Here it comes again

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
Serious question. The media pushes it, transgenderism, homosexuality, fully supports Joe, fully supports the political left and denies anything supported by conservatives, is all in favor of punishing Jan 6 attendees, hates liberty, etc....

Upon what foundation do you base your belief that they tell you the truth on anything.
Donald Trump embraced the LGBTQ community.

Gary K

New member
He brings transgenderism into a discussion about Ukraine, and pedophilia into a discussion about wearing masks in a pandemic.

He's not well.
LOL. This is a thread in which what the media says is questioned. I know because I started it. You're not not well when you cannot even understand the reason for the question.

I originally asked the question of someone who says he is a conservative and yet believes a lot of what the media says. I didn't ask the question of someone of your political stripe as I well know your answer without asking your side of the political aisle.


Well-known member
Serious question. The media pushes it, transgenderism, homosexuality, fully supports Joe, fully supports the political left and denies anything supported by conservatives, is all in favor of punishing Jan 6 attendees, hates liberty, etc....

Upon what foundation do you base your belief that they tell you the truth on anything.
Joe is fully on board Satan's ship to hell. He does not honor God, does not obey God, and does not believe God's word. He is a rebel against God and promotes evil like a circus barker.



Well-known member
No you don't. The actual evidence says otherwise. It says peoples immune systems are being destroyed, kids are dying in many times any previous levels from heart attacks, highly trained athletes are dropping dead on the fields of play 22x faster than than at any time in history, miscarriages are happening at many times historical numbers, little girls and old women are bleeding as if they are in childbearing ages, the number of deaths and vaccine injuries in VAERS are being recorded in numbers exceeding all previous records in less than 2 years, and much more.
Head for your bunker...the sky IS falling !

Gary K

New member
Serious question. The media pushes it, transgenderism, homosexuality, fully supports Joe, fully supports the political left and denies anything supported by conservatives, is all in favor of punishing Jan 6 attendees, hates liberty, etc....

Upon what foundation do you base your belief that they tell you the truth on anything.
I like how I like how Idolater runs and hides like a little girl now after all his cowardly attacks on me. Not enough integrity to own his own words.

Arthur Brain

Well-known member
I like how I like how Idolater runs and hides like a little girl now after all his cowardly attacks on me. Not enough integrity to own his own words.
Maybe he's got better things to do at present than respond to you. That even occur? Can hardly blame him...

Oh, and "you like how you like"? Might wanna edit that word salad.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
I like how I like how Idolater runs and hides like a little girl now after all his cowardly attacks on me. Not enough integrity to own his own words.
You quote your own post #78 my post #79 right afterward 12 minutes later answers it directly, quoting it and you, if I'm "a little girl" then what are you senile?


Catholic Crusader

Kyrie Eleison
I don't remember where I posted it but I predicted that masks, lockdowns, etc... were not over as the tactic of temporary restoration of freedom and then the return of big time oppression breaks the will of a population to resist authoritarianism. Well, here is the evidence of the return of masking orders.

This is why we conservatives must go more above and beyond any previous effort to win in November. We need to win in insane landslides. And those who vote for third parties must vote OP in 2022 and 2024 because these Democrats must be defeated in an amazing landslide

Gary K

New member
You quote your own post #78 my post #79 right afterward 12 minutes later answers it directly, quoting it and you, if I'm "a little girl" then what are you senile?

Oh, yeah. I'm the senile one because I don't run to proven liars to find out what to believe. You're the one who does that. I've never found liars to be trustworthy and I have never known anyone who did. Yet you run to liars spinning their webs 24/7 and think that makes you wise. There is no basis for such a belief in the history of mankind.

Gary K

New member
I have a little story to tell about what the hospital did to our granddaughter when she had a baby this last weekend. They said she had contracted the coronavirus and sent her to a hospital approximately 100 miles away. They told her this hospital would be monitoring both her and her baby as it was premature. So she gets to the hospital and other than checking her they don't even talk to her. She called the nurses station time and again and they repeatedly tell her someone will be there in a few minutes. However most of the day goes by and no one shows up. When someone does show up they tell her they need to give her an injection of blood thinner. They give her an injection. Blood thinner injections are given in the stomach area. This injection was put in her arm and had almost immediate consequences. It left a mark like a tattoo, caused big time inflammation and made her arm very sore and it is still sore. Those are the hallmarks of an mrna injection NOT a blood thinner.

The further problem with all of this is that pcr test cannot diagnose any disease. Kary Mullis, who invented the test made this very clear. The way the test works is that it is given a string of dna to look for but it cannot do anything other than say yea or nay. It's a go no go test. If the result is positive it cannot tell you if there is more than one string of that dna in your body or even if that string is from a complete entity. It could be from a virus or germ that your bodies immune system has destroyed and the test would never know that. All it knows is that it found the dna string it was programmed to look for.

The entire plandemic is a scam as everything to do with is is the fruit of the same poisoned tree. So why do people stick their hads in the sand and deny everything as the evidence has been being shown for the last two years? The only answer that I know of is brainwashing/hypnosis on a massive scale called mass formation psychosis. It causes those affected by it so much anxiety that they refuse to even look at the evidence.


