has our strictly conscientious media. A few doctors did the research and a couple have published books on it but other than that, crickets.

Gary K

New member
I know the disease has all but vanished from the world, thanks to the vaccine.

No you don't. The actual evidence says otherwise. It says peoples immune systems are being destroyed, kids are dying in many times any previous levels from heart attacks, highly trained athletes are dropping dead on the fields of play 22x faster than than at any time in history, miscarriages are happening at many times historical numbers, little girls and old women are bleeding as if they are in childbearing ages, the number of deaths and vaccine injuries in VAERS are being recorded in numbers exceeding all previous records in less than 2 years, and much more.

Gary K

New member

Okay I'll bite

Sure, doesn't everybody?
Serious question. The media pushes it, transgenderism, homosexuality, fully supports Joe, fully supports the political left and denies anything supported by conservatives, is all in favor of punishing Jan 6 attendees, hates liberty, etc....

Upon what foundation do you base your belief that they tell you the truth on anything.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Serious question. The media pushes it, transgenderism, homosexuality, fully supports Joe, fully supports the political left and denies anything supported by conservatives, is all in favor of punishing Jan 6 attendees, hates liberty, etc....

Upon what foundation do you base your belief that they tell you the truth on anything.
Because the truth exists. Somebody's reporting on it. Even "lewrockwelldotcom" refers and alludes to headline news stories more authoritatively documented by peak quality news organizations. "lewrockwelldotcom" has its own peculiar takes, but the headline stories they're all talking about are the same.

It's not like historically important events aren't happening. It's not like the WSJ and the NYT are making up world events from whole cloth. Especially when they agree on what the world events are. They too, along with "lewrockwelldotcom" have their own peculiar takes. But we already know the WSJ electioneers for Republican ideology, and the NYT electioneers for Democratic ideology. You sift out the slant, by comparing the two sources. Where they overlap, you can be pretty confident it's true. Where they diverge that's probably the electioneering, rhetoric and narrative. But that leaves still a lot of actual truthful reporting.