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  1. F

    The Two Resurrections

    From your own lips you have refused to acknowledge Christ as your king. I would suggest that you reconsider but ... to each his own.
  2. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Okay, now that I have offered what I intended to concerning the two resurrections I will now turn to some of the ancillary offerings to this thread. "The book of Revelation is all about the restoration of Israel." You've made an assertion but you have offered no scriptural backing for said...
  3. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Returning to Rev 20 we move past the thousand year reign of Christ and His 1st resurrection saints to what has become known as the white throne judgement. 11And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place...
  4. F

    The Two Resurrections

    I think the term "offended" might be a little wide of the mark. "Amused" would be a little closer. Given that the Apostle to the Gentiles said we know NOTHING now as we should one would think his followers would be a little more reticent as it concerns being the arbiters of all scriptural truth...
  5. F

    The Two Resurrections

    I have a very VERY precious friend that is SDA. You may rest assured we have been round and round as it concerns the subject of his chosen seasoning. I would prefer not to do that here. Is there no one here interested in the resurrections? (Hats off to Tam)
  6. F

    The Two Resurrections

    If you will let me finish this one I will.
  7. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Well, He's coming here to rule and reign forever. What are you doing up there? How about we start a thread on the subject?
  8. F

    The Two Resurrections

    That's my point/lament. Most everyone has their exception. All that varies is who it is. One is of Paul, another of Apollos and on and on we go never heeding Paul's admonition. It's like we can't just consume the Bible in it's purity ... we have to have some sort of seasoning/leaven to make it...
  9. F

    The Two Resurrections

    ...except Martin Luther, what ever Pope, Jim Jones, The Bob, John Nelson Darby, Hellen White, Charles Taze Russel, David Koresh, Ellen White etc., etc., etc,. At what point are we going to stop accepting substitutes?
  10. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Although I'm tempted to succumb to your third attempt to derail this thread I'm going to decline the invitation. If you have any genuine interest in discussing your latest offering please, by all means, start a thread. In the mean time I am going to attempt to finish this one.
  11. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Is Christ not your king as well?
  12. F

    The Two Resurrections

    According to the scriptures offered here those reigning with Christ in His millennial kingdom will be those who paid with their life for their faith, or, made it through the great tribulation without bending a knee to Satan (You know the litany; mark, number, name). Not only do I not find this...
  13. F

    Abraham plants a Tamrisk tree

    A land mark?
  14. F

    Search the scriptures

    Well , to put a finer point on my comment, Bullinger didn't put anything of his doctrinal opinions in the margins at all until near the end of the Bible. In that respect his actions were inconsistent. I'm sure his opinions were consistent with what he believed.
  15. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Armed with the knowledge gathered from the preceding passages we can better appreciate some other passages that contain details about the first resurrection that are often overlooked. Here is a very famous one. 1 Thes: 4 14For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them also...
  16. F

    Is death just another life?

    We control where we point the light of our consciousness and I for one spend that time looking at far more ugliness that I should trying to stay abreast of the times. Perhaps that's why I have returned here. It's an excuse to focus more on the Word of God and that is always a solace.
  17. F

    Search the scriptures

    One of the things I really like about it is all the blank pages at the end of it. An open invitation to make your own appendix that I took full advantage of. It kind of got to be an friendly competition to see if I could spot things he missed. He was remarkably dispassionate in his marginal...
  18. F

    Have you seen this?

    Sad to say, if you want to maintain your existence here in the future you had better be prepared to secure your own food source. Easy enough out here in the country. Pretty tough in the city ... but then again ... Bible students already know the city is no place to be in the end times.
  19. F

    Is death just another life?

    I do too but less and less often. That's one of the benefits of getting old. A couple of months ago a fellow I tried to get prosecuted for his crimes against my community took a swipe at me with his truck as I came out of the grocery store. I yelled " F you" before I had time to think about it...
  20. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Ah, the "true" meaning of scripture. Sure, I'm into that but, once again, this thread is intended to be a scriptural look into the two resurrections. I'm sure a scriptural look at the term "Son of man" is worthy of our consideration. Indeed I was thinking about that very term earlier today. May...