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  1. F

    ECT The Mark, The Number and the Name

    Okay, so here were are six years later and we're looking at vaccine passports and Bitcoin ... our President is suggesting a move to a digital currency the World Economic Council has made it pretty plain that they want a digital world currency as well. Any thoughts on how we are going to access...
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    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Mic 5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall he come forth unto me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth have been from of old, from everlasting.
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    NT use of OT scripture

    Ps 22:1 My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Mat 27:46 And about the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?
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    Are you Going to Heaven?

    Wish you were Jesus.
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    What a real reporter looks like ...
  6. F

    This Martian landscape looks like the American desert ... ... likely because it IS the American Desert.
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    How Do You Unsubscribe From A Thread?

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    To My Caltholic Friends ...

    Not to pick on you ... as most who offer a denominational preference wind up having to apologize for some nut who purports to represent them but, come on now, is this not just a little beyond the pale? Please read the whole interview. This person is a wholly political creature with what might...
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    Some Heroes Have More Than Two Legs ...
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    ECT The Mark, The Number and the Name

    Three different things by which commerce will be controlled by the Beast. The Mark: The Number...
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    About Those Chemtrails ...

    I haven't held forth on this subject to date but I grew up when a "Con Trail", short for condensation trail, could be seen to form and quickly dissipate behind jets. Some time ago a very different phenomenon appeared issuing from some but not all jets. They would produce trails that did not...
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    Most Ironic Song Titles Ever ...

    Happiness Is A Warm Gun ... John Lennon
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    Nori, get to bed ...

    ... and you too Tom O.
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    ECT Fzappa13's POTD

    This one deserves its own thread.
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    Grandma Lucy

    13 years here and I did not know of such a person until I was gifted with a subscription. I would not want her job. :nono: She (?) must have drawn the short straw.
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    A Nice Night

    Having struggled to get the kids to bed and having settled into pecking on my computer I heard my daughter's voice from her bedroom and went to take another run at putting her to bed when I spied her reading the Bible to her mother ... ... I slunk back to my computer.
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    Hey , Manc ...

    You're a Brit. What do you make of this?
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    Dear Lon

    I find it more than just a little humorous that TH is being lauded for complaining about an offense against symbols. Only on TOL …
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    MUSLIM TERRORISTS RAMPAGE IN BAKERSFIELD At approximately 10:00 a.m. MST a group of a six Syrian men claiming to be members of ISIS stormed into the local IHOP restaurant in Bakersfield, California and began randomly attacking the patrons gouging their eyes out with spoons while shouting “Allah...
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