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  1. F

    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    Dispensationalism was codified a couple of hundred years ago but was really an outgrowth of a larger movement from which it sprang. It is of greater antiquity than, say, Seventh Day Adventism or the Charismatic movement but it is still somewhat of a new kid on the block as compared to...
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    Yes, it is not proper forum etiquette to derail a thread with introduction of a subject that would more appropriately have it's own thread. However, you asked for an example of what I was proposing and I complied with your request.
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    This occurred several months ago.
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    Yes. The point was contained in the post.
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    It applies to everyone here. Myself included. You're right. I think the subject worthy of it it's own thread as well. I tried to offer one and management removed it. That said I think it telling that you couldn't answer the question.
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    There are two resurrections. Who is in the first, who is in the second and why?
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    Offer your thoughts and if anyone disagrees go to scripture to make your point.
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    I was hoping you would see the point that Saul was supremely confident in the righteousness of his cause and the accuracy of his doctrine only to be blinded/humbled and given an new name and doctrine. Where is Saul to Paul when you need him?
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    That's probably the primary reason so many of us quit posting here. It became increasingly pointless. And, please understand, I'm not singling out TOL. All the Christian forum's fell into the same trap. I was so excited by the advent of the internet and forums for the teaching/learning...
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    Physical wounds heal much more quickly than emotional wounds. For an emotional wound to heal one must learn to forgive and that's much easier for some than others. We can spend days and months and years replaying the wrong done to us and in so doing we fill a bag that gets harder and harder to...
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    Yes, it's an apparent dichotomy that we can all agree that the Word of God is true and have such variances among us as to what it says. I liken the word of God to a Rubik's cube. We get one side of the thing one color and get happy with our accomplishment and then someone comes along and points...
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    Being self aware is a necessary first step in the learning process. That's why pain is such a good teacher. It makes you self aware very quickly. If you can learn to be self aware of your own volition you can often avoid the necessity of physical/emotional pain.
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    I would hasten to agree. My post that was deleted was comprised of 95 % scripture. At what point do we go from having a problem with what someone has said to having a problem with scripture. As I have often said, most people's Bible would comfortably fit in a manila folder. It's an unfortunate...
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    ...and who is the arbiter of that? You? Saul of Tarsus? Saul was taught by a man named Gamaliel. I like his advice to his fellow believers concerning the fledgling faith being proffered by the apostles: Acts 5: 34Then stood there up one in the council, a Pharisee, named Gamaliel, a doctor of...
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    ECT The new rules for the Exclusively Christian forum

    This thread is nearly 20 years old now and, posting under the sobriquet of "Mateo", I offered congrats for the decisions of management at the time on the first page of this thread. This thread is the result of management dealing with what I would term the "Sozo wars" that saw him and "Freak"...
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    What Would Be The Essential Components of Ensuring Eternal Life in Heaven.

    What Would Be The Essential Components of Ensuring Eternal Life in Heaven. ummm ... the meek shall inherit what?
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    NT use of OT scripture

    This is a part of the puzzle. If we truly want to understand the subject of the kingdom of God I think it wise to gather as much scripture as we can identify that pertains to it and let them speak as a whole.
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    NT use of OT scripture

    Okay, let me try this again. Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. "Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it in heaven." You...
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    NT use of OT scripture

    John 18:36 Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.
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    About Those Chemtrails ...

    Since this last post, in the interim, there has been an interesting documentary offered that finally documents what is being dispersed in our skies and by whom.