Well-known member
I have a little story to tell about what the hospital did to our granddaughter when she had a baby this last weekend. They said she had contracted the coronavirus and sent her to a hospital approximately 100 miles away. They told her this hospital would be monitoring both her and her baby as it was premature. So she gets to the hospital and other than checking her they don't even talk to her. She called the nurses station time and again and they repeatedly tell her someone will be there in a few minutes. However most of the day goes by and no one shows up. When someone does show up they tell her they need to give her an injection of blood thinner. They give her an injection. Blood thinner injections are given in the stomach area. This injection was put in her arm and had almost immediate consequences. It left a mark like a tattoo, caused big time inflammation and made her arm very sore and it is still sore. Those are the hallmarks of an mrna injection NOT a blood thinner.

The further problem with all of this is that pcr test cannot diagnose any disease. Kary Mullis, who invented the test made this very clear. The way the test works is that it is given a string of dna to look for but it cannot do anything other than say yea or nay. It's a go no go test. If the result is positive it cannot tell you if there is more than one string of that dna in your body or even if that string is from a complete entity. It could be from a virus or germ that your bodies immune system has destroyed and the test would never know that. All it knows is that it found the dna string it was programmed to look for.

The entire plandemic is a scam as everything to do with is is the fruit of the same poisoned tree. So why do people stick their hads in the sand and deny everything as the evidence has been being shown for the last two years? The only answer that I know of is brainwashing/hypnosis on a massive scale called mass formation psychosis. It causes those affected by it so much anxiety that they refuse to even look at the evidence.
I am grieved for all those made to suffer needlessly because of irrational fears about covid. Some people who get covid will die. Most will not. Americans should get used to it and get over it and stop letting fascists in office strip them of their rights and force them to participate in dangerous or deadly experiments.

An old widow friend of mine is 88 years old. She lives alone in a house trailer and refuses to go to assisted living facilities. I make it a point to visit her once a week if possible, even though she lives about an hour's driving distance from me. I called her one day and she was in bad shape so I called the rescue people in her area and they took her to the hospital. That was one morning while I was at work. I also called her pastor to see if he could check up on her but later found out that he did not find it possible.

I called the hospital after I got off work late that day and found out she had been diagnosed with covid, but not admitted. I asked what they intended to do with her and they said they were sending her back home. The hospital was at a considerable distance from me so I called her preacher again to see if he could go pick her up and taker her back home. He said he couldn't do it and neither could anyone else in the congregation. I think they must have all been afraid of getting covid.

I drove to the hospital to get her myself. She was sitting in the waiting room with a pillow and blanket where she said she had been for at least 12 hours. She had not eaten. She had not been given a cot or bed to lie down on. I felt so sorry for her. I got her in my car and took her home. She recovered in a few days and we ate breakfast together in good health 5 days after her ordeal.


"Matthew 16:18-19" Dispensationalist (Catholic) χρ
Oh, yeah. I'm the senile one because I don't run to proven liars to find out what to believe. You're the one who does that. I've never found liars to be trustworthy and I have never known anyone who did. Yet you run to liars spinning their webs 24/7 and think that makes you wise. There is no basis for such a belief in the history of mankind.

Right Divider

Body part
Well, that's just silly. Why do you think doctors wear masks and gloves when operating on patients?
Not to stop airborne viruses that are too small to be stopped by masks.

Doctors wear masks to stop blood splashes, etc.
I work in a large, busy dental facility, and everyone that engages with the patients there have always worn masks and gloves to help prevent the spread of infection to both the patients and the staff.
Again, their masks do not stop these ultra-tiny airborne viruses.


Hall of Fame
Let me tell you my current experience with medications versus natural healing.

I have an infection in my foot which is a serious thing for a diabetic. The medications prescribed have done nothing. I'll tell you what has been working though. I have been applying a colloidal silver gel topically. In 5 minutes it removes all heat from the infection for up to 12 hours at a time. When applied it also stops and reverses the red lines moving up my foot that the prescriptions allow to keep growing.

I trust the colloidal silver far more than I do the guesses that the doctors make because it proves itself to work. I suppose that makes me an even greater wild eyed radical for taking charge of my own treatment protocol rather than just blindly following what a doctor does. That has been my experience over my life time. The medical profession is often just blindly following what big pharma tells them to do.

Nice story. Yay for you. Diabetic here as well. When I get so much as a what looks like an infection on my foot, I see my physician ASAP. I am prescribed antibiotics which always work.

After my diabetic brother waited to have his foot treated
by a doctor,, he lost his leg up to his knee.

The next go around with another foot infection, he waited too long. I lost another sibling due to his own stubbornness. In his case, it was his fear that killed him, not some macho, anti-science stubbornness.

Insofar as you shrugging off the health and welfare of others with your vaccine refusal, no one can lecture you into caring about the health and welfare of children, the elderly or other adults.

Right Divider

Body part
Insofar as you shrugging off the health and welfare of others with your vaccine refusal, no one can lecture you into caring about the health and welfare of children, the elderly or other adults.
Getting vaccinated is NO protection for anyone ELSE.

People that are vaccinated can still get COVID and can still give it to others. I should know... my double-vaccinated wife gave me COVID.

So get down from your high horse and get over yourself.
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Well-known member
Getting vaccinated is NO protection for anyone ELSE.

People that are vaccinated can still get COVID and can still give it to others. I should know... my double-vaccinated wife gave me COVID.

So get down from your high horse and get over yourself.
Just think, had you been vaccinated, you may not have ben sickened by covid at all.