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  1. F

    The Two Resurrections

    And what has that got to do with the price of rice in China?
  2. F

    Is death just another life?

    Around these parts it's referred to as "truth smacking" and has been encouraged at this site from it's inception. Pick most any thread you want and read the initial post. It usually concerns some matter that might be reasonably thought to be of some interest to the body. Then skip to the end and...
  3. F

    The Two Resurrections

    REVELATION 19 I am sorry to offer such a large chunk of scripture all at once but I would not want to be said to have lifted the three points germane to the subject of this thread out of context. To make it a little more digestible I'd Like to break this up into three sections to address these...
  4. F

    Search the scriptures

    True that but it's warts are well documented. It's one of the reasons I prefer Bullinger's Companion Bible. It notes translation errors/omissions in the margins and has the original notes to the Masoretic text as well. Huge cool appendix also. Handy.
  5. F


    It's one of the reasons I showed back up here after such a long hiatus. The hour grows short and I felt the need to brush up. You can do that all by yourself and I have but, you know the word "metal sharpens metal."
  6. F


    Well, he is called "the accuser or the brethren". Evidently that's one of the duties of his office. Reviewing this thread it reminded me of the value of chasing words and phrases across the Bible. Interesting things reveal themselves when you take the time to do it.
  7. F


    On behalf of my self and possibly one or more others ... thanks for that. Looking forward to a thread about the afore mentioned gals.
  8. F


    Are you going to summate or was that supposed to be self evident?
  9. F

    The Two Resurrections

    I see your point and I would hasten to agree that this is the preeminent resurrection. That is not to denigrate or belittle those that take part in the second. I fear that because of the entry fee charged for entrance into the "first" it finds few takers and almost no lip service in modern...
  10. F


    Funny ... I read that passage in the Bible and you easily understand it intellectually but it takes on a whole different meaning when you actually do it. That phenomenon birthed yet another mini denomination within the body some time ago.
  11. F

    The Two Resurrections

    God, in His infinite wisdom, has chosen to allow Satan and his angels access to heaven. However, they will eventually be evicted as we shall see in the passage below. There are some hints about the timing of this here as well. Rev 12: 7And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought...
  12. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Ah Tam ... that's a lofty aspiration. What do you say we let this thing gestate for a little while. Let me finish this thread and then maybe throw a feeler out for possible participants. I saw that Lovejoy posted here a couple of years ago and he was one of the original participants in the first...
  13. F


    I live to serve.
  14. F

    The Two Resurrections

    Myself and three other posters agreed to attempt to walk through Revelation a chapter at a time to share our different perspectives of it, at the behest of a 14 year old poster, some years ago and I'm sure you won't be surprised to learn that it was soon derailed in the way that most threads...
  15. F

    What and who did Paul preach?

    Be careful where you lay that down ... somebody's liable to trip over it.
  16. F

    What and who did Paul preach?

    Yes, Hebrews throws a wrench in a lot of people's theology. Who is a Jew? Ha!
  17. F

    What and who did Paul preach?

    It is unfortunate the lengths to which the dispensationist/Replacement Theology adherents have gone to bifurcate the tree they were grafted into.
  18. F

    What and who did Paul preach?

    Yes, tack was my intent but, the hour was late and the spellchecker here leaves something to be desired. Sailing is a uniquely rewarding experience that does require that you account for the wind ... much like you have to take your audience into account when trying to convey a thought. Yes, I'm...
  19. F

    Dispensationalism 101

    " this forum is intended to primarily discuss dispensationalism from the perspective that it is the correct biblical view." I'm not there so I shouldn't be here. bye
  20. F

    Dispensationalism 101

    Move this query to the Religion forum and I will comply with your request..